1.75"X9" straight tube
5 minutes @ 1.875 hg
2 minute rest
5 minutes @ 1.875 hg
1.875 hg = 3 notches
Tube down length position: 6-3/4"
Pack: 2-3/4+"
A little more length but definitely more packing. Not sure why maybe hydration levels? I’m thinking at least 10 days at a particular level to allow some time for conditioning before moving up the pressure. But I’m just guessing.
Weight: 179.8 @ 18.7% bodyfat
Yesterday activity level: 3.5 mile hike over challenging terrain. I ate too much yesterday I’ll back off today don’t want to go over 180. I’m sorting out weaning off of desert.
Yesterday I slept 9.5 hours and I have to say I really felt the tension from work start to dissipate. Looking forward to having consistent short blocks of time off.
I was talking to a hunting buddy yesterday and he was telling me that he is acutely aware of his headspace and work related anxiety levels. He says that he’ll wake at 3:30 in the morning and just stay in bed till his alarm because he can’t shut it off. He was telling me that if he’s in the wrong mindset he won’t go hunting because he doesn’t want negative associations with recreation and he feels the isolation in the field and it amplifies it. It’s an interesting perspective. I do think though that changing your venue removes cues and triggers that keep you in that mindset so I’m not sure. I guess it just depends on how fucked up you’re feeling.
He does agree with me that not getting the workouts in really gets to him so he puts that at a higher priority. He’s alternating the workout days with the recreation days so it doesn’t weigh on him.
I can’t pull that off because I have to drive much further to meet out there. I’ll stick with my plan at least I’m getting some hiking in.
Yesterday I informed my primary business partner that I will be working less as it will impact his business some. I told him that I feel that the amount of time I am working is affecting my health and I have to make changes. He wanted particulars and I explained that I will be taking short blocks of time off that will be predicated by the travel requirements of our associate that will be travelling to NYC on a regular basis and that I have instructed her to clear my schedule when she is travelling. He knew about this block of time, I let him know about 3 more blocks of time already scheduled. I also informed him about my doctor’s concerns about the long haul Covid muscle loss. That she is concerned about long run insulin resistance issues related to the muscle loss amongst other things and while she is happy with the positive cardiovascular impact of the aerobic effort she was wanting to know when I will get to that. I told her 12/4, and I told him that earmarks the starting point for the change. He gave me no push back, I think people don’t fuck with you when it’s related to health.
Now I did try to do this earlier in the year but as she’s in charge of scheduling I could not intervene often enough and was always outflanked because she wanted the hours. This solution is not a problem, because it doesn’t cost her hours. Although she seemed resistant to the idea initially because she didn’t like the idea of things being shut down because of her wanted to take off. I told her I don’t care take all the time you want, I want the time off.
I’m pretty happy about this solution although I can hardly take credit for it except for taking advantage of it. I’m not that full of shit to pretend I actually pulled anything off here, but I’ll take it.