Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's General Progress Log

Originally Posted by Buckfever
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

That was my limit for at least a couple of years. Some of us just need more time to get acclimated to the vacuum.

Given what I have experienced the approach is going to be to use the least amount of pressure with which we progress over time until that stalls and only then increase the pressure a notch and repeat the process. If we are eventually able to tolerate higher pressures I will consider running the original premise of the research of 2 five minute sessions of 200 mm/hg. I am just not sure my tissues can tolerate it so this approach makes much more sense to me.

Sounds like a reasonable plan to me.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/8+"
Pack 2-1/2"

So no length progression and less packing. But I am not going to jump the gun based on one day’s results. That said the last time I tried 2.5 in/hg I did not experience any progression. I did however experience some very note worthy positive EQ effects so we’ll keep that in mind. Given that probably should stay at a pressure level till I get that feedback, though lately hookups have only been predictable on the weekends.

Weight: 176.2 @ 17.8% bodyfat

Weight is the same but bodyfat was worse, not good. Someone brought me some European milk chocolate, I have been having a bit of that, I think it was more the impact of eating out so much, but that isn’t helping, I do so well when I just stick to the meal plan.

Yesterday activity level: 14 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb weighted vest and 2X1.3 mile walks. I was planning to hit the weight room, but the seat covers came in for the new SUV and that wound up taking way longer than expected and I needed to level the ground where the tree was uprooted and get that ready for reseeding and then I decided I would reseed the entire back yard so I dug up all the bare spots and levelled those as well. And I need to cut up roots and clean up all the debris get the yard waste bags filled for the scheduled pickup today. When I was doing that I was reminded that the landscape mesh at the base of the wood fencing has been pulled off when the tree knocked over the fence so I reinstalled that. These home projects it’s in for a penny in for a pound, always way more than you figure.

I got to get in the gym though the upper body needs work.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
I was planning to hit the weight room, but the seat covers came in for the new SUV and that wound up taking way longer than expected and I needed to level the ground where the tree was uprooted and get that ready for reseeding and then I decided I would reseed the entire back yard so I dug up all the bare spots and levelled those as well. And I need to cut up roots and clean up all the debris get the yard waste bags filled for the scheduled pickup today. When I was doing that I was reminded that the landscape mesh at the base of the wood fencing has been pulled off when the tree knocked over the fence so I reinstalled that.

What you were doing is what you lift weights *for*. It’s not like you were sitting in front of the TV vacuuming a bag of Funyuns.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
What you were doing is what you lift weights *for*. It’s not like you were sitting in front of the TV vacuuming a bag of Funyuns.

I agree, I think physical activity is good period.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/8"
Pack 2-5/8"

I little less length and little more packing. We will see where it goes from here.

Weight: 176.2 @ 17.7%

Weight has stabilized so I think that’s the extent of the damage from eating out and the extra chocolate. Yesterday I eliminated the fruit since I knew I’d have the chocolate. That was it for the chocolate so back to the meal plan.

I’ve mapped out the workouts, walks and the house projects for the next week, putting the workouts first and I’ll still get stuff done at home just at a slower pace.

Been under a lot of stress lately, family related stuff, so have been exerting more discipline with sleep the last few days. I need to be well rested because man I’ll tell you my tolerance for nonsense is really low right now. People creating their own problems and then looking for enablers. How about we grow up a little and stop creating our own chaos? Maybe that would be a better way? Just saying.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
That was my limit for at least a couple of years. Some of us just need more time to get acclimated to the vacuum.

I think this is a very useful input as I was thinking days and weeks versus years. If I would think in terms of months it would still only take 9-10 months to get to the 200mm/hg. And that might even be too fast so it’s a good perspective.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Well unfortunately Petechiae formed so will reduce the duration to 2 X 5 minute sessions with a 2 minute break in between and keep the pressure at 2.5 in/hg and go from there.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/8"
Pack 2-1/2"

Length about the same a little less packing. Reduced to 2 X 5 minute sessions with a 2 minute rest because of the Petechiae formation yesterday. My thinking is to stay with this regimen for 4-6 weeks to allow for conditioning and then move the pressure up a notch. Best I can figure.

Weight: 176.4 @ 17.9%

Weight kicked up a little despite discipline with the meal plan. Yesterday activity level 2 X 1.3 mile walks basically a short walk before and after work. We will be more active from now through the weekend. I have it mapped out.

Doctors appointment today we’ll see how it goes. I need to work on increasing the levels of intimacy, I realize the urgency of getting the home projects done before the weather turns, added to a heavy work schedule, have crowded it out. There is much to do yet BUT it is handled enough so that we can bring things to better balance. It is hard though to be deliberate with your life. My observation is that fitness is the biggest driver. Fatigue crowds things out. Fitness needs to be a priority so that the energy is there to drive it.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/8+"
Pack 2-1/2"

Maybe a hair more length in the tube, but not much. Personally I think 2.5 does not provide enough pull but even with that I experienced red dots yesterday so will just stick with the slow progression approach. I think my tissues are just inclined towards red dot formation.

EQ was not great yesterday I was not is a good headspace, but at least I hooked up. Which is better than crowding it out.

Weight: 175 @ 17.6% bodyfat

Yesterday activity level:

20 flights on the sledding hill with the 40 lb vest, upper body weights, 1.3 mile walk.

So we got 20 flights for the first time, with some difficulty the last few flights we had to push the legs were struggling. I was waiting on the grass seed to get delivered so instead of a walk I went to the gym and got that going. Happy about that. By the time I got back the grass seed was there and we went ahead and seeded reseeded the back yard and areas that the tree was uprooted. Only issue is that little rain is forecast so I’ll be having to water everyday without help from the rain but I want to get this going before the weather turns and we hit the peak of the fall growing season. Got a fucking cricket in the basement. So I sprayed the basement, hopefully that takes care of that.

Just from that one workout yesterday, I thought I looked tighter today. so that’s good. I’ve become tentative with the sex, got to fix that.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


I know that it is not a popular option here, but I ordered a tapered cylinder. In my situation I need to increase the contact area to reduce the petechiae, otherwise I’ll have to take a long break before proceeding.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7+"
Pack 2-3/4"

What I am calling 4in/hg is 2 notches less than 5.

I have to go back to the record but that seems like less length, but not sure about the packing. Since the lower pressure and lower time didn’t make a difference in terms of the red dots I decided to go back to what was working as far as progression. IMO the lower pressure led to less packing of the tube and that made it worse as it is the unpacked portion of the shaft that get’s impacted. We’ll see what happens when the tapered tube arrives to see if there is more of the shaft packing with that. Pretty clear to me that i need to get to the point that the entire shaft is packed to deal with the red dots. Unfortunately the 1.75" tube was too tight for me at the base and I was getting an injury there. If there is a tube between 4.4cm and 4.9cm in diameter I have not been able to find it, so all I could think of was to try the 2" tapered tube.

I went back and checked, we lost some of the progress made in terms of expansion both length and packing.

Weight: 176.8 @ 17.8%

We have been stable at 3.75 - 4.25 lbs of fat loss to go. Just have to stick with the meal plan, get the workouts in and keep the activity level up. I would say that I could use more sleep, A lot of that has to do with keeping stress levels down, but that is easier said than done. You need to control what you can, but people need you when they need you. Can’t always side step all the emotional vomit that people throw at you.

Need to think about how to design a life of better balance. A healthy sex life is important for that balance and play. Vacations too to get a break, which I decided to forgo because I was buying a new vehicle this year. But even just time off. A lot of us do well at staying centered in our work and responsibilities and that helps for sure, but there needs to be balance with life outside of that.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Unfortunately the 1.75" tube was too tight for me at the base and I was getting an injury there.

My base was smaller then mid-shaft when I started, and getting a seal or preventing a testicle from getting pulled halfway into the tube was a big problem. After a while it wasn’t so bad.

Then I added hanging to the mix, and wound up with "tenting" as the ligaments pulled away from the pubic bone for that classic traffic cone shape with excessive base girth. The mouth of the tube would sit about halfway down the ligaments, and it ranged from uncomfortable to painful.

After a few months that went away and hasn’t been a problem again.

TL;DR: the 1.75" tube might become less uncomfortable over time

"TL;DR: the 1.75" tube might become less uncomfortable over time"

Something to think about.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4"
Pack 2-3/4+"

What I am calling 4in/hg is 2 notches less than 5.

A little more length and a little more packing. Just regaining some expansion with the 4in/hg. We’ll see on the path forward, I think I can eventually pack the shaft fully in this tube. We’ll see the impact on EQ - maybe. LOL

Weight: 176.4 @ 17.8% bodyfat

Yesterday activity level:

Archery, walked 3 X 1.3 miles, house projects. I thought the activity level was ok but not great. Had errands to run which ate up more time than I figured. Got into an argument with the girl, though it didn’t echo afterwards too bad. So much for managing stress levels. Have to work today so we’ll see how the evening goes and if there’s a fall out. Maybe grab a bite to eat somewhere to break the ice.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Due to high ammunition prices I’ve had to virtually stop shooting for sport. I took up bicycling early this year, and noted there are two archery ranges along one of the big state trails I frequently ride, plus three more ranges nearby; one within walking distance.

I haven’t shot a bow since I was a teenager, but I’ve been seriously thinking about buying one. I thought another compound bow would be nice, but… what they’re making now doesn’t really jive with my idea of what a bow should look like. Most of them are covered with doodads and look like they were styled by Japanese manga cartoonists.


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