By the time Xeno started this thread, I was so sick of all his bullshit I never bothered to get involved. I wondered a couple of times why I haven’t seen him around, but only today realized he hasn’t posted since May.
Xeno had the talent (not) of taking a simple concept and making it incomprehensible. That is not a sign of knowledge, intelligence, communication skills, or any other desirable quality. I am an engineer and have known absolutely brilliant scientific people who can take the most complicated topic, and make it understandable for even a child. Xeno was the opposite, taking a concept like “stretch your dick, then rest”, and turning it into some kind of vocabulary contest so it looks like the plans for the space shuttle.
Before this thread, he spewed some kind of theory about clamping that was so wrong, and then stomped away from the thread like a spoiled child when he was challenged. That’s the way he was. He always thought he was unappreciated, but he was, in fact, over-appreciated. His bloviating scientific jargon was just to cover up his lack of self esteem, and was actually hilarious for those who can understand science. I know that some people read his posts like he was some kind of genius, but it doesn’t take a genius to make a simple concept complicated. He probably did make gains, as he was stubborn and dedicated. His effort to use scientific theory in his PE is commendable. But he only had a moderate skill with science, and he couldn’t communicate, overestimated his intelligence and the value of his comments, and constantly got his feelings hurt and fought with and insulted other members.
Once I asked a question on a thread, and he answered. I didn’t respond and he chastised me for not thanking him for his “thoughtful reply”. What a jerk. His ideas in general were sound, but he never had anything groundbreaking, as he thought he did.
Now he is gone. He was entertaining, but I won’t miss him.
To Xeno: Bye bye monkey.