Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dicade's journey to something more

And I need to check my measures with a caliper some day, could be interesting to get some proper measures on width. Just need to find it around all the junk in the garage…

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
Will for sure see if I can build an electrical pump, that would be an interesting project!

There are commercial pumps nowadays, either with a hose or integrated into a tube. I tried a couple of the hose type a few years ago, and they were junk - no real control over the vacuum level no matter what the readout said was the primary problem. It might be better now

There have been various (expensive) programmable pumps on the market. The DP-4000 is the only one still on the market at this time (that I know of). Various members have reported positively on it, but it’s $500.

The converted aquarium pumps and the idea of breast pumps originated here, best as I can tell from the archives. They’re cheap and do the job. I’ve used both. But you need to DIY a vacuum bleed to control vacuum and tee a gauge in.

The few sessions of vac hanging I did before summer was at 2.8-3.3kg and didn’t render any impressive elongation.

The guys working on ultrasound heating have done a ton of research and experimentation on elongation and strain, but even light weights will work over time. Some guys can attach 10kg to a vacuum cap with no trouble; in my case I’m in for a blister at more than 2kg. But I got results anyway. Probably not as quickly as a properly optimized hanging program, but I’m not really worried about that.

Had my first hanging session yesterday in a long time 3x20mins, with proper warmup and then NIR for the first two iterations. Forgot to measure BPFSL before I started though. Anyway, can’t see that I get beyond what I’m getting after a manual hour, but I guess the constant stretch from hanging will do good anyway. On it today again with a proper measure before takeoff.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Managed to get three hanging days during the week. Not enough but better than during summer. I feel totally conditioned so there is a change I increase time from 60 mins to 120 (4x20) just to see what happens. Weigh feels great, starting at 2.8 kg and adding up to 3.5kg for the last two sessions. First warmup with rice sock and then heat pad for the first two sessions and cooldown during the last.

Have managed to add manual stretching before bedtime almost everyday and some pumping during a few days. Still struggling to get back to a fixed and determined routine.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2


Well, seems like I was hanging a bit too rough yesterday. Got my first blister ever, on the side of glans. Not looking nice or cool in anyway. Actually a bit scary. Will take the time of needed for a full recovery. Damn!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Thanks Andy!

Will try to give it plenty of time! But staying away from PE is not super easy…😀

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

My unit is recovering pretty slowly, might be due to not being circumcised which makes the environment a bit more closed.

I do indeed have a fitness program! I have managed to get to the gym three days per week plus three running sessions per week since end of March, with a couple of weeks rest during summer. I’m currently off running due to an expected knee injury. Have done an MR but still waiting for my doctor’s feedback, scheduled in a couple of weeks.

My gym program is slightly more loose that in the past. Instead of dividing each days into muscle areas I do “all” muscles every time but alter the exercises from day to day. First, it has been a lot more motivating, second all important muscles get workout three times per week. I have lost a bit more than 10kg on the scale, but in fat it’s probably around 12-13kg. I have gone from 106cm around my waist to 95. Feels amazing! I’m turning 50 next year and hope to do that with a pretty nice and healthy body, and a larger dick too. 😀

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Originally Posted by dicade
My gym program is slightly more loose that in the past. Instead of dividing each days into muscle areas I do “all” muscles every time but alter the exercises from day to day. First, it has been a lot more motivating, second all important muscles get workout three times per week.

There seem to be two basic types of workout programs: bodybuilding or strength. Their practitioners tend to be narrowly focused on their goals. Anything not on their path is dismissed as "just exercise." You can learn a lot from them, but you have to take care not to get sucked into their limited mindset.

You can afford to specialize when you’re 25 and in otherwise-good health. At 50, you’re better served by spreading the work around a bit to maintain a general level of fitness instead of specializing on one thing.

Feels amazing! I’m turning 50 next year and hope to do that with a pretty nice and healthy body, and a larger dick too. 😀

[grin] Onward!

Originally Posted by AndyJ

You can afford to specialize when you’re 25 and in otherwise-good health. At 50, you’re better served by spreading the work around a bit to maintain a general level of fitness instead of specializing on one thing.

[grin] Onward!

Fully agree! Goal No 1 is simple, just to be completely free from pain in various body parts, like knees, back, shoulders, elbows. That means a tough balance between physiotherapy and overdoing things. And it takes time.

Second goal is just what you say, having a decent strength, decent VO2 max and be able to manage a decent load of lactic acid. Ran into a a CrossFit class the other week and that seems to solve the later stuff.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

The blister is gone and skin is almost recovered. Will most likely wait a couple of days extra before starting the hanging routine again. Will experiment a bit with a water filled cup instead of tape.

Got my new pump handle the other day and have used it a couple of times. Still leaking air though so I need to mod the connector at the tube. Will remove the quick release connector and replace it with one in brass. Seems more solid. Also added a rubber ring for the tube entry, not sure I like it yet. It prevents from filling as much as I normally do, on the other hand it’s comfortable and seem to add more stretch in the length direction. I guess there are both pros and cons.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

Short update and announcement that I have now been into PE for a full year!

I have had a few really good sessions this week with combined pumping and clamping, but unfortunately no time for any hanging (yes I know that should be my priority). Took the opportunity to capture some measures yesterday since I had a rest day the day before. Was as a bit disappointed at first, but compared to historical stats, this is actually fairly good. Before the session BPEL landed at 187mm and MEG at 136mm, which I added to the official stats. There was actually no change to length, but I had a hard time capture it due to a too thick cock ring and a quickly weakening erection. I estimate my EQ to 7 which, with a 10, should give me a few more millimeters and maybe add some to MEG too.

Anyway, started a combined session with pumping and clamping, basically 10-15 mins in the pump then a switch to clamping for 8-10 mins and then altered back to the pump until I had three exercises of each. Basically 3 x (pump 10-15 mins + clamp 8-10). Interesting measures after that for sure. I reached 193mm in the pump, which is ATH, at least on par, and MEG at 143mm which is among the top records. To me, being an average guy, this feels really massive and cool!

The PE journey goes on, no reason to stop something that is obviously working. Plus, first base is actually not until April next year when I turn 50. Will dig deep into my logs to analyze my measures. I know pretty much already that most gains came in the beginning (as for all of us) and that gains are now so small that many months need to fly by to be able to measure any reliable new gains. But I’m fine with that. I also know that my septum is a lot thicker and stronger today compared to last year, and that I need to be tougher on it to gain any length.

Thanks for all support so far!

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

I have done some analysis of my stats the past year in order to figure out how long time it will take to fill my current tube, since it seems like an interesting final goal. Initial goal is still 8x6 (203mm/153mm) but filling the tube could be a fun thing. My tube is 220mm long with a circumference at 160mm and since I measure pumped it’s of course not the same as proper measures of BPEL and MEG. However, it likely that I will be slightly above 203/153 unpumped and rested.

Anyway, when looking into my stats it’s clear that the newbie gains are much more per week or month than later gains. If a look the past 6-8 months instead, there are 0.8mm length gains per months, pumped, in the tube. That means close to three years to reach 220, having 27mm left. For girth there is a slightly slower gain, 0.5mm per month in average and 17mm left to fill it up. That means around three years as well. I still feel very motivated about this PE thing and I think it’s totally doable.

Start (2023-09-14): BPEL 16.0 MEG 12.8

Now (2024-10-17): BPEL 18.7 MEG: 13.6

Goal: BPEL 20.3 MEG: 15.2

The nice thing about a long term PE goal is that you get to enjoy your increasing size all along the way :)

Rock out with your cock out!


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