Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dicade's journey to something more

Week 11 completed.

Once again a great start of the week with good grip during stretches. Saw slightly better measures which felt really motivating, even though total time spent for the week was lower. "Only" spent 290 minutes stretching and one pump session which is less than normal, but it seems to have given some results anyway. Jelqing and kegels according to routine. Have really missed the pumping last week so I actually just spent 4x5mins @ 5-7hg even though it’s supposed to be rest day. Some experimenting with Edging last week, and have saved the load for the weekend fun with Mrs Dicade.

The average BPFSL before exercise (measured in the morning) moved from 192mm to 194mm. The past three days have shown a consistent 195mm in the morning, before exercises. BPFSL after exercises moved from an average of 196mm to 197mm this week. Also with a new high-score at 199mm. Good, felt I needed some more positive news!

I always, I have had no possibility to measure BPEL on a good morning wood but tried to work my unit to a decent erection to measure, only to find out that I’m still at 180mm. Slightly disappointing, given the growth of BPFSL, but I understand it’s normal to have a bit of lag here. Also, it was not really a super erection. Anyway, not too stressed about this. MEG seems to be flat at around 135mm, which is awesome.

I have started to track length in the tube as well and it moves in the right direction. 181mm today was a new all time high, keeping pressure at 7-8hg when measuring. All in all, a good week behind with progress here and there. Given that there are so many things to measure, not to mention EQ, there is always at least one thing to celebrate.

BTW, there is obviously something fishy happening to Mrs. Dicade as well, even though she hasn’t said anything yet (still in full stealth mode). As reported the last time she suddenly felt for three sessions pretty close to each other (within a few hours) during Sunday morning, and this weekend we had sex two times in the morning and then she begged for a third in the evening. Didn’t deliver on the last one though due to kids running around. The two last weekends could maybe be related to some hangover on her end, but let’s see how next weekend turns out.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Short update due to a new month being entered.

Finally had an opportunity to measure the official progress and add to the stats. Haven’t gained a single millimeter on BPEL since last I reported, but MEG bumped up from 13.2mm to 13.4mm (+2mm) and BPFSL moved from 19.1mm to 19.6mm (+5mm) since last time. I’m pretty happy even though BPEL has stalled and I understand it may come later. I’m currently having a deviation of 16mm between BPEL and BPFSL which is consistent to first measures when the journey started, but also more than in the end of October. Volume is up 2,8% since last time and 23% since start.

I’ve had no injuries of any kind, just a few blemishes when I started pumping. EQ is way better than in the past, going from basically no morning erections a year ago to a situation where I wake up almost every night due to the dick trying to escape my briefs. The TRT of course have it’s impact here as well, but I think exercising the unit has done even more, giving me a healthy and firm looking unit.

I’m regularly stretching tight parts of my foreskin and it seem to work well, but still a part that needs another extra 5-8mm to catch up with the rest. The urge to masturbate daily is gone (not that masturbating is bad) but I’m more into edging and saving the loads for sessions with wifey, not that she cares or had said anything though.

Could be worth mentioning that measures are taken with cock ring, in the morning and without 48 days rest, but that is pretty much how I did it last time, so still consistent.

Next update of measures will be around New Year except the unofficial weekly ones which are mostly for BPFSL.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 12 completed, weeks are going fast as hell now.

Really great week behind with routine followed by the book. Had the opportunity to get two longer sessions during the week where I combined stretching, pumping and jelqing, with some edging in the end. Feels awesome to work the dick through entirely, especially with the pumped flaccid afterwords. A recommendation!

Ok, stats then. Average BPFSL before exercises (morning measure) for the week ended at 195mm, up 1 mm compared to last week. After stretch I landed in at an average of 199mm which is 2mm up and I have now a handful of measures at 200mm. Elongation above 2% except for one day. I bit of a milestone! I can remember a few months ago when I changed the ruler from a folding one and was struggling at 180mm with no possibilities to pull harder to gain a single mm. Pretty cool that PE actually works, even though the past month haven’t rendered any result on BPEL. But that will come.

Spent 370 mins stretching and five pumping session at roughly 10 mins each, more than last week. The combination of pumping and jelqing is awesome and in general I think I need to add another jelqing session during the days not fall behind too much on girth. EQ has been good, woke up at 5:00 with a hard one. Have started to sleep naked in order to let the snake free during nights, given it doesn’t seem to fit entirely into my trunks during the nightly erections.

This week will most likely suck from a PE perspective. Traveling four days/three nights with wifey and one kid and will most likely not have time to follow the routine except for kegels and some easy stealth stretching. Not that many measures will be recorded.

Mrs. Dicade far from being in the mood last week so no opportunities to practise new stuff I have read about in other threads. Feels ok, but I will give her a tough round whenever we have time and are both in the right mood.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

What’s up man! Looks like you got a good routine going. Keep it up. Cool to see other dads and husband’s like misled working on pe with their hectic schedules.

Originally Posted by NicoGains
What’s up man! Looks like you got a good routine going. Keep it up. Cool to see other dads and husband’s like misled working on pe with their hectic schedules.

Thanks Nico!

For now things are moving in the right direction, even though it’s way slower than the first five weeks. And it’s actually crazy how good I have been at finding the time everyday, without anyone knowing.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 13 completed.

Well, just as expected last, week came with some hick-ups due to travelling with family for four days. To compensate I skipped the rest day last Monday and just kept going. Proper measures only available for three days (Mon-Wed) and BPFSL ended up at 196mm before stretch and at 200mm after stretch, which is 1mm up on both. Total time for stretching was 280 minutes, 90 mins less than the week before. I had a few good pumping sessions at around 10-12 mins for three days (also Mon-Wed). Jelqing was slightly more due to a few longer sessions in the beginning of the week. Kegels kept according to plan, 100x5s, 10x60s, 100x1s (same procedure as the last couple of months).

I measured BPFSL yesterday evening when coming back home with a fairly rested and very flaccid unit. Showed around 198mm which was way more than expected and awesome. Really got me surprised and excited!

Ah, should also update on EQ. The weekend that ended "week 12" didn’t come with an opportunity for play with wifey, but on Monday night I woke up after around an hour of sleep being in the mood. Didn’t want to wake her so I just hugged her slightly but she woke up anyway reaching for my unit. Had a quick and very intense session which started with med going down on her, to have her done and then heavy pumping for a while until I was done. We had some fun about the day after. Very good erection I can tell you!

Just had the first stretching session and measures look promising for the week to come…

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 14 completed. Now close to 100 days.

Could maybe make sense to repeat the routine I’m following:
1 day off / 6 days on (starting with Mondays off)
60 mins stretching per day, split into 10-20 mins sessions, headed when working from home
Kegels 100x5s, 10x60s, 100x1s
Jelqing with squeezes, minimum 10 mins per day (roughly 50-100 jelqs) but have been ramping up and doubled the amount since last week
Pumping: whenever possible and at least 3 times per week, 10-15 mins each session, split into 3-4 mins @ 5-8hg

So, to the report for last week then. I have actually skipped rest day (will do this week as well), but keep efforts at a decent level). I spent 430 mins stretching (all angels) which is all-time-high and slightly more than planned. Slightly less pumping but kept jelqing at 125 mins. I have had awesome erections waking me up at 4-5 in the morning and have used those for jelqs. Noticed that my wife looked at my meat when entering the shower the other day, but she didn’t say anything.

Measures you might wonder? Absolutely no improvements on the average BPFSL before and after, so same stats as last week, mainly due to larger variations than previous weeks, ended up at 196mm vs 200mm. But, and this is a big but, I was at 197mm one morning and have two measures at 201mm and one at 202mm during the week. Once again super excited about hitting above 200mm which feels like a huge milestone! And strong proofs that I’m doing something right (and that this PE thing works). I have also been at a solid 183mm in the pump, which feels great.

Due to travel and wifey catching Covid last week, there has been no opportunity to try my unit in "real life". Now there has been exactly 14 days without intercourse and no releases at all. I think this is the longest period without cumming in my entire life. Not sure that this FAP thing is for me though, but excited to see how much load has been built up, given that I’ve been doing some edging as well…

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 15 completed.

Had a rough week with my unit, especially the first three days. Added an extra rest days since I have skipped them the past weeks. Average BPFSL before ended up at 198mm, up 2mm from last week. Average BPFSL after was 201mm, up 1mm.

Stretching for 300 mins, four times in the pump and jelqing close to 29 mins per day.

I’m really busy with holiday commitments this week so I will only do some light stuff. Also feel a bit best up so some rest and healing seems reasonable.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

@Dicade- At the start of your journey you said your EQ was at 8. Are you water pumping or air pumping? and can you directly say that pumping has done something to your EQ, positive, nothing or negative?

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Hi @Bemorethanbig!

I think I had a decent EQ from the beginning, at least during intercourse with wifey. The challenge is that my unit tends to soften fast. Started pumping about 6-8 weeks into my PE journey and when I added it I had really great morning woods, easily a 9+. And I have a vacuum pump, but pretty keen on a water pump, given the positive effects it seems to have on EQ. I’d basically do anything to have a solid and reliable erection. Also, I’m on both TRT and Cialis, but not sure the latter works at all since I haven’t noticed any major differences without it.

A water pump might be the next purchase when I have found a good place to hide it! How is your experience with it?

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

@D I just use a regular LA Pump with Gauge and fill it with hot water and I know how much to place water in before it get sucked through the hose. I warm up with NIR+ RED pad for 13 min, I do two sets of 10-14 min with a 5 min break. Never above 10 Hg I try to stay at the recommended 5Hg and sometimes hover at 7.5-8 Hg. I rotate between two size cylinders. I put on a cock ring on my balls so that the skin doesn’t get sucked in.

So far, I am 8 weeks in and my EQ has gone from an 8 to 9.5, in fact, the hardest penis I have ever had. I don’t think my EQ could get any harder but I am leaving it at 9.5 in case I can reach my objectives of L and G.

I use to be concerned about hiding it, However I just have a bag and place it in my closet hanging, I think wifey has seen it. She knows my EQ has been a bit shaky so it’s either this or the pill, although I use this for PE and EQ, all she has to know is that I use this for EQ in her mind.

I’ve also been on the cum cocktail and that has just helped me feel like a stud, my wife could not believe how much cum I had in me the other day! All she thinks is that her heels get that much cum on her, I let her believe what she wants!!!

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
@D I just use a regular LA Pump with Gauge and fill it with hot water and I know how much to place water in before it get sucked through the hose. I warm up with NIR+ RED pad for 13 min, I do two sets of 10-14 min with a 5 min break. Never above 10 Hg I try to stay at the recommended 5Hg and sometimes hover at 7.5-8 Hg. I rotate between two size cylinders. I put on a cock ring on my balls so that the skin doesn’t get sucked in.

So far, I am 8 weeks in and my EQ has gone from an 8 to 9.5, in fact, the hardest penis I have ever had. I don’t think my EQ could get any harder but I am leaving it at 9.5 in case I can reach my objectives of L and G.

I use to be concerned about hiding it, However I just have a bag and place it in my closet hanging, I think wifey has seen it. She knows my EQ has been a bit shaky so it’s either this or the pill, although I use this for PE and EQ, all she has to know is that I use this for EQ in her mind.

I’ve also been on the cum cocktail and that has just helped me feel like a stud, my wife could not believe how much cum I had in me the other day! All she thinks is that her heels get that much cum on her, I let her believe what she wants!!!

Hi Bemorethanbig!
which cum cokteil are you using?
Thanks and cheers :up:

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
@D I just use a regular LA Pump with Gauge and fill it with hot water and I know how much to place water in before it get sucked through the hose. I warm up with NIR+ RED pad for 13 min, I do two sets of 10-14 min with a 5 min break. Never above 10 Hg I try to stay at the recommended 5Hg and sometimes hover at 7.5-8 Hg. I rotate between two size cylinders. I put on a cock ring on my balls so that the skin doesn’t get sucked in.

So far, I am 8 weeks in and my EQ has gone from an 8 to 9.5, in fact, the hardest penis I have ever had. I don’t think my EQ could get any harder but I am leaving it at 9.5 in case I can reach my objectives of L and G.

I use to be concerned about hiding it, However I just have a bag and place it in my closet hanging, I think wifey has seen it. She knows my EQ has been a bit shaky so it’s either this or the pill, although I use this for PE and EQ, all she has to know is that I use this for EQ in her mind.

I’ve also been on the cum cocktail and that has just helped me feel like a stud, my wife could not believe how much cum I had in me the other day! All she thinks is that her heels get that much cum on her, I let her believe what she wants!!!

Smart, a regular pump filled with water! A question though. Are you standing up when you pump with water? The reason I’m asking is that my angle is slightly downwards and I expect the water to go into the hose instantly.

Also read about your cocktail in the other thread. A nice one!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Wife went to her job this morning and I was still in bed and a bit in the mood so took the opportunity to take some measurements. Since I have been going really gently this week, I have controlled BPFSL and it’s been around 196-198mm, so basically keeping stats without beating my unit up. No measures of MEG, but it feels like I have gone down slightly. Good part and something to bring to the stats is a new official for BPEL, 184mm, +4 mm since last time. EQ was around 8-8.5 when measuring. Moving in the right direction!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Last edited by dicade : 12-28-2023 at .

@D I don’t know what happened but when I got on the RED / NIR PAD + Water Pump, that is when I saw a noticeable jump in my BPFSL.

I do water pumping not standing but sitting on the bathroom floor. I fill hot water and leave some space in the cylinder, I now know the right amount of space to fill up, I leave that to the side, then get as hard as possible, be on my knees, point downwards get the cylinder on, and then sit down, with just your hand pressure you should get no spill, the water goes down and the air is all on top and then pump out the air until the water gets to the tube, after that you can sit or stand whatever. I don’t stand because if there is an air pocket it touches my dick and I don’t like it, I need to invest in a longer cylinder to get more water in so even at an angle I still only get water. I have a routine that I never get the floor wet and when I place it in and out I get no spill. I can’t explain it but you will find the gear and style you like. So like many here, you find a way to not get water everywhere, and even if there is a bit of spill it’s nothing an extra towel can’t handle. I’m so comfortable now that I could do this on my bed, I don’t have to stay on the bathroom tile.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)


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