Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's Clinical VED(pumping) Journal


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4+"
Pack 2-7/8+"

So pretty big jump on how much of the shaft was packed. Maybe I jumped the gun on the tapered tube as it seems that we’re seeing decent progression. But given as I don’t know what I’m doing, you don’t know till you try.

Weight: 177.2 @ 18.1

Pretty pissed about the weight. Took the girl out again, she’s been combative and I wanted to change the mood. She visited Greece on her trip and fell in love with Greek food. I found a new Greek restaurant set up like a fast food place but higher end food. Food was delicious but greasy. There’s no fucking way I’m going to lose the rest of the weight if I keep eating out. There was probably 500 extra calories of grease in that meal. I’m going to institute a going out to eat strike for the next 2 weeks to get this going. I need to see a 174 print.

Yesterday activity level: 2 X 1.3 mile walks.

I do wonder about me and relationships. I kind of don’t care about what women want, I do a little bit but not a lot. I think that’s why it’s always been easy for me to get laid, because I’m a challenge. But I remain a challenge in a relationship and that causes friction. At one point yesterday I think I told her, you want me to be a fucking woman and I just can’t. And I don’t want to be that.

I did point out to her that I am thoughtful and intelligent and considerate and gave her examples. It went better after that and for sure there must be a better approach but my God I do not give a fuck.

Anyway, I’m definitely getting laid today. What are you going to do.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4"
Pack 2-3/4+"

Less expansion today. Discoloration day over day was less.

Weight: 176 @ 17.8%

Weight is going back in the right direction. At 16.8% I look acceptable, but it isn’t just 1% of weight loss because you lose muscle when you’re cutting, 15.8% is the look I want in terms of lean, but really the end goal is to put back the lost muscle so we’ve got quite a ways to go and life has a way of getting in the way and making things take longer than you figure.

Yesterday activity level: 16 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb vest, upper body weights about an hour, 1.3 mile walk and started painting the deck. The deck has so many railings that’s going to take a while, but I am insisting on the fitness being the priority over the house projects.

As far as intimacy I told her I was too fucking tired, I was falling asleep. I have the afternoon off so maybe today. I need to get in better shape and I am, I was much stronger in the gym on everything, but I’m about 65% of where I was in May and that’s a problem because when you don’t have the power you get worn out. Things needed to get done and that’s fine, but fitness has to be a priority now. It’s different when you’re older, things fall off quickly without the maintenance.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4"
Pack 2-3/4+"

Expansion about the same.

Weight: 177.2 @ 18% Starting to think we land at 174, lose a little more weight and gain a little muscle. Definitely getting stronger.

Girl came around.

Focus has slipped a little overall, got to get back to work. Updated goals this morning.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.93"X9" tube

5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 4 hg

Tube down length position: 7-1/4+"
Pack 2-7/8"

Maybe a little more expansion than yesterday.

Weight: 178.2 @ 18.1 % Weight jumped but I was up early today so not so sure. BF reading is good. It’s starting to show that I’m lifting.

Got a new SUV with off road capabilities and the stock tires they put on it suck. Especially for snow so please take more money, because I don’t want to wind up in a ditch. What are you going to do? Next week, at least I have 7:00 am appointment to not blow the day and I did get a really good price.

Which I find interesting. 3 months prior the SUV I bought which is a First Edition had dealer markups of 10K above msrp and I just bought mine for a 5K discount. And I did not negotiate. I just inquired and then had to commit to the purchase immediately so that they could trade with another dealer for the vehicle and three days later I took delivery. At work all my colleagues and business partners are reporting a major slowdown. I’m getting bombarded with discounting from vendors and yet somehow the political rhetoric is promoting that the economy is strong.

I have taken advantage of the pricing to increase inventories but data is always lagging, and I’m thinking we should tighten our belts.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

So the tapered tube arrived. The orifice looks to be spot on at 2" diameter so actually a little bigger than the metric based 1.93" diameter tube that I have been using. The amount of taper is not listed, but I took a measure of the outer diameter at around 7 inches and it is smaller by a half inch in circumference, so we’ll see how it works out tomorrow.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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