Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's Clinical VED(pumping) Journal


Fast edge - EQ outstanding!

Weight: 177.2 @ 18% bodyfat

Yesterday activity level: Archery ~ 75 rounds, Upper body weights: 40 minutes, Deadlifts: 115X10setsX10 reps, Walk: 1.3 miles

Meal plan: Not great yesterday, I kind of mixed up the days and forgot that a grocery run wasn’t made. I had chocolate chip ice cream which I should have skipped otherwise it wasn’t bad. I need to hydrate more so tomorrow will start filling up a pitcher with water in the morning and polishing it off.

Could be I’m be I’m single soon, so getting motivated on getting in shape is pretty easy. I think the suggestion of doing small workouts really works given my schedule so we’ll do a lot of that. I remember a workout I used to do when I was younger. I would only do 2 working sets of an exercise, 20 reps for the first set and then 12 reps for the second set and if I got that the next workout I would go up in weight. My recollection is I didn’t get super strong with that regimen but I got really big. Not sure my muscles will respond as well at this age but that fits my schedule of tucking things in and will give that a go. I need to hydrate more so tomorrow will start filling up a pitcher with water in the morning and polishing it off.

The 10X10 deadlifts with the light weight was just to get some exercise in and condition for deadlifts. I’ll just go up 5 lbs a workout to play it safe and let the structure get used to that.

Glans is healing up quickly. Started using the Divine Derrière lightening product yesterday we’ll see how that goes.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Not sure my muscles will respond as well at this age but that fits my schedule of tucking things in and will give that a go.

As you get older your need for recovery time increases. I found that not only did I hit a plateau lifting, I lost ground when I tried to push it. I went through two cycles of that out of stubbornness. If your progress stops, drop to twice, or even once a week. Like PE, your logs will tell you what you need to do.

Well all the equipment arrived. We have the ~ 1.7" and 1.93" straight tubes(metric sizes) and the 1.75" and 2" tapered tubes which have larger orifices, an extra pump and tubing. Now the question is what to do? I think the 1.75" tapered tube with very light pressure is the place to start. Bruising is completely resolved, but should I give it more time? I don’t know.

Someone here mentioned that normal erection pressures are in the 3.5-4 in/hg so I looked it up and the number generally accepted is 100mmhg which translates to 3.93 in/hg. So a couple things. It makes sense to me that I found that pressures at 4.5 in/hg resulted in steady progression because that’s above the normal erection pressure and if there is expansion available over time that should be sufficient at least for the newbie type of readily available expansion. Maybe higher pressures would be more effective but I don’t have an opinion on that. And it could be that once the readily available expansion is realized perhaps higher pressure or longer duration would be necessary. Or maybe not. I’m kind of of the opinion that traction while clearly producing initial gains rather quickly and then a bit more with a considerably larger effort has functional physiological limits. I’m wondering if there isn’t something similar with the pump. We also have a lot of anecdotal evidence that those that are overzealous with the traction initially seem to hit a brick wall quickly.

If that is the case then it seem it would make sense to realize the initial gains using the smallest incremental force that sese progress. But pure intuition. We would need a time series with incremental pressures and no such thing exists.

That said there is a lot of anecdotal evidence here of progress with the pump over time but then after a while diminishing returns.

BUT that is only one aspect of the pump. Then there is the matter of EQ. which brings me back to the 3.97 in/hg. There is a tremendous amount of data here regarding folks reporting a reduction in EQ from the pump when pushing the duration and most especially the pressure. It would make sense to push the pressure beyond to promote expansion, it would also make sense that doing so is what is going to have an adverse effect on EQ. I don’t have hard parameters, BUT I would say lighter pressure and a duration that is not too long for facilitating EQ.

Makes me wonder if there are regimens that have been discovered as optimal for EQ rather than what works for facilitating incremental expansion.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


1.75"X9" tapered tube

5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg

Tube down length position: 17.5cm
Pack: 10.5 cm

Length measure does not include 5mm flange.
What I am calling 3.5 in/hg is 3 notches short of 5.

Finally a good outcome. Did not fully pack the shaft but very close and no sequelae. The glans did not bruise and there was no discernable post session discoloration on the shaft. The tube was really tight had a hell of a time getting in there, I think I forgot to lube the inside of the tube and in general needed more lube. Also I think the improved EQ adds to the challenge. But because the skin is so sensitive to red dot formation I have to go with this approach of using a rather tight tube that I can largely pack spend some time with it to get the expansion and then set a pathway of incremental progression to bigger tubes that will allow additional expansion while largely packed. Right now my thinking is stick with this tube till we fully pack the shaft and then monitor the time it takes to fully pack it until that plateaus. Next I’ll try the 1.73" straight tube to allow additional expansion of the upper shaft before trying staging from the 1.75’ tapered tube to the 2" tapered tube.

Now is the progress we have realized with the pump real new expansion or is it that we are realizing EQ gains that had not yet been realized because the long traction campaign had a negative effect on EQ? All I know is that the EQ seems remarkably improved and the erection looks huge to me.

I do not have massive aspirations here, but I am quite sure that additional expansion is available and I’m pretty sure that we will pack the 2" tapered tube. As to whether we can pack the shaft with the 2" straight tube, that seems pretty lofty, but time will tell.

I do not expect this to be a long campaign as far as the expansion goes. Slowly take it to the point of diminishing marginal gains of expansion and then switch to an optimal regimen for EQ.

My focus is shifting towards my physical appearance.

Weight: 178.4 @ 18.2%

Yesterday activity level: 1 X 1.3 mile walk

Stuck with the meal plan yesterday but the bump up in weight was residual from overeating the day before. Activity level was low because I was wiped out from work and the robust activity level the day before. Body felt good but tired. I’m going to repeat the Friday regimen next Wednesday.

As far as relationships I don’t think I am one to give advice. I find the attraction part easy and I’m aggressive in the bedroom, but I seem to be attracted to high functioning women that have problems. Either that or they’re all just fucking crazy to some degree. But I’ve seen this movie before. They get to a point where they are dissatisfied with themselves and somehow shift their focus to the relationship. And then it’s not behaviors that they want to see changed, but rather they want me to change.

And this is when Buckfever steps back and expects them to fill the gap. The problem for me is that I do a lot and I’m generous and the moment that is not appreciated, what’s going to happen here next is you’re going to get less and you are going to have to give more. How much less? Whatever it takes, I can do nothing.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Makes me wonder if there are regimens that have been discovered as optimal for EQ rather than what works for facilitating incremental expansion.

That was one of the questions I had when I first started PE. If you look in the archives, there were some attempts to quantify EQ and gains here, two decades ago. They all ran into the same cat-herding problems - not enough men were willing to participate, the ones who did didn’t always follow the protocols, and the whole "self-reported data" problem.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Weight: 178.4 @ 18.2%

Stuck with the meal plan yesterday but the bump up in weight was residual from overeating the day before.

If you’re measuring down to tenths of pounds, how much you drink and the size of your last dump are going to cause noise in the data. If you average your readings across several days and look for trends you’ll get a better idea of your progress.

As far as relationships I don’t think I am one to give advice. I find the attraction part easy and I’m aggressive in the bedroom, but I seem to be attracted to high functioning women that have problems. Either that or they’re all just fucking crazy to some degree. But I’ve seen this movie before. They get to a point where they are dissatisfied with themselves and somehow shift their focus to the relationship. And then it’s not behaviors that they want to see changed, but rather they want me to change.

I’ve seen that one play out so many times it has moved from a stereotype to the norm.

And this is when Buckfever steps back and expects them to fill the gap. The problem for me is that I do a lot and I’m generous and the moment that is not appreciated, what’s going to happen here next is you’re going to get less and you are going to have to give more. How much less? Whatever it takes, I can do nothing.

That’s not helping. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anything you *can* do in that situation, so cutting your losses and moving on probably is your best solution.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Someone here mentioned that normal erection pressures are in the 3.5-4 in/hg so I looked it up and the number generally accepted is 100mmhg which translates to 3.93 in/hg. So a couple things. It makes sense to me that I found that pressures at 4.5 in/hg resulted in steady progression because that’s above the normal erection pressure and if there is expansion available over time that should be sufficient at least for the newbie type of readily available expansion. Maybe higher pressures would be more effective but I don’t have an opinion on that. And it could be that once the readily available expansion is realized perhaps higher pressure or longer duration would be necessary. Or maybe not. I’m kind of of the opinion that traction while clearly producing initial gains rather quickly and then a bit more with a considerably larger effort has functional physiological limits. I’m wondering if there isn’t something similar with the pump. We also have a lot of anecdotal evidence that those that are overzealous with the traction initially seem to hit a brick wall quickly.

I think the often quoted 4hg is a "pre-rigid" erection.

I think the 4hg comes from item 5 in this paper Physiology of Penile Erection and Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction

You may notice item 6, the final step of the erection, not included in typical calculations:

6. A further pressure increase (to several hundred millimeters of mercury) with contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscles (rigid-erection phase)

Also can be found in other places like here
Physiology, Erection

Intercourse and repetitive penile stimulation create a strong contraction of these muscles and force additional blood into all chambers, increasing rigidity. This process is known as the rigid erection phase, during which pressure within the erectile chambers can reach several hundred mmHg.

B: 6.5"x4.75" (5/8/2024) | C: 7.2"x4.88" (10/11/2024) | G: 7"x5.5"

My PE Log and Notes | Hanging with FIRe | Understanding force thresholds for growth


1.73"X9" straight tube

5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg

Tube down length position: 6-3/4+
Pack: 3"
What I am calling 3.5 in/hg is 3 notches short of 5.

So the 1.75" tapered tube cracked so I’m done with that and switched to the 4.4cm straight tube. That is a very tight fit at the base but I can still work the upper part of the shaft and get better packing so I’ll just stick with that for now and then eventually move up. I suspect the 2" tapered tube will eventually crack as well so that part of the experiment is over. The glans tolerated the session very well. I probably need to be disciplined and stay with 3.5in/hg till we see some conditioning.

Weight: 177.4 @ 17.7% bodyfat

Yesterday activity level: 20 flights on the sledding hill with the 40lb vest, Archery - not sure how many rounds, Walking ~ 1.8 miles I wanted to do more but is was really windy over here - not pleasant. We were very strong on the hill! Thinking about the recovery will probably hit the weights twice a week.

I removed from the meal plan, this is too slow of a grind and need to jump start it. Got to get back to ripped. It’s not just the looks it’s the confidence.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

So I checked the tapered 2" tube and that is forming a crack as well. So I tossed it. The pulsating to keep the pressure up caused a lot of problems for me. So what I am wondering is if there are any actual straight tubes that are really 1.75" rather than the metric which are actually smaller. That’s about the only thing left for me to explore. Otherwise we stick with what we have till we plateau and then stage with the the 1.93" straight tube.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Hi Buck!
I’m an Italian user, and a few weeks ago I shared your experiment based on the VED protocol in the Italian section of the Forum.

Ricerca Scientifica del Pumping: Documentato dall’utente Buckfever

I’ve been following your progress with great interest, and I’m really happy to see that you’re achieving consistent and safe gains!

Thanks so much for your hard work, brother!

[NEW START SOON] NBPEL 15.5 cm (6.1") • MSEG 13.5 cm (5.4")



1.73"X9" straight tube

5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 3.5 hg

Tube down length position: 6-3/4+
Pack: 3"

Measures about the same, but it seemed even tighter to insert. Needs more pressure for progress but will stay with this for a good bit for conditioning.

Weight: 158.8 @ 17.7% bodyfat

The bodyfat measure did not reflect how much leaner I look in the mirror. I think the reduction in the meal plan will now get us there. Focusing on keeping up the protein. Yesterday activity level: Zero it was too cold to walk, it’ll be the same today but tomorrow we will do lots.

There was less affect with the girl, but my goodness everything is my fault isn’t it? We’ll see how it goes, at this point I would say I’m amused.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
Hi Buck!
I’m an Italian user, and a few weeks ago I shared your experiment based on the VED protocol in the Italian section of the Forum.

Ricerca Scientifica del Pumping: Documentato dall’utente Buckfever

I’ve been following your progress with great interest, and I’m really happy to see that you’re achieving consistent and safe gains!

Thanks so much for your hard work, brother!

Cool I hope it provides some insights.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Cool I hope it provides some insights.

I really hope it will help us too!
Soon, I’ll be starting my own journal where I’ll follow the VED protocol like you, while also incorporating NIR technology.

I wanted to ask, since the start of your experiment until now, how much have you gained in length and girth?

Take care!

[NEW START SOON] NBPEL 15.5 cm (6.1") • MSEG 13.5 cm (5.4")


Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
I really hope it will help us too!
Soon, I’ll be starting my own journal where I’ll follow the VED protocol like you, while also incorporating NIR technology.

I wanted to ask, since the start of your experiment until now, how much have you gained in length and girth?

Take care!

It’s hard to know because I’ve changed things up so much dealing with the Petechiae. But even with the changes in measuring and the angle of insertion for sure there has been over 3/4" of expansion as far as length as measured in the 1.93" tube and much more than that as far as packing. Keep in mind that I was coming off an extended traction campaign, which has a negative effect on EQ so it’s hard to know exactly what those improvements are from.

Good luck on your campaign.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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