Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's Clinical VED(pumping) Journal


Quick Edge.

Weight: 177.2 @ 18%

Yesterday activity level: 1 X 1.3 mile walk

Yesterday activity level was poor, it was raining though. I am stuck on the weight loss. This is for sure due to breaking the meal plan and the reduced activity level because of the house projects. I’ve found myself reducing the workout schedule to get more of the house projects done, even though I said I wouldn’t. The driver for that is the weather as I feel I am running out of time AND because 5 weeks from now I’m hunting and that’s over for the year. The other concern is that I am not getting enough aerobics. I am aware of where I’m falling short, BUT I need the house projects done. A little carpentry a little prep work, a little painting and we’re done.

Will try to be more active today never the less.

I bought a new SUV and it seemed rather bouncy/floaty I haven’t had a truck based SUV in 7 years so a little out of the loop on all things truck. Turns out that they are shipped from the manufacturer at max PSI on the tires and the dealer didn’t check so instead of running at 33 PSI I’ve been running in the high 40’s. Adjusted the pressure yesterday after work and went for a drive and now I’m throwing that thing around like it’s a sports car. I guess I should have known better but I am astounded at how many things are missed. Feels like so much of my life has become looking after other peoples shit. I ordered new tires thinking the stock tires were the problem but now wondering how necessary that was. I do want a snowflake rated offroad tire for the Winter so will probably still get them though.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
I guess I should have known better but I am astounded at how many things are missed. Feels like so much of my life has become looking after other peoples shit.

"Trust no one…" as the old TV show said.


Fast edge

Weight: 174.8 @ 17.5%

Yesterday activity level : Archery 60 rounds, Walking 3 X 1.3 miles Carpentry. Scraping deck floor.

Prepping the deck for painting is way more work than I figured, but I have to get all the loosely attached paint off, if I hope to get a good result. The limiting factor is that I don’t do manual labor and my lower back, my forearms and hands would get fatigued. So I would do 2 boards at a time and have to take a break. Got maybe a third of it done.

Nice drop on the weight and according to the bodyfat scale I’m calculating that we have 3.5 lbs of bodyfat to go and then we’ll have to regain about 3.5-4 lbs of muscle. The v-line is starting to show pretty well and the fat behind the obliques is shrinking. Arms are improving but they are way down from what they were. Stay on the meal plan and bring it home.

EQ is excellent IMO

IMO opinion the world is completely insane and society has really fucked up women and within my circle of influence I am not going to play into it.

My advise to men, stay centered - get some.

Discoloration from the petechiae is persisting, I’m going to order that product that I used before to lighten that.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Quick edge

Weight: 177 @ 18% bodyfat

Yesterday activity level: 1 X 1.3 mile walk.

I stuck with the meal plan yesterday BUT I polished off 2 X 8 ounce sirloin burgers. It was a long day I ate late and the activity level was low. Tried to stay hydrated.. Will try and do more today after I get new tires. The 1.75 X 9 tapered tube is arriving today while I am on a break I will test that either tomorrow or Sunday to see if that will work. I did place the order for the whitening lotion and will get on that soon.

Overall I’ve been improving my focus, taking one day at a time, staying focused, staying centered and grinding it out. Stringing good days back to back and developing momentum in that expectation.

Not coming off the cut by any means, BUT putting the muscle back on is becoming more of an interest. We’ll hit the weight room today for sure.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

So the 1.75" tapered tube arrived as did the clear adhesive rulers. Did not get the female valves I ordered so took the one I have and installed it on the 1.75" tapered tube so that’s functional. In addition installed the clear adhesive rulers to the tapered tubes so now can take a consistent measure. It’s metric but that’s okay and it won’t catch the 5mm of the flange but that’s okay we just need a consistent measure to capture progress. We’ll try out the new tube soon.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.75"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 17.5mm
Pack: Shaft fully packed at sessions end

Length measure does not include 5mm flange.

Success! So we tested the 1.75" tapered tube and this worked out great. Since this is actually based on inches rather than metric, the orifice is larger so I’m able to get in there better with less pinching of the ligaments at the base and while it is a snug fit throughout we are able to quickly pack much more of the shaft and by the end the shaft is fully packed. For me this is significant as this results in no discoloration or petechiae at the sessions end. I’m inclined to continue and treat the discoloration simultaneously as we’re not adding anything with this tube.

So exactly how to proceed is not entirely clear to me. For sure we stay with this tube for a while and maybe note the time it takes to fully pack the shaft. And in addition we can note length progress and see if that plateaus. At some point I would think staging to the 2" tapered tube should be tested to see if that can be quickly packed and if we can avoid the red dots. We’ll have to sort that out but at least I have a pathway forward.

The other thing that prompted me today is that Saturdays I usually see a hook up so want to get a sense of the effects on EQ.

Weight: 176.4 @ 17.9%

Yesterday activity level: 1 X 1.3 mile walk, 1;30 weights upper body, scraping deck floor to prepare for painting, Yesterday was a busy day, got new tires on the new SUV, that took a bunch of time and they had IMO overinflated the tires, so I had to examine the drive characteristics and figure where I needed the PSI. Needed to find the balance between how well planted the vehicle is, the steering response, the roll of the sidewalls and how stiff it is over bumps. Fortunately I have a railroad crossing not too far away and the adjacent subdivision has curvy roads and roundabouts to able to sort that out. The biggest thing was to not have too much pressure so that the suspension is not overwhelmed so it can do it’s thing. Rough railroad crossings are great for sorting that out

Took me longer in the gym but the strength is climbing on every movement. But most especially the movement I am doing for the damaged part of the shoulder is really progressing in strength. I have theory and I’m not sure it is true, but I think what happens is that when you injure a joint, you avoid the painful part of the movement and the muscles associated with that motion weaken. My theory is that it creates a muscle imbalance. So I think once you’ve given it enough time to heal sufficiently, you need to work the painful part of the movement essentially working through the scar tissue with very light repetitive movements so that the weakened muscles can be strengthened and rebuild stability in the joint. It definitely feels like we’re getting that done.

I am aware that I am not doing enough aerobics. Despite my intentions, my need to finish the deck before the weather turns, has taken priority. The prep work on the deck is waaaay more than I figured but if I don’t get all the loosely attached paint off, it will not me a good lasting result. Pretty happy with all the work we’ve done this year and the most recent project reseeding the back yard and especially the area where the tree was, that is all coming in beautifully and now with the cooler rainy weather it’s established enough that I don’t have to water. If anyone needs to seed that Jonathan Green brand seed is pretty awesome.

I did make a shift in the intimacy, I was placing too much in terms of expectations on the girl and she was feeling pressure, It kind of just migrated that way but fortunately I saw it, so I took that off. I just take what I want, the pressure is off, it’s working out better so far. These journeys are malleable though. Just got to pay attention from time to time.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.75"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 17.8 mm
Pack: Shaft fully packed at sessions end

Length measure does not include 5mm flange.

A hair more length. Inclined to go back to 4.5 In/hg where previously we saw better progress. It is a little hard to read the mm increments.

Weight: 177.2 @ 18.1 Seems like we keep bumping up to this weight. IMO I’m not active enough, need to knock off that deck and get more exercise in.
Yesterday activity level: 2X1.3 miles

EQ was excellent yesterday which I was curious about having had a pump session in the morning, however took me longer to be able to finish, if that is the right language. Will keep an eye on that and see if skipping a session on Saturdays is a better way to go.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.75"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 17.9 mm
Pack: Shaft fully packed at sessions end

Just a hair more length and it only happened at the very end of the session. With a packed tube the pressure increases very rapidly.

Weight: 176 @ 17.7 % bodyfat

Yesterday activity level: 18 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb vest. Archery ~ 100 rounds. Walking 2 X 1.3 miles Scrapping the deck to prepare for painting. Only have another day of prep on the deck and then a day to cut and a day to roll and I should have it done at the latest by midweek next week. And that will be it for the home projects for the year and I’ll shift the focus entirely on fitness. There’s some little things to do indoors but not much and I’ll do that come winter when I’m stuck inside. I need to get to the hill twice a week and need to hit the weights more consistently.

I started the treatment to lighten the darkened areas with: "admire my skin ultra-potent brightening serum" which I’ve used before and between the packing and the treatment things are lightening up. I need to time when the shaft is fully packed but it’s an odd thing where almost all of it packs early except for a small area below the glans and then that packs towards the end. Intuitively how quickly that occurs would be relevant as a packing measure. As far as the length I think with so much of the shaft packing so soon, I expect length advances to come slowly. We will see how it goes. But with the 1.75" tapered, 2" tapered and the 1.93" straight walled tube, I now have all the equipment I need for a long progression. Morning hang does seem to have been greatly enhanced by the pumping. I wonder if others have seen the same.

Thinking things are set for now, just got to grind till we plateau.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


2"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 17.8 cm
Pack: 7.7cm

Equipment failure. The 1.75 " tube cracked and would not hold pressure. I was aware of complaints regarding this, I don’t know if there is a better quality tapered tube out there. Probably explains why no one here is using them. I switched to the 2" tapered tube and got a session in to see if that one still works. Not sure where I go from here.

Weight: 177.2 @ 17.9%

Went out yesterday and had a beef sandwich. Mentally I’ll stick with the current structure but not going to make a push on the cut or fitness until I finish the deck. I’m stable and have made good progress but I need more time to make the final push and I don’t have it right now. And this week I need to help a friend on a day off so even less time.

Otherwise mentally continuing with the same protocol. Take one day at a time, stay focused, grind it out and make it a good day.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Discoloration from the petechiae is persisting, I’m going to order that product that I used before to lighten that.

Would you mind sharing the product that you used?

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Would you mind sharing the product that you used?

A while ago I used an amazing product called Devine Derrier that was actually for anal bleaching. Before that I had developed severe discoloration from years of pumping. Half of my dick was black. I it was completely one single color wouldn’t have been too bad but half was white and the other half was black. This product completely restored my skin in a matter of around 3 weeks. If it still does exist, I am not sure if the formula will be the same because the main ingredient was Hydroquinone? I think thats the name. Not the most healthy thing to have on your skin but for a controlled procedure like this is not bad. I got it from eBay back in 2009.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Would you mind sharing the product that you used?

https://www.ama … /dp/B0BYB635N4/

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


2"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 17.8 cm
Pack: 7.7cm

I think about the same. The tapered tube wasn’t holding the pressure well today either. I had to change the female valve that screws into the tube and I think that is what is damaging the tubes. I’m noticing a little bit of fraying. Probably would have to order the whole apparatus. I may.

The lightening lotion is working so pleased about that.
Weight: 178.2 @ 18.1% Weight jumped a little but I actually look better. Muscles are fuller. I want to get my muscles back. Will lift today for sure.

Activity level: Last 2 days only 1 X 1.3 mile walk each day. Today I’m off and will be more active for sure. Lot’s of protein the last 2 days. Had a big beef on Monday and yesterday 2 sirloin burgers, had to be close to a pound of sirloin.

Still trying take one day at a time and make it a good day, And yesterday was a good day, but it took a whole lot to get it. Just a series of outlier shit to deal with. There will be those days.

8 hours of sleep haven’t had that in a while and that is massive. Need more of that.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Are you lifting at home or at a gym?

Would it be practical to divide things into one major lift per day, to save time?

So what I did today was go to the gym and lift upper body for and hour and 15 and then drove straight to the Sledding hill and did 10 flights with the 40lb vest. Once I get the deck done I’m just going to do doubles on my 3 off days and a lot of those little walks.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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