Thunder's Place

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Finding your maximum growth

Finding your maximum growth

As per title how do you go about finding what your maximum growth is (I mean with out it distorting and looking odd) I am trying to aim for 8 inches Length and 6 inches Girth which I believe then should enable me to have a slightly more expansion of half an inch on either measurement currently 7.5/8 (length), with a 5.3/5 (girth) subject to firmness. I am taking Yohimbine HCL and Cialis 5mg over two days I have been given a letter to ask my GP to issue 2.5mg daily dosage, but I have not made a appointment yet. So how do I find a way to find my maximum growth.

You can’t, everyone is different and there is no reliable way to determine what your maximum growth will be. The only way to find out is to PE!

Thank you for your answer, I was hoping there was a sure fire way but oh well.

I am PEing so to speak and am almost hitting 8 inches Length BP and am at 5.5 Girth aiming for 6 inches I feel that would be fine for my own needs (psych-based).

Thanks again Tweaking

Well I appreciate what your saying but I have a little problem in my head which makes me feel different. I mean no disrespect at all its just the way my head works.

I agree with Tweak. Just be consistent with your PE and you should get the size you want, but don’t sweat it if you don’t; you have great size already.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

First, awesome size. You’re my target size, which I consider the ideal range, but that’s just me. There is no way to figure out your maximum growth potential but a half inch in either direction is nothing out of bounds. If you said you wanted to pick up several inches, then you’d maybe need a reality check. Some people do this and gain nothing. Others gain it and gain a bunch. Consistency is key. Start with the newbie routine and go from there.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

Thank you firegoat I really am grateful for the site and the sense of community that one gets when engaging with other members who have tried or have knowledge that I seek, I truly believe that this site has stopped me and dare I say it others from spending vast amounts of money on wasted products and worse injuring some part of our bodies beyond repair.

Thank you to the Mods and members who make this site a great place to come.

I would suggest that an inch in either length or girth is the exception rather than the rule.

That being said, I believe “most” people’s maximum growth is between 0 and 1 inch in lenth/girth.

Impossible to say. Some people are lucky to get gains, some get a lot of gains and some do not seem to gain at all.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

While it is definitely true that some people will gain more easily than others purely due to their physiological makeup, I believe everyone has a large window for gaining, and it comes down to a question of a person’s tenacity in finding a method that works for them and adhering to it diligently. I believe many people are simply not conscious enough of what is going on, and fail to observe, analyze, research and then adapt their approach to PE so as to get the most out of it.

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