Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dicade's journey to something more

Got an opportunity to measure length today and landed in at 18.0 cm, same as previous measure. Hoped for a mm or two extra but on the other hand my dick has been pretty stiff the past days. Most likely due to some hard stretching and jelqing. Anyway, happy, surprised and thankful to be where I am today even though BPEL doesn’t follow progress of BPFSL. No stress, still a newbie.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Great week with 50-60 mins hard stretching per day. Slightly less pumping, only 30 mins in total, but with slightly higher pressure. Kegels according to the routine.

Newbie gains seem to be over, have to work hard for every single millimeter now. Average BPFSL for the full week increased by 1 mm, both before and after stretching. Not bad at all, but way less than in the beginning. The unit has felt pumped entire week which might have caused slightly less gains. On the other hand girth seem to be picking up, not that I try to do anything special for it, it just seem to happen.

With the growth in girth I have realised that my foreskin is smaller at the top, leading to a strange "squeeze" in the middle of the shaft when the foreskin is fully retracted. But since TP is such awesome I have already found a cure for this in the forum and added a special exercise for it. Will add it to the routine on daily basis until problem is solved.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Measured BPFSL tonight, 48 hours after last session and it’s at 19.0 cm, to be compared to 17.0 cm a months ago (or 31 days to be precise). All thanks to being a newbie. Have reached 19.5 a couple of times last week after stretch but still no possibility to measure BPEL and MEG, but it’s fine anyway.

A few words on EQ. It’s been good, rock hard morning wood every day. Also a quick but still nice session with Mrs. Dicade yesterday morning. In fact I’m getting harder with her than on my own.

Will pause the daily 5mg Cialis at least until Friday to see how that works out.

Back to the routine tomorrow!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
Newbie gains seem to be over, have to work hard for every single millimeter now. Average BPFSL for the full week increased by 1 mm, both before and after stretching. Not bad at all, but way less than in the beginning.

A lot of guys get discouraged when their newbie gains level off, no matter how many times they were told it would happen.
Time to settle in for the long haul now.

1mm a week is still excellent progress.

Still very happy about 1 mm in a week and I know that won’t be the weekly growth either. If monthly it’s still awesome.

And when growth is declining there are still other things to practice and celebrate in the meantime, like mastering edging, dry orgasms and an overall improved EQ.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Thanks, still hanging in there with your encouraging support!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 9 completed.

Once again a good week, sticking to the routines. I have been finding creative ways to sneak away and do the PE work both at work and home. Stopped taking Cialis Mon-Thu to see what happened and basically haven’t experienced any big differences, still good morning wood. In general my dick feels a lot healthier.

Average (seven days) BPFSL before stretch got up 2mm to 191mm and after stretch I landed at 195mm which is 1mm in gain compared to last week. Had no opportunity to measure BPEL or MEG, but it feels like I’m moving in the right direction. The longer I wait for official measures, hopefully the better gains to report. Measured my fat pad and it’s still at 42mm and I need to do some serious work here as well.

I had some struggles getting a solid grip and good stretch in the beginning of the week. In order to compensate I spent in total 90 mins stretching with heat during Thursday. Really interesting experience and great elongation. I have realized it might be tough to continue with manual stretches forever since it’s pretty exhausting.

Have of course continued to read plenty of threads to learn more of PE, always enjoying the supportive culture.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
Week 9 completed.

Once again a good week, sticking to the routines. I have been finding creative ways to sneak away and do the PE work both at work and home. Stopped taking Cialis Mon-Thu to see what happened and basically haven’t experienced any big differences, still good morning wood. In general my dick feels a lot healthier.

Average (seven days) BPFSL before stretch got up 2mm to 191mm and after stretch I landed at 195mm which is 1mm in gain compared to last week. Had no opportunity to measure BPEL or MEG, but it feels like I’m moving in the right direction. The longer I wait for official measures, hopefully the better gains to report. Measured my fat pad and it’s still at 42mm and I need to do some serious work here as well.

I had some struggles getting a solid grip and good stretch in the beginning of the week. In order to compensate I spent in total 90 mins stretching with heat during Thursday. Really interesting experience and great elongation. I have realized it might be tough to continue with manual stretches forever since it’s pretty exhausting.

Have of course continued to read plenty of threads to learn more of PE, always enjoying the supportive culture.

Hi man!
I read with interest your weekly progress which is excellent and encouraging to continue with determination towards your goal.
I think suspending the cialis for a few days was a good idea so you could see how good your morning wood is and the good state of your cock without the support of the cialis.
Also work on decreasing the fat pad and you’ll see other benefits, I’ve been following a diet and exercises to improve the fat pad and the physique in general for a few months now. Being more informed about PE is important as is the support between us.
Looking forward to updates on your progress, best wishes for official measurements, see you soon bye :up:

Thanks Dosso!

Yeah, keep on posting updates will hopefully support others when they are loosing hope. In the end there is a substantial amount of time to be dedicated and it’s not always easy. I think I read somewhere that the reason why it does not work to grow a penis is that it takes a few years and most people are not ready to commit to that. And I believe we have seen from the stats here at TP what can be accomplished if time and commitment is being shipped in.

Regarding the fat pad. I started to run again this spring and kept it to three times per week during the summer period but now only two times. That should leave some room for the gym as well. But I definitely need to take slightly better control of calorie intake too. I have a wish to reduce the fat pad to half, whiteout knowing exactly how many kilos that relate to. Have lost 5kg past six month but could do another 10kg.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
Stopped taking Cialis Mon-Thu to see what happened and basically haven’t experienced any big differences, still good morning wood. In general my dick feels a lot healthier.

When I told my doc I wanted some, his only question was what dose I wanted. I asked what the doses were, and he said they ranged from 2.5 to 20mg. I picked 10mg as a mid-range starting point. (we have a pretty good working relationship)

I only used them sporadically at first, then settled on two a week; Mondays and Fridays. When it was time for a refill he asked if I wanted to try 2.5 or 5mg daily; I told him I was OK with 10mg 2x/wk for now.

I noted the effect tapered off after a few months, and was considering going to daily dosing, when I resumed taking L-Citrulline. I had run out, and hadn’t loaded any more capsules. Loading your own from bulk saves money, but it’s a tedious hassle. But even though I was taking a smaller dose than before, the EQ and flaccid changes were much more noticeable than before. I suspect taladafil and L-Citrulline work synergystically.

Taladafil pills are normally coated; the manufacturer says cutting them will allow oxygen to degrade the composition, and says not to cut them. If you want to play with dosage size, like for a 7.5mg dose, ask your doc if he’ll give you the same overall prescription in 2.5s so you can adjust the dosage down as needed.

I have both 5mg and 10 mg on prescription and normally take the smaller ones. Last time I picked them up I could choose from different brands with these ones not recommended for splitting up. On the other hand, 5mg isn’t that much and obviously they do not seem to do their work better than PE either. Might go for a double dose on Saturday though since when me and wife are spending the night at hotel. Just to be on the safe side in case she wants to play.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Not time for the weekly update yet, but other things to mention.

I have clearly not followed the guidelines when it comes to size of cylinder and have been pumping with a 2,25" (not that I have been doing that much though). This week a 2"/5cm cylinder arrived and I tried it out today. Wow! What a nice fit, experience and feeling. Looking forward to fill it up in a distant future!

I have also spent the day refining my spreadsheet for monitoring targets, training and results. Will have a lot better view of things, even though my targets will be reached whenever they will reached. Progress is not entirely in my control, even if I’m spending my hours. Need to have a dick responding and working with me too. But so far we seem to be fully aligned. :-)

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 10 completed.

Really great start last week with plenty of good training and measures. Spent in total 410 minutes on stretching which is slightly more that previous week. The weekend not so good due me and Mrs. Dicade being away at a weeding party and spending the night in a hotel. Did the routines anyway, but most likely not pulling hard enough. On the other hand we had a really great Sunday morning with good sex, three times within two hours and a very willing wife. Has not happened in many years. Wee! EQ has been good, noticed primarily with really hard morning woods.

Gained yet another 1 mm on BPFSL, both before and after stretch, based of the weekly averages. Now at an average of 192mm before and 196mm after with elongation between 2-3%. Have had a much better grip which enables harder pulls. Also a few very good jelqing sessions with the morning wood while Mrs. Has been in the shower with me still in bed. She still has no clue what I’m doing. As mentioned in the previous post I’m very happy with the new cylinder, even though I haven’t had that much time to spend with it. Let’s see how this week will be though.

Measuring BPEL and MEG is still very tough. I feel it’s difficult to get fully erected even for just measuring one of them. Easiest is MEG since I can but on a cock ring and then see measures at 135mm. The problem with the one I have is that it’s a fairly thick ring which is in the way for the ruler when measuring BPEL.

Motivation still high, but it’s highly related to gains. Too many days in row with no positive news at all are a bit tough.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Been spending some time analysing stats from as many heroes I find here at TP. I’m especially interested in the gap between BPFSL and BPEL in order to understand what I have in front of me. I can see that most people have a BPFSL being between 10-15 mm longer than BPEL, which is where I tend to be as well. I have also noticed that in some cases the spread increases over time.

Going for 8"/20,3 cm in BPEL then translates to at least 21,3 in BPFSL, most likely another 5 mm to be on the safe side. Then there is also a need to count for a potential decrease of BPEL during decompression, which can be just anything, but let’s say 10 mm. And this is even if maintenance is done (this is after all also about keeping the dick healthy for life). If my assumptions are correct that means I need to reach close to 23 cm in BPFSL and that is before any exercises and preferable 48 hours after the last session. With current stats that means another 35 mm to go. Long way and many hours to spend, but I still believe it’s possible, especially since there are plenty of smaller celebrations on the way!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2


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