Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Originally Posted by sparkyx
However, without getting overly critical of someone not here to defend himself, I found Xeno to get into more conflicts with more of the respected old timers here than I have seen in almost anyone else. He also had the intellect to usually come out on top.

He surely had great concepts, but also a mad way of presenting them.

So are you guys about to elaborate the concept?
My fear about it is that
- 2 weeks is barely enough to gain
- 2 months is far too much to lose
The whole thing didn’t work for me.




Originally Posted by sparkyx

Thunders is a very interesting place. If you get a little off the “beaten trail” or make too confident of a statement regarding an approach that isn’t accepted, you can catch a lot of shit. This is particularly annoying when you are doing your best to give something good to others here, something you have spent time and thought developing.

I agree that there is a notion of “received wisdom,” which get be a bit saw-dusty and cantankerous at times. We should all strive to be more open minded.

My point with the above posts wasn’t to knock Xeno’s ideas, but to point out that they originated elsewhere. I also wanted to say that I think we all gave him a BREAK in not being critical early on, since we were anticipating his departure. Now, guys are running around saying that IPR is the “truth, the light, and the way.” Well, maybe it’s good stuff indeed, but I think the vets who have been around the block and seen many fads come and go have an obligation to be at least a bit critical.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
However, without getting overly critical of someone not here to defend himself, I found Xeno to get into more conflicts with more of the respected old timers here than I have seen in almost anyone else. He also had the intellect to usually come out on top.

Not sure I agree on that. He had the intellect to play the game well enough - and was persistent enough - to tire people into saying “Yeah, nevermind, whatever”. Not that I bothered to follow all the arguments, of course. Just the ones I noticed.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Does the long break mean that you have to take a break with kegels also ? Or not?

Since we don’t really know how any of this works, it’s hard to say. My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that it’s not necessary to stop kegeling during a decon break.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I just read this whole thread.

It took a long time.

I need a nap.

penismith is right. Those animals speak an entirely different language. Mostly there’s no talking to them.

I miss Shiver.

What else? Oh yeah. Big Girtha’s urologist hinted at a similar one day on (hanging) / two days off (with an ADS), approach. Which checks with the micro IPR idea; extrapolating the data of a macro IPR is the real achievement. Whether xeno’s, MX’s, or Shiver’s or the combination the job is well done.

By and large mgus has it right, as usual. xeno’s intelligence is great, but his tenacity greater still. “Yeah. Right. Whatever.” was sometimes the only way to deal.

However, there are a few of us around here like that, so who’s to say? :leftie:

That said, this thread has a lot to recommend. And xeno certainly was generous about sharing this and his other insights - which is all part of forum participation. If only he wasn’t so sensitive…

I just wish that engineering people would go to a comedy club once in a while.

Unlike some, I feel that xeno’s use of teaser’s monkey epithet was on the right track.

If only he could recognize, or at least let on, that he too peels the occasional banana. Like we all do. (:

I’m deconditioning as we speak… or post, or whatever we do around here.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 08-15-2006 at .

I only had one issue with Xeno,

if any of you saw his post where he had pics of “Tiger”.

All his measurement pics of length had his dick clamped.

It did show length gains, I agree, but while clamped.

I suppose you can take pics any way you desire, I’ve just noticed most length pics on this forum where unclamped, if i were to use my clamped EL, I’d be over 7”.

However, to me that is false due to the fact when unclamped and erect I am not that big.
I can get an extra 1/2 inch in length while clamped, I have been getting length measurements of
6 3/4 lately.

I’m not trying to bad mouth Xeno, it is obvious he made gains.

I suppose if you measured one consistent way from the beginning it will show true gains.
I’m not saying he didn’t gain, don’t get me wrong.

I just feel to get a true EL measurement it should be unclamped, but that is just me.

I’ve always felt, to each his own.


Iamhere likes to Hang Heavy use Monty's PE Weights, Jelq and Clamp

Before 5.5 NBPEL ; 6 BPEL

Current 6 NBPEL ; 7 1/4 BPEL ; 5.75 EG

I have to agree with the majority of the skepticism on the IPR protocol. I think the reason it worked for Xeno was the simple fact he was hanging very heavy weights. I’m sure if I hung 37 lbs. off my dick I’d get very quick deformation, I’m just not willing to sustain the injury that might cause. Hell, if I hung 200 lbs off my dick, I could probably reach my goal this afternoon - skip the P phase and spend my R time at a hospital…

I think this sums it up best:

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
In other words, maybe the take-home message is that the same intensity and timing isn’t optimal for everybody. We’re all different and should adjust our routines accordingly.

Sort of like what everyone’s been saying here since day one.

I thought this pic was odd with the rule starting at about 2”: 8.5BPEL.jpg

I also agree with:

Originally Posted by iamhere
All his measurement pics of length had his dick clamped.

Clamped isn’t a fair way to measure gains, sort of like saying your BPFSL is your BPEL.

To simplify, what I got out of all that was:

1. Hang heavy
2. Use an ADS
3. Take breaks
4. Repeat

Why do you think he used clamps for measured pictures? My guess is that it takes away the “camera-shy”-effect from your erection. It is a way to standardise your measurements. Have you tried to take a picture of your BPEL measurement? If not, try it and report back.

I saw this post today and It kind of reminded me of my routine I had before my injury. Earlier, due to time constraints I would do intense PE routine of jelqs,stretches and hanging only 2 days in a row and then take a break for about 2 weeks. I wasn’t at thunders then so I had no clue of what to do or expect. Most of what I knew about PE was from freebies on the net. Surprisingly, even with the 2 day on and 2 week off cycle I was gaining a lot of length. Sometimes I would PE for 5 days in a row and then take an unintended break for 2-3 weeks. Overall, it was an erratic routine.

Looking at it now, I can say it was quite close to Xeno’s/Shiver’s IPR routine although i never wore an ADS. I dont know if 2-3 months are needed for the Macro P-R phase but with me it has worked well with mostly 2 week breaks soon after my PE routine. I’m now back after a long long break. Routine consists mainly of heavy hanging that lasts for 2-3 minutes per set. I do about 10-15 sets with the heaviest weight I can find. After 2 days of PE, I rest for atleast 5 days before I can restart again. At my last measurement I had gained 3/8th of an inch after slightly more than a month of doing this. Any feedback about what went right or wrong?

Walk slowly but never backwards.

By the time Xeno started this thread, I was so sick of all his bullshit I never bothered to get involved. I wondered a couple of times why I haven’t seen him around, but only today realized he hasn’t posted since May.

Xeno had the talent (not) of taking a simple concept and making it incomprehensible. That is not a sign of knowledge, intelligence, communication skills, or any other desirable quality. I am an engineer and have known absolutely brilliant scientific people who can take the most complicated topic, and make it understandable for even a child. Xeno was the opposite, taking a concept like “stretch your dick, then rest”, and turning it into some kind of vocabulary contest so it looks like the plans for the space shuttle.

Before this thread, he spewed some kind of theory about clamping that was so wrong, and then stomped away from the thread like a spoiled child when he was challenged. That’s the way he was. He always thought he was unappreciated, but he was, in fact, over-appreciated. His bloviating scientific jargon was just to cover up his lack of self esteem, and was actually hilarious for those who can understand science. I know that some people read his posts like he was some kind of genius, but it doesn’t take a genius to make a simple concept complicated. He probably did make gains, as he was stubborn and dedicated. His effort to use scientific theory in his PE is commendable. But he only had a moderate skill with science, and he couldn’t communicate, overestimated his intelligence and the value of his comments, and constantly got his feelings hurt and fought with and insulted other members.

Once I asked a question on a thread, and he answered. I didn’t respond and he chastised me for not thanking him for his “thoughtful reply”. What a jerk. His ideas in general were sound, but he never had anything groundbreaking, as he thought he did.

Now he is gone. He was entertaining, but I won’t miss him.

To Xeno: Bye bye monkey.

Horny Bastard

Thus, my current signature.

“…I’ve observed that the better my advise (sic), the more it is ridiculed. Which saddens me but makes my retirement all the more easy to do…In any case, I’ll keep tabs on you monkeys from time to time, if only for a good chuckle.” ~ Xenolith

I wish I could have been less antagonistic toward Xeno and spoken to him like someone needed to.

Make no mistake, gentlemen. Xeno stops by now and then.

Shalom, Xeno.

"Debate the idea..."

I forgive those who trespass against me.

Go with Love. As do I.

Take care, Xeno.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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