Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dsd's Progress Thread

This Is What Bothers Me

The thing is just as we think we are small because of porn so does the whole society. To the point that if you something under 6nbp in amateur porn they’ll be comments about how they are small.

Someone who is perfectly normal is being seen as small. Of course it’s not all the time and it’s the internet but still.

And being black makes everything worse, there are people dumb enough to believe in some stereotype and sets high ass standards for a person.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Well I dont really see the problem here, forget your old nbp measurments they are only fictional and bring you down.

Overweight and what 18yr old at that time? Why even acknowleadge it, just delete it from your mind.

Im just saying that even a site based on stereotypes guys are within 6.5-7.5 nbp most of the time and i dont see any overweight guys with big fatpads.

Have you even done any other PE than manual?

Start over fresh in your mind from current bpel. Idk lets say 6.25 which is above avarage. Make up your mind this current measure is your startpoint after puberty and some help from PE.

Set a new goal say 1 inch more or even 2. I would advocate pumping because it is so good for building confidence. Also the old bathmate hercules is a great easy to use pump which isnt directly obvious as penis pump if anyone finds it sees it/whatever.

Maybe you should start over with the good looking loser website bathmate program. I really do think the most important is star over! Only use current bpel and forget all old measurements.

Originally Posted by HenrikL
Well I dont really see the problem here, forget your old nbp measurments they are only fictional and bring you down.

Overweight and what 18yr old at that time? Why even acknowleadge it, just delete it from your mind.

Im just saying that even a site based on stereotypes guys are within 6.5-7.5 nbp most of the time and i dont see any overweight guys with big fatpads.

Have you even done any other PE than manual?

Start over fresh in your mind from current bpel. Idk lets say 6.25 which is above avarage. Make up your mind this current measure is your startpoint after puberty and some help from PE.

Set a new goal say 1 inch more or even 2. I would advocate pumping because it is so good for building confidence. Also the old bathmate hercules is a great easy to use pump which isnt directly obvious as penis pump if anyone finds it sees it/whatever.

Maybe you should start over with the good looking loser website bathmate program. I really do think the most important is star over! Only use current bpel and forget all old measurements.


Sorry for spamming your thread but just remembered arnold quote. He had to start thinking of his biceps like mountains because if he kept thinking of the size his arms was from the beginning his mind was limiting his potential. Mountains can become any size, that was his thinking. Mentioning your starting nbp (which is the measure of a teenager with big fatpad) will bring you down, make you depressed keep you back from fulfilling your potential and feeling like shit when it’s a Bs measure. Do yourself a favor and feel good about yourself and you bpel measure!

Originally Posted by HenrikL

Sorry for spamming your thread but just remembered arnold quote. He had to start thinking of his biceps like mountains because if he kept thinking of the size his arms was from the beginning his mind was limiting his potential. Mountains can become any size, that was his thinking. Mentioning your starting nbp (which is the measure of a teenager with big fatpad) will bring you down, make you depressed keep you back from fulfilling your potential and feeling like shit when it’s a Bs measure. Do yourself a favor and feel good about yourself and you bpel measure!

Thanks I do appreciate your advice and I have most likely grown during that time. I am glad this site has kind people like brown dick & you henrikl to help a brother out when they feel down, there isn’t anyone I could talk to about this stuff except on yhis site, so thank you.

But I wasn’t overweight at the time and had an inch fat pad even though I had abs lol, I just keep fat there don’t know why.

But you’re right there’s no need to focus on where I started just where I’m going, I will start pumping when I have more privacy.

My main issue now is dating, I don’t know what to expect. If men don’t know what a true average is because of porn I don’t expect women to do either.

The truth is I really just have to accept what I am and get over my insecurities. That even if I get rejected for what I can’t change it is not my fault. Of course I could an inch to this and be happy with it but would hate the way there if I’m not a 100 % happy and ok with myself.

Stuff I need to change is thinking I failed because of something I was born with, or don’t deserve to be like other people because of a 4.5 BPEL. I need to change the way I think thank you for your advice you brown dick

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Damn since I dropped my girth routine I think I lost some size.

Measured and was like 5.6 nbp and 6.35 BPEL. I also dropped in eq so that has something to it.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

58 Days

I have been counting the days I have been consistent, to keep me focused and manage progress better. There has been ups and downs, injuries, gains, losses in this past 2 months. And I’m just trying to keep at it, I had been feeling defeated and have felt like given up but I have to give it my all, so I don’t have the excuse of I could have tried harder.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Setting High Ass Goals

Setting my new goals to 8 nbp x 6 mseg.

Just to motivate me more to put at least a decade into this. To be honest if I ended with a 6.5 after a decade would still be great but an 8x6 would be crazy motivating.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

21 Nofap

Trying to do a no porn, no fap challenge to figure out what is wrong with my EQ.

I hope I make it lol

Day 1

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Originally Posted by dsdany606
Setting my new goals to 8 nbp x 6 mseg.
Just to motivate me more to put at least a decade into this. To be honest if I ended with a 6.5 after a decade would still be great but an 8x6 would be crazy motivating.

Yes man! Now change your sig to only current bpel! Im sure you will either get there or very close and faster than 10 years.

Originally Posted by HenrikL

Yes man! Now change your sig to only current bpel! Im sure you will either get there or very close and faster than 10 years.

I want to remember where I started in a good way. I did pe religiously during this last two years and I would not be 5.7 nbp because of it, however I believe I can double my size and I will try. Gains slow down after 2 years so I will give a lot of time.

Thanks for the support, 3-4 inch gains here I come.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Last edited by dsdany606 : 11-05-2018 at .

Originally Posted by dsdany606
I want to remember where I started in a good way. I did pe religiously during this last two years and I would not be 5.7 nbp because of it, however I believe I can double my size and I will try. Gains slow down after 2 years so I will give a lot of time.
Thanks for the support, 3-4 inch gains here I come.

Good luck Bro,

Actually I’m quite the opposite from many PE’rs after nearly 2 years now my gains are speeding up and coming in big numbers instead of slowing.

Dont Give up you might acquire a Big monster cock soon.

Originally Posted by brown dick 6.5 x 6.5
Good luck Bro,

Actually I’m quite the opposite from many PE’rs after nearly 2 years now my gains are speeding up and coming in big numbers instead of slowing.

Dont Give up you might acquire a Big monster cock soon.

Lucky you bro, gains are so slow I even lose size and it takes me time to regain. Wish you luck as well

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG


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