Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's General Progress Log


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4+"
Pack 2-5/8+"

So change in plans due to logistics. It seemed like there was good improvement to the discoloration this morning so decided to see what impact 2.5in/hg would have on the red dot formation. I have to go on a day trip tomorrow so if I am going to take 10 days of I figure I can start tomorrow.

So for sure there is a lot less expansion with 2.5in/hg but it’s not zero. And I am wondering if I do take a break if coming back with that as a starting point in pressure might be a good idea. Or would higher pressure for less time be the way. I guess I’m trying to figure out if time or pressure is more of the culprit in the red dot formation. I suspect it’s the pressure, so maybe today’s experiment will give me some insights.

Weight: 177.8 @ 18.1%

Yesterday I hit the hill for 16 flights with the weighted vest. Then weights for the upper body for a good hour. For the 2 main lifts I took a little more rest in between sets and I added a couple more exercises. Starting to build some stamina and my strength is coming back fast on all the lifts. Also I got 2 short walks in. Even did some trimming of the bushes around the deck to gain access as I need to paint that eventually. So a good level of activity and that is helping with leaning up. At this point the workouts are the more important thing as I definitely lost muscle with those long runs I was doing. Good for the cardio but they do break you down.

I hired the highest rated tree service in the area to remove the tree that fell in the neighbors yard. Overpaid but they did an amazing job and made quick work of it. The neighbor was very appreciative. They got to come back for the stump, but the neighbors have all been very cool and supportive. I probably should have gotten to know them a little better before this.

Bought a new SUV and with all the technology I felt like I needed to go back to school to figure out how to operate this thing. But I figured it out pretty good.

So what have we learned? I need figure out the red dot issue, to lose the rest of the fat, gain some muscle, be less of a tightwad and less of a self centered prick.
Let’s go.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Well that answers that. The red dots will not resolve without a break. Taking 10 days off.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

could you post a picture of the red dots? What problems would they cause?

Originally Posted by roccosiffredi95
could you post a picture of the red dots? What problems would they cause?

They really don’t cause a problem per se, just discoloration

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Weight: 176 @ 17.9%

I am sure that I am dehydrated. Went for a 5 mile hump over rough hilly terrain with river crossings and a heavy pack yesterday. Probably take another day to rehydrate. going to view this as a recovery day, get some walks in, work on projects around the house and then get back to it tomorrow. Will start back with the pump on the 8th, going to give it the full 10 days.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.



While I am giving the pumping a rest for 10 days for the petechiae to fully heal, I am bringing up a full erection to keep that process going. I guess it’s not edging per se as I am not keeping the erection, just bringing it up until it’s full and calling it. I have to say I think the pumping is very beneficial, readily getting to a full blown erection that looks huge to me is a good thing, IMO. I am also forming the opinion that all men over 50 should be using the pump to some limited degree. I’m not sure what that would be but for sure if we go to the gym and lift weights 3 times a week our bodies definitely benefit from that so I would think something similar maybe using the pump 10 minutes and a light pressure 3 times a week would promote good penis health.

Weight: 176.6 @ 18.1%

Probably still dehydrated. I need more muscle, will hit the gym today and get a bunch of little walks in.

Yesterday had visitors and visited family so only managed a couple of short walks.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Weight: 176.2 @ 17.8%

Weight is going good, Just 2% bodyfat to go.

Yesterday activity level: Went for a short walk, hit the gym and then I started removing the stump of the tree that had been uprooted last week. I was just going to remove the roots that extended into the lawn because I was fertilizing. They had quoted me $800 to remove the stump, that kind of seemed like too high given that it had been up rooted. So I just kept going and worked on it all day and got most of it done. Mostly I was motivated to see if I could do it. I just have a couple of roots left shouldn’t take too long today and I ordered a bigger chain saw to cut the stump up. That was an unexpected project. I would say that was a very high level of activity for the day. I’ll have to repair the wooden fence that got knocked over too, but that shouldn’t be too big a job. Physical labor is different activity but I think it’s good.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Edging to full erection.

So just bringing up the erection to the point where it’s going to sustain and that’s it. It’s shocking to me how quickly this comes up. I think it’s a combination that the stretching had a negative effect, so discontinuing that and adding the pumping has had a positive effect. Full blown erections on demand in short order is the best description I can offer. It’s a good place in terms of penis health as far as I’m concerned.

Weight: 178.6 @ 18.3% bodyfat

The weight jumped, which from my past experiences with cutting is going to happen. This usually precedes an even bigger drop just need to stick with it.

Yesterday activity level: We did get in 2 short walks, 1.3 miles each, but most of the day was doing manual labor. I started the morning by bringing the roots that I had dug up out to the curb. Since everyone was bringing out their downed limbs and trees to the curb, I thought I should try and see if the village takes them. Then I got to finish digging out that stump. That surprisingly only took another hour or so and I realized why that pine got blown over. They had planted that tree too close to the easement in which they created a low point for the water to run in between the properties to the drain that empties to the retention pond. Because it was always wet there, there were only very shallow roots there. Maybe they never anticipated that tree getting that big when they planted it. I still have to chop up the stump, so I ordered an inexpensive but capable chainsaw to get that done and then I’ll have to level the ground and maybe reseed a bit but not a big deal.

I had gotten a quote for that job and I did think they wanted too much, but really it wound up being an issue that I got the idea that I wondered if i could do it myself. And I got started and I just kept going. Can we still do shit? I guess we can.

After that I took a look at the downed fence. Three sections had been knocked over and the adjacent sections had been loosened. Went to Menards got supplies and then went to work on the fence. I used 24" galvanized steel connecting straps and fence post fixers that you pound into the ground.
Part of the issue is that I don’t really know what I am doing. But about 3-4 hours later the fence is back up and solid. That was about 5.5 hours of manual labor. So another day of a pretty high level of physical activity.

One thing I will say about my physical condition. In May when I realized how much work I had to do at home I decided to just do the long distance running and drop the weight lifting. Reflecting on it now it’s not something I want to do again. I lost too much muscle from all that long distance running. It just breaks you down. It does when you are younger too, but at this age maintaining the work capacity and strength is just way too important. Cardio yes but keep the strength too.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.



Weight: 177.4 @ 18%

Yesterday extra long day at work after the long weekend off only got a 1.3 mile walk in. Girl was back in town yesterday, she wanted a Greek salad did a search found a place. I ordered a double hamburger they said angus. I’ll tell you I’m so used to eating clean now I thought it sucked, way too greasy and not tasty either, I won’t go back there again. When I get a pack of sirloin burgers for the grill at home, they are so comparatively lean.

So time to do a push on leaning up and getting fit. waiting on the chainsaw which should come today to get after that stump. Lot’s of other projects still, but we’ll make the exercise the priority and fit the house projects around that. Best as I can figure I still have around 4.5 lbs of fat loss to go and then I have to regain 3-4 lbs of lost muscle. That may not seem like a lot but this is where it is a grind, time to push.

As far as PE, there is some persistent discoloration, that is slowly improving, morning hang remains robust and we will resume the pump on Sunday after a full 10 days. If necessary we’ll deal with the discoloration after as we did a while back.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Fast edge

That seems to be holding the morning hang thinking there is some benefit to that. Maybe in general we’re not as sexually active as we’re designed to be.

Weight: 174.8 @ 17.4% bodyfat

Yesterday activity:
17 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb vest, 2 X 1.3 mile walks, various yard work all day. I was so busy yesterday that wound up eating late and I’m probably dehydrated. I have been hydrating with Gatorade xero but I am switching to water, I think it’s a good idea to get away from additives. The weight drop is continuing though for sure, but we have lost muscle so tomorrow morning first thing it’ll be the weight room. Legs are holding up because of the hill work, just got to bring up the upper body. I think for the legs 20 flights twice a week on the hill with the weighted vest will be plenty, I need to make room for more upper body work.

I need to make more time for intimacy. It’s hard to believe but I am so far behind on the home projects and am feeling up against it as it going to turn cold faster than you think. So I’ll admit that my mind is preoccupied. That tree falling and all that work that created really set me behind. That chain saw I bought worked great except the chain they had on it did not hold an edge, so I ordered better replacement chains and if that doesn’t do the job I’m just going to rent a 20" saw from home depot and get this thing done. Part of the problem is that I really don’t know what I am doing. I ask and I do research but a lot of it is trial and error. I think people that do manual labor and are around it just kind of know how things are done.

.I actually added notes to my list of things to do to keep it top of mind. We got to get some play in here for sure.

Have gun will travel.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Last edited by Buckfever : 09-05-2024 at .


Fast Edge

Weight: 176.8 @ 17.8%

Yesterday had training in the evening and the only choices were pizza and salad. I stuck with the center pieces of plain cheese pizza, not sure if that was smart, kind of a rare situation where I can’t pick some kind of protein source. The vendor is no longer financially supporting these trainings so the department putting it on has to fund it so it’s just been pizza and salad lately. Only got one walk in yesterday in the morning. Will try to be more active today.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Fast edge

Weight: 175.4 @ 17.5%

Well I did not hit the gym yesterday. Taking care of that stump was weighing on me especially since I don’t know what I am doing so decided that I would just get some walks in and work on the stump. My chain saw is probably inadequate and I went through 3 chains as they would get dull fairly quick on that tough stump, but between the chain saw and the Sawzall I managed to chop up the stump and I started leveling the ground. I’ll finish leveling it and getting it ready for reseeding and I need to clean things up, it’s kind of a mess back there. That will be Sundays project. As far as exercise I managed 3X1.3 mile walks. I do think the manual labor of the house projects is beneficial, better than sitting in front of TV.

Got a date night tonight after work so we get a break from the house projects and we’ll see if this instrument still works, its been a while .See if we can make her regret the day she met me.

Tomorrow for sure, we hit the hill AND we hit the gym. the house projects will continue but the exercise moves up in priority starting tomorrow. My right shoulder has been hurting, all these home projects have caused it to flare up. Plus when I went hiking last week I fell a few time which jacked things up. I need to strengthened up and get back to the rehab movements.

Got to keep pushing on the discipline with the meal plan and the activity level, we’ve made progress but these last few miles are the toughest and it’s easy to fall off.’

Back with the pump tomorrow. Not sure on what protocols we wind up exploring but for sure will start with 2.5"/hg and see what kind of sequelae we observe post session.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 2.5 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/8+"
Pack 2-5/8"

Restarting after taking 10 days for the red dots to heal. Slightly less expansion but not bad. Given what I have experienced the approach is going to be to use the least amount of pressure with which we progress over time until that stalls and only then increase the pressure a notch and repeat the process. If we are eventually able to tolerate higher pressures I will consider running the original premise of the research of 2 five minute sessions of 200 mm/hg. I am just not sure my tissues can tolerate it so this approach makes much more sense to me.

Weight: 176.2 @ 17.7% bodyfat

Things have stalled on leaning up because I ate out 4 times in the last 10 days. I have nothing for the next 3 weeks so we’ll do a push starting today and I’ll make the exercise a priority over the house projects

EQ was outstanding BUT I have not had a hookup in a long time and the thunder was a little off. The duration of the climax was great, but the intensity was not as robust. It takes a certain amount of frequency for those systems to be firing off properly and I am of the opinion that we are not having enough intimacy these days.. I know for myself I just let too many other things crowd it out. You have to invest in things to get a return. I need to work on that. I’m just too fucking busy.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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