5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
Tube down length position: 7-1/8+"
Pack 2-1/2"
Maybe a hair more length in the tube, but not much. Personally I think 2.5 does not provide enough pull but even with that I experienced red dots yesterday so will just stick with the slow progression approach. I think my tissues are just inclined towards red dot formation.
EQ was not great yesterday I was not is a good headspace, but at least I hooked up. Which is better than crowding it out.
Weight: 175 @ 17.6% bodyfat
Yesterday activity level:
20 flights on the sledding hill with the 40 lb vest, upper body weights, 1.3 mile walk.
So we got 20 flights for the first time, with some difficulty the last few flights we had to push the legs were struggling. I was waiting on the grass seed to get delivered so instead of a walk I went to the gym and got that going. Happy about that. By the time I got back the grass seed was there and we went ahead and seeded reseeded the back yard and areas that the tree was uprooted. Only issue is that little rain is forecast so I’ll be having to water everyday without help from the rain but I want to get this going before the weather turns and we hit the peak of the fall growing season. Got a fucking cricket in the basement. So I sprayed the basement, hopefully that takes care of that.
Just from that one workout yesterday, I thought I looked tighter today. so that’s good. I’ve become tentative with the sex, got to fix that.
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.