Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

I haven’t been keeping up with my SKF training very well lately. Been very busy with other things. But did a chi weight lifting session this evening. 57lbs SO for about an hour and a half or so. Meditation turned into napping somewhere in there. Woke up quite refreshed.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Ive been away from this site and PE for somewhere around a year. Ive finished reading this thread for the second time, which means Ive read Xenos posts ten times. Im quite impressed with his use of science. Ive worked with cycles and fib. numbers extensively in my quest to beat the stock market and have done my fair share of research in body building. I find his work here compelling. There are many analogies I could go into here that many of the brightest minds in thier field have espoused only to be ridiculed, then mimicked, then ultimately improved upon albiet years later. Arthur Jones the brilliant mind behind the original natilus machines in the early 70s professed the following about body building: proper training MUST BE Brief,Intense, infrequent. Intense being just that but also only that is required. This was stated at a time where body builders were training daily and or even doing twice a day splits. As time went by people realized jones was right ( God knows not everyone though) and today natural body builders are placing the same value on rest as the training. Jones was brilliant but was single minded in purpose and “occasionally” rubbed people the wrong way. Does this remind us of anyone here? :)

Xenos methodology falls into line with what I had been working on when I left here. That is emphasis on deconditioning BEFORE gains dried up. I didnt have the science down but then Im an ideas person. It all works out in accordance with Dr. Hans Seyles General Adaptation Theory

Note how Xenos plot lines follow the general path of the GAT graph. What Xeno has done here is brought PE science in line with what we know to be true with stressors of the body. This also falls into line withwhat Ive studied concerning the cyclical nature of virtually all things in nature.In this graph and xenos plot line is a clear representation of a “full” cycle and its corresponding “half cyle”.

What were doing with Xenos method is not overtraining which allows us to consitantly grow at small increments until we hit our natural limitations . An easy way to understand this is the sun tan anology. If our desire is to have a nice bronze tan all summer we would find it beneficial to reach the tan stage through exposure to the sun. When we reach that goal we should stay out of the sun until it begins to diminish and then tan a bit more to get our color back. What we dont want to do is go into the sun every day, day after day. this creates a burn and the longer we are exposed to the sun after the burning the worse it gets. Not only are we not tan anymore but we need to stay out of the sun for an extended period of time in order to recuperate. Ulitmately not reaching our long term summer long tan goal. This is what Xeno is teaching here.
The analogy is not perfect but it works.

If xeno would like to comment on how arrived at his limitation point i would be most interested.

Im going to jump back into PE using this model. I gained about 1” during my first 9 months and then hit a brick wall despite hanging with heavy weights. i felt at the time more stress MAY help but it did not. I realize now more stress was not the answer but rather the “sweet spot” is the key. Not maximal effort but optimal effort is the prescription.

My question is one on starting. How do we dial in a proper starting point? I plan to hang btc and Im quite confused as what a logical weight time would be? I had been hanging 1-2 sets with 20 lbs, but Im thinking starting with 10-12 for 2- 20 minute sets and using the 1.1 as a multiplier.

Xeno are you out there?

Any thoughts anyone?




Volume change(ms)=91%

Hanging sporadically with big weights. 80 to 100lbs most recently, ~2/3 SO + ~1/3 SD. Shifting my hip orientation yields a SD + BTC configuration. I move between these two configurations during sets which vary in number and duration depending on fatigue level. I kegel during sets. Using my homemade ADS (OC) afterwards and kegeling against that tension too. Resting a lot. Getting a lot stronger.

Understand that PE is not the goal of this training. I do it to strengthen my BC muscle and my SKF abilities. PE may be an unavoidable consequence however.

Thanks RR.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

This thread is amazing. I´ll have to read it all over to understand it a litlle bit more.

Cheers, KaMeL

It appears my words misinterpreted my true feelings on the subject of this thread and the author, xeno. For this reason, I would like to make it publicly known that I have nothing but the up most respect for xeno, his ideas, and his attributions to PE.

It’s hard to tell exactly how much this thread has changed PE as we know it. On the surface, many guys and newbies are now gaining from minimal effort — with a 2 day off, 1 day on, light IPR routine provided by babbis. This might be the next big step in PE.

However, underneath it all, some guys still haven’t gained from IPR: ModestoMan, for example. Perhaps some tweaking still has to be done. Nevertheless, over the past few months, I am more convinced that a 2 off, 1 on, IPR-type routine is probably best. I am especially convinced that PE is on the verge of a break through, in which guys don’t have to spend multiple hours PEing to gain. Exciting to say the least.

Thank you xeno.

P.S. For anyone interested, here are some good links related to the subject of IPR:

- Modified newbie routine
IPR the sky is the limit?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


What an incredible story. Kudos to your data keeping, hypothesis, and analytical savvy - most impressive - and, thanks to the many who posted that helped make this thread so interesting.

For what it may be worth as to additional possible confirmation of IPR, after reading this thread and reflecting on my own PE journey, I went back and dug up my own spread sheets and data logs. Here’s a synopsis:

August 2004 start PE - Technique Penimaster stretcher and moderate pumping 5 days on/ 2 days rest with TheraP wrap - BPEL 5.9, BPEG 5.2

In April, 2005 after 175 days I took a 2 month total break - at that time I had logged 656 cumulative stretcher hours and 92 hours pumping at 5 inch Hg on average. I had gained 0.8 inch in length and 0.2 inch in girth.

I resumed PE for a short time in August 2005 but got sidetracked on a building project. My records are very sketchy for the last year as I didn’t do any serious PE work until April this year. But, what is significant, is that with intermittent stretching, some sporadic pumping, and decent use of the TheraP wrist wrap I managed to pick up an additional 0.5 inch in length. This in spite of having a prostate operation (what a trip that was) in March 2006 that knocked me back 0.2 inches in both length and girth that I subsequently got back and then some after I resumed PE late April 2006.

Does IPR work? Yeah, I think so but I am embarrassed that I didn’t keep better records this last year as the data for 2004/2005 are solid.

Does PE work? Well, I got the scratches on my back from the last session with Mrs TiPS if that’s any indication. Currently BPEL 7.2 EG 5.6.

Again, what a terrific contribution you all have made.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"


As a follow on to my last post, I found another log sheet I started soon after my prostate operation. Just before the operation I was BPEL 6.9 and EG 5.5. A week after I was BPEL 6.7 and EG 5.3 - bummer. Here’s a short synopsis of PE activity post operation up until the next extended break in late June 2006:

Days in sample: 78
Hours in Stretcher: 149
Hours in Pump at 5 inch Hg: 16.58
Hours in TheraP Wrap: 101.5

Results - BPEL 7.0, EG 5.5

Damn - I’m kicking myself about not tracking TheraP wrap hours in 2004/2005. It may be the TheraP wrap has done as much as all of the other stuff put together.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Originally Posted by remek
However, underneath it all, some guys still haven’t gained from IPR: ModestoMan, for example. Perhaps some tweaking still has to be done. Nevertheless, over the past few months, I am more convinced that a 2 off, 1 on, IPR-type routine is probably best. I am especially convinced that PE is on the verge of a break through, in which guys don’t have to spend multiple hours PEing to gain. Exciting to say the least.

I think this theory can be complemented with some transdermal creams which

1-) soften and ease
-the tunica (since number of layers interfere with gains)
-ligaments (so that they don’t get toughened by pressure)

2-) decrease the rest time by increasing the recuperation and deconditioning speed of the tunica and ligaments

For the first one, muscle strain-relievers come to my mind. It might work for the smooth muscle, but I don’t know whether it will work for the tunica and ligaments as well.

For the second one, again, amino acid-based supplements would be of some use on the smooth muscle, but again, tunica and ligs are another story.

I believe, the “natural” course of the program could be augmented positively by the use of other external medical “influences”. Do we have a physician here to comment on the possible options?

Good thread here.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Anyone remember the circumstances under which Xeno left the forums for good? He just left everybody hanging(: .

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

No mo10. No one remembers a thing.


Hate to resurrect a dead thread, but I found this a few weeks ago on Penismith’s science thread. Gotta say Xeno’s theory/method intrigued me

Adopted the micro method 4 weeks ago, haven’t measured yet but I’m having my best PI’s ever, and it physically LOOKS larger. Hell of a flaccid hang from this.

I’m excited, I’ll probably measure at six weeks.

Sex – diet – activity. Primitive man had sex with real women, he did not fap to porn. Primitive man ate a healthy diet, he did not have candy and soda. Primitive man killed animals with his bare hands, he did not play video games.

I post the comment here, coming from there

Thanks in advance

Originally Posted by xenolith
Up to a point, yes, in my experience, it is easier to stretch longitudinal tissue; for reasons that I’ve described elsewhere, there is a point of diminishing returns that turns into a point of reinforcing no returns for stretching longitudinal tissues…simply put the tissues structurally and chemically strengthen. Conversely, my experience with girth work indicates to me that such is not (ever) the case for cross-sectional, or radial tissues, apparently they can expand ad-infinitum. To-wit; since 2009, I’ve LOST 0.125” of length with all sorts of hanging (including >100 lb. sets), while simple girth work has ADDED 0.375” of girth.

Every penis is different though…just telling you about mine.

As always, listen to YOUR body and do what works for YOU.


Very interesting as always, curiosly I remember a PE-clever member of the spanish forum who said something similar concerning his case..

I think I’ve read somewhere that there are noticeable differences among different penises concerning their tunicas and these layers. I wonder if what you’ve explained could be also related in the end to the connective tissue between neighbour fibers.. I think it might be possible that some part of the limitation in length could has something to do with the joint forces between the ring fibers of the outer layer, and the other way around concerning girth.. It’s possible that, for some reason, the connective tissue between longitudinal fibers is weeker than that of transversal’s.. or for some people.. On the other hand, I wonder if the elastin rate is different in longitudinal ‘strings’ from transversals, as well as their cross sections or girth..

What kind of girth work mostly gave you those gains? Slinkies, jelqing, clamping?
It’s also interesting that, under your IPR’s principles, the proliferation phase is more difficult to achieve for girth, since (for me) the cock ring doesn’t keep a noticeable enough expansion, but some kind of stimulus or feeling.. I wonder if this could imply that it’s better a bit less elongation during that stage for length or whatever.

Thanks again.

PD: 100lbs!, WTF!…

Originally Posted by ircabo
I post the comment here, coming from there

Thanks in advance

Very interesting as always, curiosly I remember a PE-clever member of the spanish forum who said something similar concerning his case..

I think I’ve read somewhere that there are noticeable differences among different penises concerning their tunicas and these layers. I wonder if what you’ve explained could be also related in the end to the connective tissue between neighbour fibers.. I think it might be possible that some part of the limitation in length could has something to do with the joint forces between the ring fibers of the outer layer, and the other way around concerning girth.. It’s possible that, for some reason, the connective tissue between longitudinal fibers is weeker than that of transversal’s.. or for some people.. On the other hand, I wonder if the elastin rate is different in longitudinal ‘strings’ from transversals, as well as their cross sections or girth..

What kind of girth work mostly gave you those gains? Slinkies, jelqing, clamping?
It’s also interesting that, under your IPR’s principles, the proliferation phase is more difficult to achieve for girth, since (for me) the cock ring doesn’t keep a noticeable enough expansion, but some kind of stimulus or feeling.. I wonder if this could imply that it’s better a bit less elongation during that stage for length or whatever.

Thanks again.

PD: 100lbs!, WTF!…


Please read this regarding my experience based hypothesis for strain induced reinforcement AGAINST further length strain: xenolith - Girth theory: glans and corpus cavernosum..

Girth work has been: generic clamping, cock coffin, rolling pin compressions and most recently, the Nice Vice; best results have been with the Nice Vice. Regarding P phase for girth work: yes I agree, it is trickier than with length work; I use a home-made ball zinger (with saline solution) that delivers 0.9 V, as well as low dose (~5mg) daily generic Cialis (Iron Dragon, thank you for the recommendation gprent) to keep a mild engorgement post-session; in tandem, they work great for that purpose.

The 100+ lb. sets are for short durations, 5-10 minutes, done for SKF and lig stretching purposes.

Hope this is helpful, please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can offer any other information.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 06-22-2013 at .

Ooops, forgot something: I also use a home-made neodymium magnet cock ring to assist with girth work P-phase engorgement; this really helps!

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


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