Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dicade's journey to something more

Dicade's journey towards something more


Just as many others here I have finally decided to stop lurking around and go all in into PE, by sharing my progress and experience and contributing to the interesting conversations.

I think this start deserves some kind of introduction to me and my plans going forward. First, I’m not entirely new to PE, spent a couple of months some 15 years ago with stretching and jelqing that took me somewhere. Reason at that time, as well as now is that I have always felt that my equipment is too small compared to the rest of my body, with a history of being a fairly well-built athletics. Being a bit of a grower does not help either.

Current stats are (2023-09-14):
BPEL: 16.0 cm
MEG: 12.8 cm

Should notice that it was with an EQ at around 8. Also, I’m on TRT and Cialis since August.

I actually started a couple of weeks ago, just to get into the mood, figure out when to do what and how, given that this will be a stealth operation. I’m pretty sure my wife will find this a total waste of time and a bit weird as well so until she notices the progress herself (hopefully) I stay under the radar. Very motivating!

I’m planning to run this for quite some time (years) but see this as my own birthday gift when I turn 50 in April 2025. This gives me 17 months of practice.

My goals are, just as many of you, to reach 8x6” (20,3x15,2 cm). In order not to loose motivation I have also broken them down into short term targets. I fully understand that this will not be a straight path and that things might have to be adjusted along the road. I might aim for NBPEL to be 8” (15,2 cm). But that is far down the road and need to work on the current fat pad eating 40mm.

The training then? I’m currently on the newbie program with some twists and will stay there for a while, maybe as long as three months, depending on outcome. Focus will be length for now since this is where I have the toughest goal. Also, I have understood that working on girth from start might lead to challenges gaining length later on.

Current daily program looks like this (comments appreciated):

Stretching/squeezing 20-60 mins in total, basically taking all opportunities I can get
Jelqing 10 mins or 100 jelqs
Kegels 50x5 sec, 10x60 sec, 50x1 sec (I have been doing this in on my way to the office for a month now with nice results on EQ)

6 days on / 1 day off

That’s it for now!

Last edited by dicade : 10-05-2023 at .

I’m currently log training and measures in a spreadsheet but will add to the stats page during the week, at least the initial measures, which are the only official ones so far. Then I plan to update stats every month or so, but I might be more often depending of results and experiences. I have been in kegels for over a months now, and I’m not sure it’s due to them or the other exercises, but the morning wood is really awesome and gives me a good starting point for jelqing.

And if it wasn’t clear in my first post, I’m really happy to join this awesome place of experienced and friendly people. Hope I can contribute along the road!

Thanks AndyJ, I’m highly motivated and will put a lot of efforts into this!

Originally Posted by dicade
I’m currently log training and measures in a spreadsheet but will add to the stats page during the week, at least the initial measures, which are the only official ones so far. Then I plan to update stats every month or so, but I might be more often depending of results and experiences. I have been in kegels for over a months now, and I’m not sure it’s due to them or the other exercises, but the morning wood is really awesome and gives me a good starting point for jelqing.

And if it wasn’t clear in my first post, I’m really happy to join this awesome place of experienced and friendly people. Hope I can contribute along the road!

Hi man!
welcome and don’t think at all about age I am older than you and I see that the EP is giving me good answers.
Keep up the routine consistently and always go ahead paying attention to the signals that your penis sends you so that you can proceed smoothly. Certainly the kegels and jelq are giving you their results and the hard morning wood is the right signal that we feel as a positive response. The fat pad reduction is also very good.
So good progress towards the goal of 50 crowned by an excellent gain in measurements, bye :up:

Thanks for the encouraging words Dosso! 🙏

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Things are going well so far, still high motivation, thanks to having some progress but also reading others’ success stories here at Thunders.

I’m managing the routine really well, taking the morning wood as an opportunity for jelqs, doing the kegels in the car to office and then stretching during the day at office and around bedtime. Wife still without being suspicious.

Bought by self a pump, even though it’s not time for those exercises yet, but it was a good deal and it has gauge. Played around with it today just to get familiar with it. Did 3x2 mins at 5hg which was a nice experience. But do not really understand how to measure girth (not that it matters) since I’m deflating quickly.

Tomorrow is last session for the week, starting with one day off on Monday. Next week will be awesome since wife is traveling for four days. Pretty sure I’m will increase efforts!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

You’re the boss. I ignore. 👍🏼

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Currently on day 24 and things work well, maybe a bit to good actually. In the beginning I created a nice spreadsheet where I log my exercises, measures and goals. The later split into quarterly targets. Of course the result will be whatever it will be, as long as I stick to my routines, but it’s good for understanding around how long things might take. The fact is that I’m already at the length target I set for New Year (18,0 cm), but most likely behind on girth. I will go for another cm in length for now but might than switch over to girth to not fall too far behind. As already mentioned in previous post and based on the recommendations at TP length is the right prio, but running around with a super slimmed unit won’t be great either.

My quick gains might seem surprising, but I have a memory from my youth being 18,5/12,5 cm but that was with very low body fat. But I’m thinking it might be easier (not easy) to reach the 18,5 than the chapter after. Nevertheless, I stay positive and happy and strive on.

Since focus is currently on length gains this I where I see most of the progress. I find it hard though to measure all different things the same time or even the same day given that a few require my penis to be flaccid and a few requires a good erection. EQ has been up and down but I try to take the opportunity to measure BPEL and MEG with a great morning wood with EQ at 9. I have noticed that I loose plenty of length with EQ around 7-8. Slightly depressing to be honest.

Another interesting finding is the challenge to actually do both stretching and jelqing in the same session. After stretching I’m normally not in the mood or have time to get the 70+ erection needed. For the marathon I’m in it’s currently not a problem, but I need to figure out how to get enough jelqing, squeezing and clamping time later on. Also noted that what I believe is my tunica is the most critical part to stretch since it’s really tense. I do this with V-stretch but also pushing with my thumb while keeping my penis stretched with the other hand. Seems to work well.

Have been experimenting with the pump a bit more but get bruises at one single and very same spot all the time. It disappears after a few days, but is still annoying, given I’m in stealth mood. Maybe those veins will be stronger later on and manage the pressure?

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Starting the week with a day of (currently doing 6 days on, 1 day off) and weekends are a lot easier to squeeze in the routine than during workdays.

Last week was really good, with manual stretching between 50-60 mins per day in total, normally split into three sessions. Kegels are harder, longer and many more. I still have challenges with a good routine for jelqing but manage around 10-20 min per day, except yesterday when I gave the unit a tough round. Also experimenting slightly with pumping, but do not consider it part of the routine yet. Keep it at maximum 3x3 mins @ 5hg just to get familiar and observe.

Have struggled slightly with EQ at 7-8, hence I do not have good measures expect BPFSL at 19,5 cm after stretch, up from 18,1 a month ago. Tension always between 2,0-4,5%. My idea is to measure at EQ 9, to keep things consistent. But no rush, hope for some official numbers in a week or two.

Will keep the routine as long as it works and spend my time reading other threads and learn from others. This is truly a great place and I’m happy to be part of the community!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
Kegels are harder, longer and many more.

Everyone else was doing mass loads of Kegels, so I did it too. And I hated it.

After taking up weight lifting I ran into the over-training wall, and learned that "too much" really can be a problem.

The muscles you Kegel with are just like any other muscles; overtrain and you lose ground. I began doing them just like any other muscles, 5 sets of 5 maximum-effort Kegels, three days a week. I think I’m making progress now, instead of just getting tired.

Have struggled slightly with EQ at 7-8

There are several different standards for rating erection quality. ["standards are wonderful, that’s why there are so many of them"] Most only use a range of 1 to 5. I came up with a 1 to 10 scale, but the steps turned out to be so close it wasn’t all that useful. On the 1 to 5 scales, I’m almost always either a 3 or 4.

As long as you can tell the difference between a 7 and an 8, you’re good. But if it becomes a problem, dropping down to a coarser system (or just using the odd or even numbers of a 10 scale) might be easier.

Thanks Andy, I might rethink the kegel routine and stick to something closer to what I practice at the gym. But I do see some good improvements still. I believe I been way to weak leading to slight urine leakage (at least that is what I expect it to be) and that is completely gone now.

I like the scale 1-10 and I have a good understanding of the grades 6-10 at least. Probably also 0-1, since things were really bad the past year with very low testo. But to get to a 10 that is rare.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Another good week with consistency, following the routine as planned and with amazing morning woods that wakes me up. A bit to early though, but what the heck.

Jelqing is kept at 10-15 mins per day, a few times combined with edging. Stretching is now 50-60 mins per day, mostly split into three 10 min sessions and one longer. Pulling and stretching hard, to the level of uncomfortably. Have been pumping a couple of times this week as well, but still very short sessions and low pressure.

Managed to measure the morning wood today, BPEL at a solid 180mm, which is a great newbie gain. MEG was 132mm with a slight decline in erection.

Rest day tomorrow and then on it again!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Had a pretty decent week, that started with a tough day where measures was it but far of expectation and a very stiff unit. However, was working from home which gave an opportunity to add heat (rice sock) several sessions per day and that helped a lot. Could also spend more time with the pump and I’m now close to 10 mins per day. Busy weekend with family members around most of the time that got me slightly off routine. Managed longer stretch sessions in the evening but not not think it’s as good as several shorter.

EQ is good and I had some great sex with my wife last night. Could go on for pretty long time but got surprised by a sort of orgasm without cum. Didn’t feel like a real so I jerked off while pleasing her with my tongue.

Had some good measures of BPFSL earlier this week, which is basically the only metric I follow consistently. No time to measure BPEL or MEG. Also, now measuring with a fixed ruler instead of a folding one. Probably need to buy another one to keep in the bathroom to measure morning wood. The one I have now is in my briefcase so I can measure stretch during day sessions.

Rest day tomorrow but looking forward to Tuesday.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

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