Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's Clinical VED(pumping) Journal


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 7-7/8"
Pack 3-1/2+"

Same pattern a little more length in the tube a little less packing. Decidedly more discomfort at the ligaments at the base. I’ll have to pay attention to see if that is associated with the length progression. Full disclosure again the length measure is overstated as the erection is at an upward angle and that vantage overstates the actual measure, but it is a consistent measure in terms of marking the progression.

Yesterday got 3 short walks in for a total of about 4 miles and I spent an hour and a half in the gym, Lost quite a bit of strength but it should come back quick. Hamstring feels much better this morning. With the running I have to figure out the recovery time so that I can avoid injury. Pretty sure twice a week should not be a problem.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 7-7/8"
Pack 3-1/2+"

Just about the same as yesterday. Maybe starting to plateau? Ligament discomfort at the base persists.

Hamstring has healed up pretty good, we’ll see how the run goes tomorrow.

Soreness from the upper body weight workout feels real good!

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Reviewing the thread, it’s been a month in the smaller 1.75X9 tube and it has been a remarkable progression. Time flies and it will be very curious to see how things progress in another month.

Haven’t been grabbing a weight in the morning as my routine has changed but I need to sort this out by tomorrow. Been more disciplined with the meal plan for a good many days now and starting tomorrow, I want to put together a 6 week final Summer push, so I have to grab a weight in the morning.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 7-7/8+"
Pack 3-1/2+"

Maybe a hair more length, doesn’t look like it would take a whole lot more to pack the whole shaft. Used the massage lotion for the first time, I don’t think I used quite enough as it seems to get absorbed in the skin, we’ll see. Decidedly more pressure on the ligaments at the base of the shaft.

Weight: 183.2 @ 19.1%

Not a bad starting point for the weight given the layoff to let the hamstring heal. I have a doctors appointment in 5 weeks for a follow up so I want to have made some more progress for that visit. I’ve only taken 3.4lbs off since the last visit I need to show her something more.

The biggest thing is I have to avoid injuries.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Used the massage lotion for the first time, I don’t think I used quite enough as it seems to get absorbed in the skin, we’ll see.

Lotions will almost always be absorbed or will dry out in the tube. *Some* oils will absorb over time - there’s actually an industry standard on that - some won’t, or take so long that it’s not relevant. For me, vitamin E oil will last about an hour, jojoba or coconut oil about four hours, and mineral oil - which is more slippery - will stay there forever, or at least until soap up in the next shower.

Slop some more massage oil on. Maybe you just need more of it.

Oil will eventually work its way up the hose and into the pump. None of my pumps - Harbor Freight, converted aquarium, or Spectra breast pump - seem to be affected by it. Lotions will dry out and gum up a hand pump eventually.

The biggest thing is I have to avoid injuries.

Injuries are negative progress. "Do not recommend."


Well I didn’t even make it to the mile marker till a sharp pain on the right hamstring reemerged, so I turned around and ran back to the car. I do not have time for this I have to get in shape NOW!

So I made the immediate decision to drop the running and get back to the hill workouts. Drove back home grabbed the 40lb weighted vest, drove to the sledding hill and did 10 flights in about 22.5 minutes. I will work back up to 20 rounds. In 2020 I was on that hill 3 times a week and got shredded, so we will go back to that.

I’m going to put the weights back in as well but haven’t sorted out what I will exactly do with that. Right now leaning towards twice a week upper body, but if I split it up then I can go 3 times a week.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 8"
Pack 3-1/2"

Same pattern a little more length in the tube a little less packing. Again I do not want to misrepresent the length in the tube, if I push the tube down so that it is straight out and look at it at that angle it’s maybe only 7-1/4" to 7-3/8", the measure is just for the purposes of recording progress, I’m recording the measure as the tube naturally sits with the upward curve. Today the pressure on the ligaments at the base was less.

Weight: 182.6 @ 19.1% body fat

Yesterday workouts:
Ran 1.3 miles
10 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb vest
Walked 1.3 miles
Walked 1,3 miles

Since I’m dropping the running due to injury I need to do enough to be in a caloric deficit and I don’t want to lose a week figuring it out. the Summer is fading fast, it’s crunch time. I definitely lost muscle from just doing the running only so looking forward to regaining some muscle.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Has the size increase you see in the tube translated to size increases with a normal erection

Began (1/9/2023) BPEL 6.175” x MSEG 4.875”

Current (2/23/2024) BPEL 7.6” x MSEG 5.375”. Goal BPEL 8.0” x MSEG 6.0”

Originally Posted by JimBiggins
Has the size increase you see in the tube translated to size increases with a normal erection

Anecdotally IMO it’s a substantial difference. I don’t know if it’s improvements in EQ from the pumping or recovery coming off the stretching. Or as has been eluded to by others here, if the pumping brings up the erect measures to the gains from the stretching.

Timely that you asked, I actually threw out all the extender equipment yesterday.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 8"
Pack 3-1/2"

About the same

Weight: 184.4 @ 19.3

Weight jumped though I anticipated that as I transition from the running to more of the strength work. Going to go more intermittent fasting and will add more short walks to keep the calorie burn up until I can get over the soreness and ramp up the volume on the hill work.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 8"
Pack 3-1/2+"

A little more packing. Increased discomfort of the ligaments at the base.

Weight: 182.6 @ 19.1%

Yesterday workouts:

10 flights on the sledding hills with the 40lb vest @ 22.5 minutes
Weights: Bench, pulldowns, Overhead press, biceps, triceps, abs.
Walk:1.3 miles
Walk: 1.3 miles

Sore as fuck on the hill. For the weights I got 3-5 sets per exercise, have lost a lost of strength and stamina but was already up from the first workout back. And just got those little walks tucked in for the calorie burn. The meal plan went okay but at the end there I caved and ate more, I think I need to spread the food out a little more. I think my intake is the biggest problem right now I also think I need more sleep and that’s only going to happen by me turning in earlier.

EQ: " It doesn’t seem to want to fit"
I thought: I definitely don’t need a bigger cock and the EQ was outstanding. IMO

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Length: 8"
Pack 3-1/2+"

EQ: " It doesn’t seem to want to fit"
I thought: I definitely don’t need a bigger cock and the EQ was outstanding. IMO

Is that a quote from the other half? If so, it sounds like time for maintenance mode. Consider taking your measurements now, and then cut your sessions meaningfully. Like, 1 round of pumping instead of 3, or 2 but only half as often, or something.

Congrats on hitting the line!

"Is that a quote from the other half?"

Wasn’t me.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 8-1/8"
Pack 3-3/8"

Disclaimer: Length measure is at an upward angle.

More length in the tube but decidedly less packing. Started off with more length in the tube than usual, not sure what that means.

Weight: 183.4 @ 19.3%

Disappointed in the weight, I need to get past the soreness and increase the volume of activity and tighten up the meal plan. I am plain not suffering enough in terms of the intake.

I need to have more fun and more intimacy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Saw a girl I hadn’t seen in a while couldn’t even place her, but I saw that she reacted to me so I engaged. Told her she looked familiar that’s all it took and she opened up. Just a little bit of charm when there’s a little bit of interest. Wasn’t going to go anywhere as I’m not available, but it reminded me of how closed to the world you can become when your mind is always on work and you forget to play.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 4.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4.5 hg

Length: 8-1/8"
Pack 3-1/2+"

Disclaimer: Length measure is at an upward angle

About the same length in the tube, but decidely mroe packing. Pretty severe pressure on the ligaments at the base. Maybe pushing the limits on the length?

Weight: 182.4 @ 19% bodyfat

Yesterday got on the hill for 10 flights @ ~ 22,5 minutes and walked 1.3 mile but that was it, Had some projects to knock off at the house and it took way more time than expected. Hamstring feels better maybe try running on Wednesday.

Early afternoon intimacy showed poor EQ, IMO I was not recovered from the morning pump session but I might not have been into it either so we’ll keep an eye on it.

Was disciplined on the meal plan. Come Sunday I’ll be a bachelor for two and a half weeks so Ill be able to make an unfettered push on the fitness.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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