Increased sensitivity/ Much quicker ejaculation
Wondering if anybody has experienced the same or if this is common from pumping?
Started Pumping in January. Fairly light sessions, ranging from 3-6 HG and no longer than 25 mins session/ or 40 mins total in a day (at my peak).
In March right before a session Just out of the blue I hit the PoNR almost instantly (30-60 seconds) of lightly stroking myself before hoping in the tube to start my session.
This issue of sensitivity (almost like i have a clit) and quick ejaculation has persisted since.
The issue seems to be much more prevalent if i go a few days without ejaculation.
I’ve taken 2 separate week long breaks from pumping altogether and the issue has gotten a little better but the urge to cum almost instantly when jelqing or edging seems to be there.
This is new to me as historically i’ve been a “retarded ejaculator” routinley lasting 20 mins or more during sex with no issue.
On the plus side, i think my EQ has increased and I’ve noticed morning wood consistently.
A little bummed as i think i may have to drop the pump for a while right as i was starting to see gains, but curious to hear some of the vets weigh in here.
Last edited by Womb : 05-01-2018 at .