Thunder's Place

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BostonPump Contour Cylinder vs Regular Flared Cylinder

Thank you for the advices Lampwick and sta-kool!


Hey! What am I? Chopped liver?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Hey! What am I? Chopped liver?

I was thinking more of fois gras — thanks for the great advice on the standard and the Sleeve Master. At this point I will probably go with one or the other of those.

Did you get a chance to think about my other dumb-ass general question? I think it may have gotten lost in the hoop-la!

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I had the 1.75" which I used with my LA Dist Brass pump with a gauge, and then a year or so later (after I had been packing the tube regularly for a number of months with the 1.75"), I bought this package deal with a 2" cylinder and added the Sleeve Master (which I really like)

I’ll be starting with the 1.75" inch as well, so I wondered:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
— I know we are all different, but about how long did it take you to first start packing that tube? With about how many days a week and session times? I am kind of assuming this would take a year…just reality-checking.


OOPS — I see the Sleeve Master only comes in 2” and above. That knocks it out of the running, as I need 1.75”. Well at any rate I will make up my mind and order one of the previous cylinders today.

Am I ever the thread killer or what?

Anyway I decided to get the Standard 1.75”…it appears that there are similar silicone sleeves that will fit if need be.

Will update when I actually get.


Originally Posted by sta-kool
I was thinking more of fois gras


Now that’s rich!

Whoops, I missed this first go around:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
— I know we are all different, but about how long did it take you to first start packing that tube? With about how many days a week and session times? I am kind of assuming this would take a year…just reality-checking.

{Checks PE Data site}

For me, about six or seven months before packing the tube was a habitual occurrence.

You can use the Sleeve Master with a 1.75”, but it requires a little finesse. It is more designed for the 2” + cylinder.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy — thanks for the reply regarding packing. I was totally mystified by it. And I am surprised, that is not a very long time at all in the grand scheme of PE things.

Going to get all the gear ordered over the weekend or on Monday.

It looks like for the first couple months I will only be guaranteed enough private time for only two days a week. I think that should actually work out fine, given my plan to start real slow and at very low pressure at first. Just basically integrated those sessions into my “newbie” routine, exploring how the equipment works, and how my “equipment” responds to it.

My pumping regimen was largely what avocet, our resident pumping expert, recommended. I combined it with a stretching regimen as well: a PeniMaster until I switched to the VacExtender (which is way better).

I stopped pumping last year at this time and focused on other forms of PE (mostly hanging and ADS with the VacExtender head). I only recently resumed pumping, somewhat before buying the larger cylinder, the Sleeve Master, and the wet/dry pump.

I have not lost any girth in the year away.

When I came back to it I’ve pumped every morning in the shower. I did so even before getting the wet/dry pump (I just kept the pump away from the water).

I go in to the tube flaccid, pump up to 5 or 6 Hg, let myself slowly get erect in the tube (just from the Hg force). I let it hang out in there that way for about 8-10 minutes, release, then jelq slowly under warm water for about 5 minutes. I put a silicone, stretchy cock-ring on for this, after which I put on the VacExt ADS and I commute to work (about 40 minutes). I use the ADS for the remainder of the day. At night I’ve been using the VacExtender for several hours before going to bed.

That’s been it for a while.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
My pumping regimen was largely what avocet, our resident pumping expert, recommended. <SNIP>
When I came back to it I’ve pumped every morning in the shower. I did so even before getting the wet/dry pump (I just kept the pump away from the water).

I go in to the tube flaccid, pump up to 5 or 6 Hg, let myself slowly get erect in the tube (just from the Hg force). I let it hang out in there that way for about 8-10 minutes, release, then jelq slowly under warm water for about 5 minutes.

Actually that would work perfectly for me. It never occurred to me that you could pump in the shower. I am assuming you get the seal before the water goes on, right?

Really, thanks for posting that tip. It makes things a lot more doable these first few months.

I see also in another thread that Lampwick and clgp7 discuss doing a short session taking advantage of morning wood.

I’m 24, 6.2BPEL/4.9EG, have two hands and a pump. Suggest me a 1h routine, PLEASE!

Recently I’ve been getting woken up by noctural erections around 4 a.m. and not being able to go back to sleep. So I was thinking that I could do that.

But the shower solution might be all I need to worry about. Or maybe some kind of combination of the two in a split routine, as I often shower in the afternoon.

(P.S. avocet8’s Vacuum Pumping 101 is etched in my brain)

If you think of anything else or any other suggestions, keep ‘em coming…

I just want to mention, my morning shower regimen is only one set; in the year prior I had worked my way up to the three sets that avocet’s thread recommends, with Jelqing in between.

There’s also a morning and night approach that I tried for a few months.

I’ve been PEing in one form or another since 2001, so there’s been many changes along the way. It’s hard to keep track of it all. :D

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy — I want to thank you again for all the help you have given me, on this thread and others. I really do appreciate it. A LOT.

I got my gear ordered yesterday — Standard-design Boston cylinder, Harbor Freight Brass pump, appropriate male connector. I figured best to start with the basics, cylinder wise; I can try the contour when it is time to go up a size.

Again I will start very very slow, very short sessions, low low pressure. Then at some point begin the Pumping 101 protocol

I am going to transfer Lampwick’s and clgp7’s posts about morning pumping from that other thread I linked to before, as it is related to Mr. Happy’s tips in this thread.


Originally Posted by clgp7
About 2 or 3 weeks ago I started pumping in the morning when I wake up with morning wood. I get in the cylinder right away and do 2 10-15 min sessions. It seems like pumping the morning wood may be the ticket out of the plateau I seemed to be on. Better flaccid throughout the day, too. (in spite of the brutal cold winter we’re having…minus 2 at 6:30 this morning..brrrrrr) Give it a try.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
In past discussions on split sessions, I’ve thought that even one morning session to reinforce the morning wood was a good idea, and a session just before bedtime was good because the normally occurring erections in the course of the night would then reinforce the stretch of the pre-bedtime pump.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Lampwick and clgp7 — Do you worry about the the lack of warm up for the morning session? At least in my case, by the time I heated up a rice sock and applied it for 5 minutes morning wood would be gone…

Originally Posted by clgp7
Sta-kool, a good question, which I’ve considered. I’m fairly warmed up in bed. If I catch the great morning wood and start out fairly gradually then apply the rice sock once I’ve “captured” that woody it seems to work out well. I’m considering the better flaccid throughout the day as a positive PI. Don’t know if it’d work for everyone, but I’ve been pumping for a few years and have a pretty good intuitive feel for what’s happening with my penis.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I wouldn’t worry about losing morning wood because of taking time to heat up whatever you’re using to warm yourself up with. As Clgp7, I get out of bed warm, and for me, the advantage of pumping to take advantage of morning wood is not to pump while you’re still erect; it’s to pump after your penis has been warmed up and well stretched with erections over the course of the night. Frankly, if possible, I like to get my cup of morning coffee ready and then warm up the heat wrap and pump. There’s no better way to start the day.

And if there’s not quite as much time, I am not averse to going directly into the tube and wrapping the tube with the warm wrap while I drink my hot coffee, so, yes, I would consider that good enough. Keep in mind, though, that I frequently start at VERY low vacuum levels, as in just off the peg, and work my way up gradually from there over the course of the session. My peak vacuum seldom exceeds 3 inHg. (If I’m condom pumping, I may go up to 4 inHg.)

Just got my Boston standard tube on Thursday and I like it better than my LA Pump tube.

The Boston was a better deal but took longer to get it.

With the standard cyl. There is no way you can get the “Turkey Neck” because the opening of the

Tube is smaller than the tube itself. It’s what they call the built in cockring.

Just wanted to report that all of my gear arrived. The tubing and connector from McMaster came a couple of days after I ordered. The pump from Harbor Freight arrived on February 6th — their shipping takes a long time. The Boston Standard Cylinder arrived on February 7th. They had let me know that they were back-ordered and it shipped directly from the factory on Feb 4th.

The quality of the cylinder is very high = very well made.

I have some minor ambivalence about the “built-in cock-ring” of the standard cylinder. As rvman says, that means that the opening of the tube is narrower than the tube itself. Unlubed I can’t get thru the opening (well duh), lubed up it is a tight fit. Um I guess like a cock-ring. At any rate I wonder if it will affect packing the cylinder, as my base will be more constrained than the rest of my penis. Probably just newbie worries.

But there are two very good things about the “built-in cock-ring” — first as rvman says, you do not have to worry about your balls getting sucked into the cylinder. And second, it makes getting a good seal totally effortless.

You can see what the cock-ring looks like in this picture:

Basically the opening of the tube is slightly narrower. So I think my concerns are probably baseless. And the benefits are good.

I had left town on the 7th so the post office was holding the cylinder. I picked it up today. Was going to wait until tomorrow until trying it out. Ha Ha, I could not wait, so I did my first session today.

I went in with a nice warmed up erection. I spent about 7 minutes in the tube at about 2.5 HG. I did go up to 4 and 5 for a few seconds, but immediately went back to 2 or 2.5 as that was giving me a really nice pull.

I have to say that I loved it. I mean, I *really* loved it. I had thought I was going to like the feeling and I did. The feeling of the suction is very pleasurable to me. Additionally I enjoyed the way my penis looked under pressure, and very pleasantly surprised to see how engorged my glans got under pressure. It is like being able to quickly see the potential you have with PE — the future of your dick, so to speak, if you are willing to really commit to your PE routine.

It was so great I really wish I could go in again tonight. But I will follow Pumping 101 and limit myself to a single short session for a while.

Again thank you all for the help — you were great!

Well, my third day using this cylinder — again short session, 2.5HG, maybe a second or two at 3HG.

I gotta say it again, I love this cylinder. Getting a seal is effortless, no possibility at all of testicle suck-age. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


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