Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm 24, 6.2BPEL/4.9EG, have two hands and a pump. Suggest me a 1h routine, PLEASE!


I'm 24, 6.2BPEL/4.9EG, have two hands and a pump. Suggest me a 1h routine, PLEASE!

Well, I think this is the most original method for asking for your opinion. :D

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Do not do a ONE HOUR pumping routine to start out with. You will injure yourself

I suggest you read this thread I linked to below — I learned a lot from it. There is a great program/schedule laid out by avocet8. It will tell you everything you need to know about building up your sessions over time, how much pressure to use, etc.

Vacuum Pumping 101

5 min warm-up
5 min jelqing
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing/edging
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing/edging
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing
5 min warm-down

I’ve been experimenting with different pumping routines since july last year and finally settled for this one. Read this excellent thread for more information on condom pumping.

I do this routine 4 days a week (monday through thursday). I’ve gained a decent amount of girth (0.4 ” in six months).

sta-kool is right, of course. If you’re a pumping newbie you should build up your routine as described in his link.

Thank you guys! Well, I forgot to mention that I’ve been pumping for 7 months now, but I’m looking for a different PE routine (which may also include pumping) for a couple of reasons:

1 - lack of time
2 - lack of length gains
3 - lack of arousal to pump most of the times (mainly because I can’t get excited with porn, and I’m not able to touch my penis when inside the cylinder)
4 - because I want to change a bit, PE shouldn’t be boring!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by Vurpollon
5 min warm-up
5 min jelqing
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing/edging
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing/edging
8–10 min pumping w/ condom (3–8 Hg)
5 min jelqing
5 min warm-down

I’ve been experimenting with different pumping routines since july last year and finally settled for this one. Read this excellent thread for more information on condom pumping.

I do this routine 4 days a week (monday through thursday). I’ve gained a decent amount of girth (0.4 ” in six months).

Vurpollon, do you pump at such an high pressure (8Hg)? What about stretches? Can you tell me a bit more about your results? My routine is similar to yours, and I seem to have rechead a plateau.

Come on guys, help me out on this, I know you can help me with your wonderful advices! ;)

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Mind you, I would never exceed 5 Hg without a condom on (nowadays I wouldn’t even pump without a condom on, it totally saves me from the blisters I sometimes got without). Even then I’m very careful, if I feel the slightest pain I release some of the pressure and go down to the lower end of the scale for a minute or two.

I’m doing occasional stretches maybe twice a week, a Fowfer-inspired stick-it-between-my-legs-when-I’m-having-a-bath kind of stretch. But I think the key to my gains from pumping is
1) the combination of pumping and jelqing and
2) the use of proper heating before and after.

With the routine I described I’ve been gaining girth consistently since early autumn, but hardly any length at all. Now the girth gains seem to have reached a plateau, but judging from “unofficial” measuring the length gains seem to have started coming again.

That’s exactly my problem, my friend. My length gains seem to have stopped a few months ago. I think we in the same boat! Don’t you think I should search for something to boost my gains again?

Oh, and I’ve tried condom pumping too, and it’s a great experience.

One more question: do you keep an erection while on the cylinder?

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

I try to work up a full erection before entering the tube; if I achieve that I stay hard in the cylinder. The difficult thing is to get it up between sessions. Hence the “edging”.

Hmmm… Interesting! You know, as I’ve said before, my main difficulty when pumping, is to keep an erection while inside the cylinder. Some pumpers defend the theory that gains can only occur when your penis is fully erect while pumping, and that information sort of brought me down a bit.

I can work up a full erection before the pumping sets, and between, but not when I’m inside the cylinder, mainly because I can not touch my penis. I don’t like porn, and I’d rather pump while I read a book, or study or something.

Please, someone tell me if this sort of thing has worked for you, otherwise I will have to change my routine.

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

About 2 or 3 weeks ago I started pumping in the morning when I wake up with morning wood. I get in the cylinder right away and do 2 10-15 min sessions. It seems like pumping the morning wood may be the ticket out of the plateau I seemed to be on. Better flaccid throughout the day, too. (in spite of the brutal cold winter we’re having…minus 2 at 6:30 this morning..brrrrrr) Give it a try.

:_pump: :donatecar

Hey guys, I want to start pumping to initiate some more length gains as well. What type of pump are you using, what size pump are you using, and what is your routine? Thanks.

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

Originally Posted by G_want7
Some pumpers defend the theory that gains can only occur when your penis is fully erect while pumping, and that information sort of brought me down a bit.

Some do. There’s also another active thread here that suggests that pumping at 100% erection has the fibers in the tunica locked in and just grows stronger fibers, not a longer penis, while pumping at less than 100% gives the fibers room to move and stretch during the pumping-created expansion.

Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by clgp7

About 2 or 3 weeks ago I started pumping in the morning when I wake up with morning wood. I get in the cylinder right away and do 2 10-15 min sessions. It seems like pumping the morning wood may be the ticket out of the plateau I seemed to be on. Better flaccid throughout the day, too. (in spite of the brutal cold winter we’re having…minus 2 at 6:30 this morning..brrrrrr) Give it a try.

In past discussions on split sessions, I’ve thought that even one morning session to reinforce the morning wood was a good idea, and a session just before bedtime was good because the normally occurring erections in the course of the night would then reinforce the stretch of the pre-bedtime pump.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’ve thought that even one morning session to reinforce the morning wood was a good idea, and a session just before bedtime was good because the normally occurring erections in the course of the night would then reinforce the stretch of the pre-bedtime pump.

That’s an interesting theory, Lampwick, and it makes a TON of sense.

Lampwick and clgp7 — Do you worry about the the lack of warm up for the morning session? At least in my case, by the time I heated up a rice sock and applied it for 5 minutes morning wood would be gone…

Or do you feel that applying heat to the tube once you are in good enough?

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