Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Soft when I exit pump

I haven’t done it, but I’ll give it a try. The only way I’m guessing I will know if if there is a change in skin color (and my skin color stays good with my current routine).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Well for what it is worth, it feels good — not in a sexual way, more in a nice stretchy way.

Speaking of milking the tube (but kinda off topic from this thread), I am going to try out this gprent recommended routine next time I pump:

gprent - New pumper question?

Originally Posted by gprent
For more consistent and better results try this.

Turn your pump session into an exercise session. While in the tube, alternate doing kegels and milking the tube. Do 50 kegels, then do 50 1-2 second milks where the pressure goes up 2 or 3 clicks. Keep repeating the kegels and milking until your 15 minute set is up and then exit the tube and jelq and then massage to get an erection before entering your second pump set. Whenever you are pumping, do your kegels and milking. If possible, make your final 15 minute set an erection massage so your cock holds the post pump size while you enjoy yourself.

Try this for a week and see if things don’t improve.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-03-2008 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Well for what it is worth, it feels good — not in a sexual way, more in a nice stretchy way.

Speaking of milking the tube (but kinda off topic from this thread), I am going to try out this gprent recommended routine next time I pump:

gprent - New pumper question?

I know it is kind off topic, but have you ever tried something like this:

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Originally Posted by G_want7

I know it is kind off topic, but have you ever tried something like this:

Don’t leave us in suspense, G_want7! Like what?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Don’t leave us in suspense, G_want7! Like what?

Sorry Lampwick, I’ve attached a picture, I don’t know why it’s not there! :D

Here is the link:

http://www.orio … linator&affmn=2

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...


If I didn’t know what that Pumpenzubehör was from the context of this forum, I would think it was some kind of Anti-Gravity device from the Star Wars movies!

To All,

There is a lot of great info and links in this thread. Thanks so much from a guy who is just starting out with pumping. I can’t wait to see what results I have after following the advise given by each of you.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I hear ya my man, I’m going to try to do much less pressure, as I’ve recently found out that my cock is turning purple in the pump.

Holy cow that happened to me when I went on a pumping marathon, lol.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

I thought this was normal? When I release the seal, my penis comes out as a thick long flaccid. Do you guys release the seal and still have a good hard on?

It is normal.

From Post 5 — some good advice:

gprent - Soft when I exit pump

Originally Posted by gprent
This is pretty normal. What you should do next though is massage yourself back to a full erection and then you can go in for a second set. Finish all of your pump sessions by massaging to a full erection and maintain it for at least 5 minutes. I like to put on a cock ring when I do this so I am at full post pump size. This is the most fun part of pumping. :)

Don’t believe I missed that post - Cheers.

Ok first post here from a newbie pumper.

Was reading this thread and a couple of things sprung to mind about being fully erect in the pump through out the session and milking to ensure fresh blood in the penis.

Firstly, (and this may be incorrect) for instance If you maintain an erection of 15 mins while having sex the blood in the penis is held there to keep it hard for as long as you remain hard? Therefore that blood is not circulating in and out of the penis therefore not fresh? This does not appear to cause pumping associated side effects that unless I read things wrong may have been directly or indirectly implied to be the case in a previous post due to blood flow and must be caused by high pressure alone.

Secondly, if the above is true and If you are not fully erect all the time in the tube are you more likely to have some level of circulation of fresh oxygenated blood in the penis?

If all the above is true are you better off not being continually fully erect while pumping and limiting time and pressure in the pump to say 15 minutes at a time and 3 - 5 Hg pressure thus increasing the possible level of fresh blood in the penis?

Your thoughts on this would be appreciated

Last edited by spliffyuk : 07-13-2008 at .

First things first — WELCOME TO THUNDERSPLACE!

— during a normal erection, your blood vessels are not constricted by any device and blood does circulates in and out.

— the theory is that the cylinder causes blood vessel constriction, therby limiting blood flow. On the other hand, Lampwick says he does not have a problem with this. Additionally I have pumped without “milking” and have not had a problem either. Blood does still go in and out. However, I do like milking because to me it feels like I get — more engorgement — from it.

It feels like I am getting —extra— blood in. Thereby getting greater expansion. This is just an intuition on my part.

— some currently theorize (maybe brought up in this thread) that you get better results if you do not go in 100% erect. Theory is that tunica is more pliant in that state and responds better to the exercise (I am way oversimplyfying, But I am a simple person). Personally I think my penis does best if I go in at about 80%. Something just doesn’t feel right if I go in any lower. But that’s just me — you have to listen to your body.

Vets please feel free to correct me on any of my theory points.

Originally Posted by gprent
I have been staying in the 3”hg range for quite a while now and my results are the best ever. Seems I really wasted a lot of time, like years, trying to make pumping at high pressure work. If you want to skip all the hassle and go right to getting consistent excellent results, just try pumping at low pressure for a week. I do three 12 to 15 minute sets every work out with a massage to full erection between each set. Finish off your routine with a full erection for at least 5 minutes. You will be impressed with you flaccid size and EQ.

Hey gprent,

What is your erection quality like during your pumping? I’m definitely going to try this, I just have the feeling that this is just going to feel like a normal erection to me. When I pump at high pressures I can actually feel the pressure inside my cock and see all the veins come out. I’m not saying this is better, it just feels like something is happening. Do you try to keep hard by watching porn during your sessions or do you just leave it at that pressure and let it be?

Would appreciate any more info you could give on this :) .

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

Guys I am going into my pump fully hard, but as I pump up to 5-7 Hg’s it gets fuller obviously, however once I am done (usually 15 minute sessions) I release all the pressure, and I am totally limp, although hanging a little heavier. Any suggestions or is this normal? I do not get any “good sensations” from pumping I don’t understand how it makes some guys come.

Have exactly the same problem. Years ago when I pumped (early 40’s) I could maintain an erection after exiting the tube. It actually felt good as I recall. Now at 57 I just started pumping again about 4 months ago following avocet8’s advice on my particular situation. I haven’t seen any significant gains yet and the penis is becoming highly discolored. I backed off on my Hg pressure so we’ll see how it goes. I do however still manage to have fairly decent sex with the wench and with a little help from Pfizer, so my goal for 2009 is to become bigger and perform better. I’m still doing a warm up routine and jelqing between pumping..I’ve just backed off on the pressure for now. I don’t think coming out of the pump limp is the end of the world…your in good company. Rrunner69


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