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BostonPump Contour Cylinder vs Regular Flared Cylinder


BostonPump Contour Cylinder vs Regular Flared Cylinder

I am trying to decide between these two cylinders as I put together my pumping system with the Harbor Freight pump.

Has anyone used the contour? I did a search and this is the most relevant thread I found.

Boston contour cylinder.

However there isn’t a definitive answer there.

I think the contour looks really comfortable. They say on the site that it offers stronger suction. That sounds good to me, but I wonder, since I have a bit of a "Turkey Neck" issue, if it would work for me. Or if I would be better off with the standard.

Here’s the contour:

Here’s the standard:

Here’s what the website says about them in case you don’t want to follow those links.

The most popular of all "Standard Series" with classic upward flared neck. Built in cockring, growth indicator and sophisticated automatic air valve. Hand crafted and hand polished in U.S.A.

ONLY AVAILABLE ON-LINE! The unique and sophisticated ergonometric design of these new cylinders fits the contour of your groin and lower body. They are snug & comfortable with much stronger suction.

Thanks all in advance for any advice/suggestions.

Guys — thanks for all the views — I sincerely appreciate it.

Seems like nobody has tried this cylinder out.

I think I will take the plunge, so to speak, and order one of the contour cylinders.

When I get it and have used it a few times, I will come back and write a review.

I have two of their standard ones and their silicone Sleeve Master.

I had the 1.75" which I used with my LA Dist Brass pump with a gauge, and then a year or so later (after I had been packing the tube regularly for a number of months with the 1.75"), I bought this package deal with a 2" cylinder and added the Sleeve Master (which I really like).

The pump in that package is a wet/dry pump, which allows the option of using water - which you can’t do with a gauge pump (obviously).

I’d recommend using a gauge if you are new to pumping, because it’s so easy to pump yourself past the 5 hg level if you don’t know how it’s supposed to feel. The brass mity-vac pumps with a gauge (like the LA Dist ones use) are better than the plastic ones that Boston or Kaplan sells, but Boston’s wet/dry pump is brass and a real work horse. I like having both. :)

Does that help?

Also, don’t short change the Newbie Routine, I still follow the basics there even with using the pump. I think the Newbie Routine is the best fundamental program. Done right it really helps the whole ‘penis health’ thing.

Obviously I’ve gotten some girth from the pump, but my best gains have been from the Newbie Routine.

If you have any questions, post ‘em. :)

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After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 01-09-2008 at .

I have the standard cylinder. Very comfortable, don’t have any problem with suction, and I like that built in cockring.

‘djufo’ - you just started pumping as a program i recall. You made good gains with jelq/stretch and believe hanging.

How is it going, as I last heard you were going to have alot more time on your hands.

Originally Posted by optimalss
‘djufo’ - you just started pumping as a program i recall. You made good gains with jelq/stretch and believe hanging.

How is it going, as I last heard you were going to have alot more time on your hands.

Forum Guidelines.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Guys — thanks for all the views — I sincerely appreciate it.

Seems like nobody has tried this cylinder out.

I think I will take the plunge, so to speak, and order one of the contour cylinders.

When I get it and have used it a few times, I will come back and write a review.

I’ll be interested in hearing how it goes!

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
If you have any questions, post ‘em. :)

Thanks Mr. Happy — very helpful. I am getting that brass Harbor Freight tools brake-bleeder pump that is talked about here:

Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

Apparently it is the same as the LA Dist Brass pump, has a gauge, etc.

Here’s the Harbor Freight link with a picture in case you haven’t seen it:

Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

My plan was to start late next month with a very light routine (say 5 minutes, 2HG) along with the newbie routine I am following. Then I plan to ease into the "pumping 101" protocol, still doing the newbie routine.

The goal for me with pumping is girth. I will be starting with the 1.75 cylinder as well.

So here goes with the questions:

— I know we are all different, but about how long did it take you to first start packing that tube? With about how many days a week and session times? I am kind of assuming this would take a year…just reality-checking.

And here is the real DUMB-ASS question … it embarrasses me to ask this. But then again I am at Thunder’s where we leave embarrassment at the log-in screen.

— I am hoping to not have to shave in order to get a good seal. (If I absolutely have to I will, but … ) However, I don’t have a problem though with trimming. Considering that, do you think Sleeve Master maybe be a better choice still than Standard or Contour?

Thanks also to djufo for the feedback on the Standard.

Last edited by sta-kool : 01-10-2008 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
So here goes with the questions:

— I know we are all different, but about how long did it take you to first start packing that tube? With about how many days a week and session times? I am kind of assuming this would take a year…just reality-checking.

And here is the real DUMB-ASS question … it embarrasses me to ask this. But then again I am at Thunder’s where we leave embarrassment at the log-in screen.

— I am hoping to not have to shave in order to get a good seal. (If I absolutely have to I will, but … ) However, I don’t have a problem though with trimming. Considering that, do you think Sleeve Master maybe be a better choice still than Standard or Contour?

The Harbor Freight pump is a good choice.

Regarding the cylinder, you may very well find that trimming is as much as you need to do for a good fit. I have gotten good seals with no more than trimming with various cylinders.

As for the Sleeve Master, I have something similar. I use it from time to time, but not regularly. For me, there is no advantage on ease of seal with or without it.

In an earlier post, you mentioned (as does the write-up on their web site) about better/stronger suction with the SleeveMaster and the Contour. That’s marketing hype. Believe me, you will get as much or more vacuum as you need with a standard cylinder without the SleeveMaster.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 01-10-2008 at .

Originally Posted by Lampwick
In an earlier post, you mentioned (as does the write-up on their web site) about better/stronger suction with the SleeveMaster and the Contour. That’s marketing hype. Believe me, you will get as much or more vacuum as you need with a standard cylinder without the SleeveMaster.

Thanks for all the info, Lampwick. Especially about the “stronger suction” hype.

I have to say that with the “hype factor” taken away that I am leaning in the direction of the Standard — built in cock-ring seems like it a good idea.

Also when I think about it logically it seems to me that the Standard might hold a seal better in what I “think” is called “Milking the Tube???” - basically where you move the cylinder up and down slightly to bring in fresh blood to the penis.

Seems like the Contour could possibly lose seal easier than the Standard

But maybe I am over-analysing and coming up with things that aren’t so simply because I haven’t experienced pumping yet.

Anyway I will jump soon and stop torturing you guys with questions.

But don’t let that stop you from posting anything else that occurs to you!


Originally Posted by sta-kool
when I think about it logically it seems to me that the Standard might hold a seal better in what I "think" is called "Milking the Tube???" - basically where you move the cylinder up and down slightly to bring in fresh blood to the penis.

Seems like the Contour could possibly lose seal easier than the Standard

But maybe I am over-analysing and coming up with things that aren’t so simply because I haven’t experienced pumping yet.

Once you have a tube, I think you’ll find the two most important things in maintaining a seal (even through milking the tube) are doing a little trimming and buying the right diameter of cylinder. Gprent’s excellent thread Selecting Your Cylinder Size will help there.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by optimalss
‘djufo’ - you just started pumping as a program i recall. You made good gains with jelq/stretch and believe hanging.

How is it going, as I last heard you were going to have alot more time on your hands.

Well, I started using my new Boston Pump about 3 weeks ago. It has been great so far. Is a big difference pumping with a “professional” pump compared to one of those cheap pumps from a sex shop. As far as results, I’m waiting at least 4-5 weeks to measure. I’m in the middle of a divorce, so my time is still not 100% available. Once I’m single and living alone, I’ll PE every single minute of my free time; pumping, jelquing, stretching, wearing an ADS.

I’m 8.75” BPEL and my dream is to create a foot long snake; maybe impossible but I’ll try. lol

Originally Posted by djufo
Well, I started using my new Boston Pump about 3 weeks ago. It has been great so far. Is a big difference pumping with a "professional" pump compared to one of those cheap pumps from a sex shop. As far as results, I’m waiting at least 4-5 weeks to measure. I’m in the middle of a divorce, so my time is still not 100% available. Once I’m single and living alone, I’ll PE every single minute of my free time; pumping, jelquing, stretching, wearing an ADS.

I’m 8.75" BPEL and my dream is to create a foot long snake; maybe impossible but I’ll try. lol

I’ll give you the standard precautionary warning here about not overdoing, and watching your PIs: Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth! Beyond that, good luck with the divorce and with PE, and let us know how things go.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

djufo, I wanted to concur with Lampwick on a couple of things …

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’ll give you the standard precautionary warning here about not overdoing, and watching your PIs: Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth! Beyond that, good luck with the divorce and with PE, and let us know how things go.

First going thru a divorce is tough and emotional. My sympathies are with you — don’t let the stress get to you.

Secondly I am not so sure about this part is a good idea:

Originally Posted by djufo
Once I’m single and living alone, I’ll PE every single minute of my free time; pumping, jelquing, stretching, wearing an ADS.

I am pretty convinced that you can overdo PE and end up losing gains. Granted I am just a PE newbie, but so far I have had good luck with a very light routine. I think there is something to a "less is more" approach. Take a look at this thread for example:

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Also these logs:

Kevin’s log…or soon to be "Log"

Movin On Up

Kevin12 for example was doing a pretty heavy routine and not gaining. Then he switched over to a lighter routine and started gaining.

Anyway, good luck with everything.


The Sleeve Master is more comfortable, though. And I find that it makes for a quicker, trouble free seal, for what it’s worth.

I think it’s a good combo: the standard with the Sleeve Master. I haven’t tried the contour so I don’t know.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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