Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Soft when I exit pump

Originally Posted by G_want7

Now, take a look at the big majority of the pumping vets (those who have reported the biggest gains), they have all been taking some sort of supplement: viagra, cialis, whatever. In fact, I’m thinking about the same thing, as I am almost sure it would sky-rocket my gains.

I’m questioning this.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I’m questioning this.

For me, gains didn’t occur while I was working an unloaded tunica. I’m not saying that gains do not occur to those who do not take any sort of supplements, but my opinion is that most gains come from working a loaded tunica, and the most hard you are, the less prone you are to excessive edema liquid, or donuts, or whatever, unless you pump at very high pressure.

To finish my theory, and this is just my perspective of how things work, supplements like viagra, cialis, etc, which allow men to have a normal erection (those who suffer from ED), or an enormous erection (those whose penile health is just fine), make gains easier to come. The harder you are, the more gains you’ll get. At least, it worked that way for me. And that’s exactly what made me gave up on pumping for a while. What the hell was I supposed to do to keep an erection for 30 minutes to 1 hour? Watch porn? You know my opinion about this, and it just doesn’t work for me. It may very well work for many men.

Oh, and I’ve gained with no supplements whatsoever.

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...


The loaded versus unloaded tunica question is still very much in question; no problem there.

If you want to pump with a loaded tunica, I’m sure that supplements would help toward that.

I do question this, though:

Originally Posted by G_want7
Now, take a look at the big majority of the pumping vets (those who have reported the biggest gains), they have all been taking some sort of supplement: viagra, cialis, whatever.

How do you know that a “big majority” of the pumping vets (“Those who have reported the biggest gains”) here have all taken supplements, and more specifically, since this seems to be your point, taken them in conjunction with their pumping routine? I’m sure that some have taken supplements, but on what basic do you declare it a majority, let alone a big majority, and how do you arrive at the conclusion that those are the members who have reported the biggest gains?

My point here is that I do not want someone reading this thread to think that supplements are necessary for successful pumping, or that they are widely recommended by the “vets” as part of a pumping program, or that supplements are necessary to get “the biggest gains” or to “skyrocket [your] gains”.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 04-03-2008 at .

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
I pumped yesterday without milking the tube to keep me hard. I noticed that I still had a very good, even expansion (I water pump). I also felt a good internal expansion, so would this be more of what you’d consider working an “unloaded” tunica (of course it’s never soft in the pump, just about 1.25” shorter in the pump than I am normally erect).

Also, erect gains are still made even though you’re not milking the tube and staying hard the whole time?

when in the pump, are you 1.25” shorter than your normal NBPEL or BPEL?

Personally I go in the tube hard but then I forget it.

I do not milk the tube, I stay at 5” hg for 20 minutes and even if I am not hard I am at least long as my BPEL and surely fatter.

Important thing, while in the tube I kegel all the time.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the point of “milking the tube” was to make sure you are getting fresh oxygenated blood into the penis. Refreshing the blood in the penis by milking is a separate issue from maintaining an erection in the tube. Therefore we should all include milking in our sessions.

Or am I way off here?????????

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the point of “milking the tube” was to make sure you are getting fresh oxygenated blood into the penis. Refreshing the blood in the penis by milking is a separate issue from maintaining an erection in the tube. Therefore we should all include milking in our sessions.

Or am I way off here?????????

I don’t know. Do you milk the tube? Does it seem to refresh the blood in your penis?

My routine at present is to release vacuum down to zero (or close to it; needle on the peg of the gauge) every five minutes for 30 seconds, and exit the tube completely once every fifteen minutes to do a little light jelqing. I do not milk the tube.

I’m wondering if those who do milk the tube do it to refresh blood, or in an attempt to stimulate themselves in order to stay more erect in the tube (for those who follow the approach of being as hard as possible while in the tube)?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick

The loaded versus unloaded tunica question is still very much in question; no problem there.

If you want to pump with a loaded tunica, I’m sure that supplements would help toward that.

I do question this, though:

How do you know that a “big majority” of the pumping vets (“Those who have reported the biggest gains”) here have all taken supplements, and more specifically, since this seems to be your point, taken them in conjunction with their pumping routine? I’m sure that some have taken supplements, but on what basic do you declare it a majority, let alone a big majority, and how do you arrive at the conclusion that those are the members who have reported the biggest gains?

My point here is that I do not want someone reading this thread to think that supplements are necessary for successful pumping, or that they are widely recommended by the “vets” as part of a pumping program, or that supplements are necessary to get “the biggest gains” or to “skyrocket [your] gains”.

You are right Lampwick, and I’m really sorry I wrote that. At least, that way. Sometimes I can’t properly express myself.
Look, I know that the loaded versus unloaded tunica question is still in question, so, I just said what works for me! Unloaded tunica doesn’t work for me. I can’t get any sort of gains from that, and all I can get is a very bad discoloration. Many will agree with me, many will disagree.

When I first started to pump, every single pumper was telling me that I should pump with a 100% erection, and this was way before someone came up with the theory about the unloaded tunica (which, I will repeat, I’m not saying doesn’t work).

Again, I regret saying what I said about the supplements. In fact, you have all the right to question it, because there are many people who have gained without them (me included). Anyway, I’ll keep my opinion. I know some vet pumpers who have gained A LOT that way. That may not be the big majority, but they are a nice group.

Message to all the newbies:

Guys, if you’re reading this, I want to apologise if I’ve just made you confused. Pumping is a very healthy activity, and you can probably get some benefits from it. The most important one is a good penile health, not a bigger unit. Anyway, there’s a chance that you can see some gains during the practise of this activity, and you don’t need any sort of supplements.

Supplements are just great, they give you a fucking nice penis, but they also damage the rest of your body.

Lampwick, I apologise to you and to everyone who is reading this.


G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by mark001
when in the pump, are you 1.25” shorter than your normal NBPEL or BPEL?

Personally I go in the tube hard but then I forget it.

I do not milk the tube, I stay at 5” hg for 20 minutes and even if I am not hard I am at least long as my BPEL and surely fatter.

Important thing, while in the tube I kegel all the time.

I’m about 1.25” shorter than bpel. I’ve never been longer in the tube than I am out of the tube. I generally really focus for 90 minutes or so that I’m doing my routine to maintain at least an 80% erection in the tube, although recently I just got hard and let it go “soft” while in the tube, still milking the tube occasionally.

The reason I’m wondering is because I’ve heard vets say that you can’t gain permanently without being hard in the tube (aroused).

I’m shorter in the tube too. My tube does take up most of the fat pad - so it is like a BPEL measure, but the tube measurement is close to .500” shorter
Than what I can get on a BPEL.

I’m doing 3-6 sets at 4-7 in HG, 8-12 minutes each, with about 20 jelqs between, 5 stretches or so at a minute each.

Tube is with heat pad covering it. I am not going into the tube erect but more likt 50% after a jelq session.

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
The reason I’m wondering is because I’ve heard vets say that you can’t gain permanently without being hard in the tube (aroused).

I hope it wasn’t me, my friend (anyway, I’m not a vet! :angel: ) In fact, it doesn’t work for me, but it may very well work for so many others! Just do what makes you feel better!

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by G_want7
Look, I know that the loaded versus unloaded tunica question is still in question, so, I just said what works for me! Unloaded tunica doesn’t work for me. I can’t get any sort of gains from that, and all I can get is a very bad discoloration. Many will agree with me, many will disagree.

The bottom line is, what works for YOU. If loaded tunica (erect while pumping) works for you, great!

Originally Posted by G_want7
When I first started to pump, every single pumper was telling me that I should pump with a 100% erection, and this was way before someone came up with the theory about the unloaded tunica (which, I will repeat, I’m not saying doesn’t work).

True. That used to be the conventional wisdom (along with pumping with more vacuum than at least some of us use these days).

Originally Posted by G_want7
Again, I regret saying what I said about the supplements. In fact, you have all the right to question it, because there are many people who have gained without them (me included). Anyway, I’ll keep my opinion. I know some vet pumpers who have gained A LOT that way. That may not be the big majority, but they are a nice group.

I’m sure that some have found supplements useful, and have gained that way.

It’s probably worthwhile, by the way, to distinguish between the prescription medications like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, nutritional supplements like arginine and gingko, and the over the counter “penis pill” kinds of supplements. I wouldn’t recommend penis pills as having been effective for anyone, personally.

Originally Posted by G_want7
Supplements are just great, they give you a fucking nice penis, but they also damage the rest of your body.

Depends on the supplement. Not all are damaging.

Originally Posted by G_want7
Lampwick, I apologise to you and to everyone who is reading this.

No need for apology. Further discussion clarified things, and that’s what a good dialogue does. You made some points, I responded, you elaborated, and everybody was polite in the process. There’s nothing wrong with that.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
No need for apology. Further discussion clarified things, and that’s what a good dialogue does. You made some points, I responded, you elaborated, and everybody was polite in the process. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Of course! That’s what polite and humble people do! They talk!

P.S.: Penis pills don’t work, I agree with you. I wouldn’t be so sure about Viagra, Levitra and Cialis not being damaging to our bodies, but that is, once again, my opinion.

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by G_want7
Of course! That’s what polite and humble people do! They talk!

P.S.: Penis pills don’t work, I agree with you. I wouldn’t be so sure about Viagra, Levitra and Cialis not being damaging to our bodies, but that is, once again, my opinion.

Even prescription medications are a mixed bag, with side effects and potential side effects.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Even prescription medications are a mixed bag, with side effects and potential side effects.


G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Where I got that the idea that milking brings in fresh oxygenated blood

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I don’t know. Do you milk the tube? Does it seem to refresh the blood in your penis? <snip>

I’m wondering if those who do milk the tube do it to refresh blood, or in an attempt to stimulate themselves in order to stay more erect in the tube (for those who follow the approach of being as hard as possible while in the tube)?

I do milk the tube occasionally during a set. It does seem to refresh the blood in my penis. Worth noting that I am not concerned about staying erect in the tube. I am going in at less than full erection 70% or so, Coming out at maybe 30% erect or so. (Also releasing pressure every 5 minutes, and coming out of the tube completely at 12 to 15 minutes to jelq and get a good erection. thnx again, Lampwick, for those tips)

I came across "milking the tube" when I was researching pumping. One of the places I first read that milking was done to draw in fresh oxygenated blood was this thread:

Stretching & Milking the Tube

Original poster says he feels that milking "helps circulation while under the influence of vacuum." Those who reply seem to concur with him that milking is good to do.

Another place I got it was here:

Milking the tube

ineed9 lists several reasons he milks the tube, one of them being:

Originally Posted by ineed92
It massages my member while oxygenating the stale blood inside my tool.

And then I saw it at tigerpumping:

DISCLAIMER — I think high pressure pumping is not good. Personally I stay under 3HG.

http://www.tige … milkingcylinder

Originally Posted by
The best way to counteract darkening of the skin, aches and strains under pressure, is to freshen the blood supply to the penis. To do this you milk the cylinder. <snip> Milk the cylinder every couple of minutes, or whenever you notice darkening or an ache. When you’re at high pressure toward the end of a set, milk continuously

As everything else with PE we are kind of flying blind. But I would say that I feel it helps to do it during my sessions.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-03-2008 at .

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