Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Raybbaby's Bathmate log and expansion study

Took the first off. Back at it today. I wanted to try some “bathmate stretches” today, so I started my kegel routine while warming up. That probably wasn’t really necessary, but it did work out pretty well. I managed to pump up to a strong 180 right off the bat. Once I had done 100 kegels, I pumped once more, and hit 195. By the time I looked at my stopwatch and it said 4 minutes, 30 seconds, I pumped again, this time hitting 200mm. The thing that is so cool to me about that is that I then got to spend my last 15 minutes of my session at that size. And every time my kegel count hit 70, I would pull out on the bathmate tube, doing 1 second kegel and holds, til I hit 100. So a thirty second stretch at the end of every 100, sometimes 200 kegels, and then I’d pump again. Often times these pumps didn’t release much water, as 200mm seems to be about max expansion for me, and at that point I don’t continue displacing the volume of water in the bathmate tube. But I was ever so slightly past the 200mm mark and peeking into the end space of the tube by the end of my session. My fresh from the tube girth briefly hit 6 1/8”, which is a new record, no matter how temporary that might be. Caught a view of my dick in a little circular make-up mirror that was propped on the back of the toilet, and thought, “wow, that looks big! Grabbed my tape and measured my flaccid hang at about 7 inches, with girth still hitting 5 3/4, and my dick just had that post pump session “heft” to it. Looked so freakin’ cool. Now that has subsided quite a bit, and I’m getting a bit of a donut. Looks as though I overdid it a bit, but my bathmate donuts seem to go away pretty quickly. It’s 3:00 right now, and I bet it’s gone by 9 or 10. All in all I had a very good session ending with my dick (temporarily) the biggest I have ever seen it. Cool.

Wow, that’s very nice. :)

Do you think kegels really help your bathmate sessions ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I don’t know. I started doing them just because I would get bored laying in the tub for 20 minutes at a time, and figured I might as well get my kegel count up. Oh, and the bathmate tube itself lends a bit of resistance to the kegel.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I don’t know. I started doing them just because I would get bored laying in the tub for 20 minutes at a time, and figured I might as well get my kegel count up. Oh, and the bathmate tube itself lends a bit of resistance to the kegel.

I see.

Could you tell us what is the longest time you’ve spent in one set using the bathmate ? I mean have you tried 1 hour or such at lower pressure ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

nope. I keep it right around the 20 minute mark. I don’t have an hour to spend pumping. Also, I use it in the tub, and I would shrivel up like a prune.


I’ve just found this thread. Interesting.

I used Bathmate last summer for 5-6 weeks. I stopped because I did not gain in length during this period (my girth is sufficient) and especially because I had a strong discoloration.

Currently, I restart routine including the Bathmate.

However, I am more cautious. No way of using the device 20 minutes like I did before.

I pump until I can’t remove more water. I re-pump several times for 5 min. Then I remove the pump and I take advantage of a semi-flaccid to make jelqing for another 5 minutes. I repeat this 3 or 4 times.

It’s a routine that I read somewhere that seems interesting. Your opinion?

It seems like a good idea to me. I have recently started filling my pump with warm water and then just givving a couple quick, short pumps, just enough to create a slight vacuum. I allow my penis to warm up like that. After 2 minutes like that I do my stretches and jelqs, and then r-fill the tube with warm water and pump back up. I think possibly a week of five minute sessions every other day, followed by a week of 2 5 minute pump durations and so on until a person is conditioned enough for a full 20 minute session is a good idea. You have to work up to it.

Took today off. Be back at it tomorrow.

OK, got that one done. This morning I used the bathmate as a warm up device for two minutes. Then did two sets of thirty second five way stretches. Soaked my penis in the bathmate for another two minutes, then did jelqs. Upped my jelq count to two hundred today. Then i put the Bathmate on and pumped up. 180mm, did 100 kegels, pumped to 190, did another hundred kegels, pumped to 195, kegeled until my count hit 500 and pumped up to 200mm. Just continued to kegel until I hit 700, then while kegeling I would give some thirty second stretch-pulls on the tube. Was over 200 but only by a millimeter or two by the time I finished. Post session girth was just a hair shy of six inches. Flaccid once again was looking BIG. Put my ADC ace wrap/silicone ring on and will probably let it stay on for a half hour or so.

Hi raybbaby!

I’m curious, you mentioned problems with trombosed veins (one recent and one long tome ago?). I started with PE in Feb (I think) this year and used a BM + jelqing. I soon injured myself from one of the two. I had no clue what happened cause I did not feel any pain while at it. However, the pain has been .strange. Sometimes I feel it in the penis base (under the scrotum) , sometimes up along the left side of the penis, sometimes only at the base around where the penis meets the scrotum. The pain is not even pain, more a discomfort and sometimes a slight numbness. Anything you recognize at all?

Last few days it has been better and I could not help myself from trying easy stretching and a few light jelqs. After that I could clearly locate the “pain” to the base around where the penis meets the scrotum - which in my case also is exactly where I start my jelq and also where the BM pushes down the most. It feels like a metal cord/string that is too short and hence hurts a bit. I don’t like the feeling as you probably understand ;) Could that be a trombosed vein? Sorry to bother you with this but I don’t know where to ask these questions.

Well, first there is an injury specific section of Thundersplace, and you’ll find way more info in there. But it sounds like it could be a thromboseed vein to me. They may or may not hurt, but they feel like a guitar string under the skin. Wikipedia has a good page on what thrombosed veins are. And I think the injury forum would be a great place to get tips on how to make it heal quicker. But basically, no more PE work until it clears up. It will clear up, but it may take a few weeks. Be really careful when you start back up. Good luck to you.

Yesterday off, well I wore my extender for about 4 hours in total, kind of an hour here, an hour there. Today I did my warmup, stretches, 200 jelqs and then pumped to 180, did kegels and pumped every hundred or so, hitting 200mm by the 300th kegel or the five minute mark. Just did kegels and occasionally would stretch out on the bathmate hoping I could pump and hit a bigger length. But really it never got much beyond the 200 mark. Post session girth was 5 7/8”. All in all, pretty good session.

I’m back. Took a couple unplanned days off, had a bit of the flu. Yuck. Anyways, today went pretty well. Standard warmup, stretches and 200 jelqs. Pumped up to 170, 100 kegels, pumped to 185, kegel til I hit 300, and pumped to 200mm. pretty much kegeled and did the occasional 30 second bathmate stretch. Pumped the bathmate up anytime I thought there might have been any more expansion, but never got more than a little trickle of water out of the pump. Got up to just barely over the 200mm mark for the last 200 kegels. Post pump girth was 5 3/4”. I know it was only a couple days off, but it seemed like longer. I miss my post pump chubster.

Originally Posted by raybbaby

I know it was only a couple days off, but it seemed like longer. I miss my post pump chubster.

Yeah, but you have to take care of yourself first, then PE exercising. Glad to hear you are back to good health. Keep up the hard work. I follow some of the logs here and yours is one of then. I hardly ever comment on the logs, I just enjoy reading them and the progress some are getting.

Whoo-Hoo! Best session yet. Standard warm up, 200 jelqs, into the tube at 170, but kegeling and pumping up whenever I thought it made sense, and was at 195 before I even hit 50 kegels. So I kegeled til I hit 400, and pumped up to about 200, probably 201, but who’s counting? Heheheh, continued to kegel until I hit 800 and pumped up to max again, not much gain, and there’s not much to measure against in the end part of the tube. Pushed the tube down under the bathwater and it looks like my dick will likely hit the release valve in less than half an inch. So, my shortest length was 195, for the first ten minutes, and then 200+ for the rest of the session. Oh, and post pump flaccid girth was only 5 1/2”, but that thinner girth seems right in line with new length expansion records. Oh well, soon I’ll hit the end of the bathmate and I can relax and just let the girth expand away. PE rocks! Hope everyone has a kick ass day.


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