Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dicade's journey to something more

A decon may be just the thing so perhaps it is a perfect time to rest up.

Also many guys seem to have gains come in spurts rather than being linear so a jump up in measurements may be just around the corner once you get back to your routine.

Rock out with your cock out!

Yeah, I have been going a bit rough since New Year and maybe 6 days on 1 off is a bit over the edge. Think I deserve some time off.

Forgot to mention that I have been experimenting with clamping last week too. Something to add along the road, but for now only short sessions.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Also many guys seem to have gains come in spurts rather than being linear so a jump up in measurements may be just around the corner once you get back to your routine.

I keep ridiculously detailed logs. My gains have come in, er, jumps.

The annoying thing is, there’s no obvious correlation between gains and PE work.

I’m still too new to PE to experience the annoying correlation…after the newbie gains there has been very little progress at all, if any. I do feel slightly annoyed due to the uncertainties not knowing if there are further gains just around the corner or if they are still far away. Nevertheless, some rest would be what’s missing.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 25 and 26, sort of completed.

Spent week 25 with almost no PE at all, just some random stretching and jelqing for a few days here and there. No pumping nor kegels. Kept it very easy and more for basic conditioning that to gain any.

Week 26 started pretty much as 25 and since I have been on a vacation (rounding of today) I haven’t been able to do pumping. I said in previous posts that this should be a week entirely without PE, but I started to feel very healed in my unit and decided to pick up on stretching and jelqing in the middle of the week. Things have worked out well and I have been walking around the pool area with some nice flaccid hang the last couple of days. When I have been taking a leak throughout the days I have been surprised by the size of my dick, even though I’ve been a bit cold. Very nice for self confidence! EQ has been great with constant morning wood every day.

Will spend most of the time tomorrow on a flight back home and since it’s rest day that’s not a problem. Actually looking forward to get back home and take some measures and get back into the pump again. Motivation is high!

Have read lots of threads the past week, found one interesting about the so called “steel cord”. That is exactly what I was referring to in previous posts, when I felt I got entirely stuck. Now I think I know what to do with it.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Was really looking forward to do some pumping this week, but first it turned out that my wife got the flu and will be home for the entire week and now I got it too. I’m totally down with fever, pain in my entire body and feel totally exhausted. Will take it easy until recovered.

On the good side though, I took some unofficial measures yesterday. First, woke up with morning wood which I managed to measure with an EQ at around 6-7 (since it was dropping quickly). Showed 185mm BPEL which I’m really happy with, considering that personal best is 186mm with an EQ at around 8-9. Then I put a ring on and worked it slightly to measure MEG and it turned out to be 134mm, which I’m also very happy with. Seems like the two last weeks have done good to my unit.

BTW, will ad bundled stretches to my routine, within the 60 mins I normally do per day, not on top. Seems like some guys have managed to fight their steel cord with that and I will give it a try. Most likely just one twist (360 degrees) and some light pulling now in the beginning, just to get familiar with it. Also was supposed to start on the journey to become more fit since I have gained some weight the last couple of months, on top of an already challenging weight. Not sure if I will keep track of that progress here as well, might be good though. Anyway, it will contain logging of intake, power walks, running and gym, and for four months to start with. Need to drop some 15kg (33 lbs)…

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 27 completed.

Caught the flu in the beginning of the week and have been down in fever since then. Couldn’t resist doing some PE anyway and managed around 60 mins of manual stretching per day and around 20 mins of jelqing sometimes combined with clamping. Left kegels out this week. Today was the first day in more than two weeks time I had the opportunity to get into the tube for some nice pumping. Kept it at 3x4mins at 5-7hg in order to not overdo anything. Was in a bit of panic when the ruler showed just above 170mm for the first round, having in mind that I lost some in the pump after Christmas holidays. Things were sorted out in the other two sessions though, which got me to 186mm, two mm below my BP.

I have taken some measure throughout the week and BPFSL (pre) has been hovering between 198-202mm. I been here for a long time now, but it’s the way it is. I couldn’t resist taking a measure after the session in the pump and BPFSL showed 205mm which really surprised me. Normally I loose around 5 mm after any girth exercise since the meat seems to be distributed over width instead of length, but apparently not today.

EQ has been horrible due to the fever, no morning woods and hard struggle to get a decent erection when jelqing.

I’m currently thinking of starting hanging, even though i haven’t found out how to manage it in stealth and where to store the stuff. I need a more scientific approach making sure I add the required tension without relying on my own strength. Positive thing so far is that I think I cured my Golfer’s Elbow pain caused by bad technique at the gym.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Haha, no the manual stretches! The firm hold around the dick in combination with the fairly hard pulling has made my underarm muscles to grow unexpectedly. Not the Pop-Eye (let’s see how many here at TP know who he is…) size but they are notably larger and more firm. And its not due to the gym, since I haven’t been there as I should…

According to my logs I have spend 130 hours the past half year doing manual stretches, roughly 65 hours per arm. But I guess the final test is when I get to the gym. Also making sure to adjust the technique to prevent it from happen again.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Given how my forearms complain about stretches, I expect you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the gym!

I really hope so! Still suffering from last week’s flu but looking forward to the gym first the first time in ages.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 28 completed.

I have slowly been recovering from last week’s flu and hopefully I can get into some highly needed cardio and weight lifting next week.

PE has been going really well.

- 400 mins of manual stretching, might do another 30 mins later today.
- kegels during five days (100x5s, 10x1min, 100x1s)
- 140 mins jelqing and clamping
- 4 session pumping, 90 mins in total

I believe I figured out the clamping stuff and will slowly increase time over the next couple of weeks. I have had a very sensitive glans the entire week and edging has been hard.

The bundle stretches I have added work good. I’m still cautious and could probably pull harder.

After a round a month, or even longer I can finally see that things are progressing. BPFSL in the mornings are consistently at 201-202mm. Post exercise I reach 203-204mm consistently. In the pump I’m getting to 189-190mm after around 20 mins. I had no opportunity to measure BPEL or MEG for official reporting, but they seem to be fairly stuck for now. EQ has been great throughout the week. Might have to do with the fact that Mrs hasn’t been open for play in weeks…haha.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 29 completed.

Realized that I have been into PE for more than six months now. Still going strong and have no plans whatsoever to quit.

Have been WFH at lot which gave me several days with really great PE.

- 370 mins manual stretching
- 800 kegels and 40x60s, spread out over four days
-160 mins jelqing and clamping
- 6 sessions in the pump, a few longer and a couple of extra that were shorter

Finally got an opportunity to measure and ended up at 187mm for BPEL, one mm up. No changes to MEG, still at 135mm. EQ was not excellent so I think there might be another mm still hiding. BPFSL is now 201mm, up one mm, but on a solid way to 202mm.

BPFSL post exercise hovers between 203-206mm which is great. MEG post exercise and with cock ring reaches 141mm. EQ has been very good, especially morning woods.

Edging while clamping seems to be the real shit! Amazing feeling!

Will stick to the routine next week and then going easier the week after due to yet another vacation with the family.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 30 completed.

No at all as excellent week as I hoped for. Left my job and had to do handover stuff and then a holiday ruined the rest. Had a few good “all-inclusive”. -sessions though with stretching, jelqing, pumping and clamping which was awesome.

- 240 mins stretching, way below target
- kegels as last week, ok, but below target
- 110 min jelqing and clamping, below target
- pumping during two sessions, total 45 mins, below target.

EQ has been low until Friday. Got a new TRT shot Thursday afternoon and after that things were picking up. Currently on Nebido and 8 weeks cycle but hope to change to six weeks soon.

Strangely my measures have been good. NBPFL still at 202mm, BPEL this morning showed 187mm with EQ at 7-8 which practically saved the week, mentally. I have also seen more consistent measurements for BPFSL between 203-206mm which indicates that things, after all, move in the right direction. After a total of 20mins in the pump I get to 141mm with clamp. Also nice!

Next week I planned to take a break due to family vacation and no access to pump and ruler or time for PE. Since current week wasn’t great I will at least try to be in maintenance mood. Might do good too though.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Week 31 completed.

Planned to take the full week of due to a family trip. However, just as last vacation I had a hard time to resist PE. Kept myself to some stretching for 200 mins, about half of what I usually do. Managed to get 110 mins of jelqing with some light squeezing, basically what I usually do. I’ve had nice morning woods and EQ has been really great. No pumping or clamping this week.

I have not had access to a ruler so I don’t have a clue where I am regarding measures. But the hang has been great the entire week.

Next week will be odd as well with a trip with the boys from Thursday. Means plenty of fun but less PE. Will try to do as much as possible the next three days to cover for the weekend.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2


All times are GMT. The time now is 11:24 AM.