Originally Posted by Pud
When I pumped in the past at high pressure levels ( as high as 20hg ) I gained very little no none. Now im pumping at low levels and getting much better results. I mostly keep it under 5hg with constant kegels and heat and im seeing good growth with this.
This is what most of us with any experience have been finding.
Higher pressures definitely cause greater expansion while in the tube…but that is only half the equation.
The other half of the equation is how living tissue responds to the expansion.
Experience has shown that for each of us, there is a point of expansion where the tissue reacts by a rebound contraction, as part of the healing process.
It could very well be that 10-20 in hg could be effective, but it might take a 2 week layoff (recovery time) to see the benefit.
I think experience shows that the more frequent the stimulation (and recovery) we tend to see better results. That is, daily mild pe!
Its like when they expand skin to use as a graft. They put something like a saline breast implant under the skin and periodically inject more saline. Works great. Same with braces, bone expansion etc,etc.
Those that have seen the most PROLONGED AND SUSTAINED progress while pumping have used 5 in hg or less (in general).
I think the trick is to find the time/force that allows you to use it on a daily basis and have minimum to no contraction reaction.
It may be for some of us that every other day can also be productive.
One of the problems with pumping is that we tend to think (at first) the bigger we get in the tube, the better….WRONG!
You must always observe your unit for the next couple days and see what kind of reaction you are getting to be able to really evaluate what effect your pumping session had on you.
I think you should definitely calibrate your tube with markings on the tube so you can see what size you are under the same vacuum settings.
[By the way, I find nail polish works great for this.]
The other real problem is that pumping can really feel good! That can be bad when pumping becomes recreation…it will throw all logical plans out the window. 3 sets of 15 minutes becomes 3 hours at 7 in hg while watching porn (don’t ask how I know this). What if it takes 2 weeks to recover from this?
You are going to be writing to the vets here crying that you can’t seem to get any progress! Yeah, no friggin’ kidding!
BE DISCIPLINED!!! If you get all worked up from pumping, finish your normal routine and jerk off…but get the hell out of the tube on time!
Some guys can’t seem to keep their hands off their dicks…all day they are doing something. Funny, these guys RARELY make any progress…hummm, coincidence?
The guys that seem to do the best, set a routine and stick with it! If your constantly making changes, you won’t know what is doing what.
So lets just say, you are a smart newbie and decide that 3 sets of 5 minutes at 2 in hg is a good place to start.
You do this daily for a week,and low and behold you find that your unit is slowly getting bigger at the same 2 in hg in the tube, at the end of the week.
You get really excited by this and decide that if 2 is good, 5 is better!
So after a week of 5 in hg, you find that it takes almost the entire session to finally expand your dick to get close to the same mark you were achieving at the beginning of your session the previous week.
Guess what? TOO FRIGGIN’ MUCH!
Avocet is very wise to advise beginners to start easy and slowly add.
What I would add to that is to look at your friggin’ unit and see what is happening to it! Put calibration marks on your tube so you aren’t guessing.
Be smart, go slow and you will avoid injury and get a bigger dick.