Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Originally Posted by lucarello
Kuos xenolith, insane results, although reading them really kills me, I seem to be the only guy in here who can’t gain 1/10 of an inch to save his life, you had my starting stats.

Thanks luca, I see that you joined TP only shortly after I did and that you have a Progress Report thread in the Italian Forum; I can’t understand most of it, but did see this:

La routine:

Hot Wrap
Hot Wrap

I note that there aren’t any jelqs in that routine. My experience has been that jelqs are great at bringing early (in particular, length) gains; if you have a hot tub (also known as a Jacuzzi more often in Europe?), I can sure recommend jelqing in the hot tub…I used olive oil for lube…must be cheap in Italy, right? :) . Oh, and if you can get the hot tub to about 42 degrees Celsius (108 degrees Fahrenheit), that will help tissues expand more than in a less hot tub.

I see that you’ve been a member since Sept. 2004…happy 10 year anniversary!, just had mine last month…anyhoo, the point is if you think that your penis is well conditioned at this point in your PE career, based on my recent experience with the TT and pumping, I can certainly endorse their use as effective for bringing gains to a well conditioned penis. I would recommend trying just TT compressions preceded and followed by jelqing, hot tub versions if you can (at least the ones before the TT work). Here’s the hard part, I’d recommend doing this program after doing a 3 or 4 month deconditioning break. I know guys sometimes struggle with both the concept and the execution of deconditioning breaks, but all I can say is that they have proven their value in my experience. Having said that, if you don’t want to employ the deconditioning break, I still think that this strategy can work on even a well conditioned penis. Oh yea, one last thing, Luca’s dog pull stretches would be a nice addition to this routine: to summarize, here’s what I propose:

hot tube jelqs
TT compressions
alternating jelqs and Luca’s dog pull stretches

Whoops, one more thing: if you can avoid or at least reduce/minimize the frequency of ejaculations, my experience has been that this helpful…and you thought that the deconditioning break was tough :) . Alternating between jelqs and Luca’s dog pull stretches at the end of the session will help you to avoid “one jelq too many” if you know what I mean ;) …if you get a little too aroused wit the jelqs, just switch to the Luca’s dog pull stretches…which means that you should probably end each session with the stretches.

Anyhoo, as always, let your body tell you the intensity and duration that is best, but do try to increase both from one session to the next.

I hope that this is helpful and that we see new entries in your Progress Report thread that report gains at some point…and Good Luck!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Going on a deconditioning break now; until some time in early 2015.

Will get to that BIB modification post soon Jack; thanks for your patience.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith

Hi Xeno, thanks for the reply.
The routine you posted was actually me asking for a girth focused advice as I have both the bathmate and a sort of clamp while the standard bib proved to to be impossible to be used because of the blood in the gland problem (I’m uncut).

My current routine, started 1 month ago, consists of mostly jelqs and a few stretches although I’ve almost reduced stretches to only 5 minutes a day as the month went on.
I only have a shower box and admittedly don’t put much effort into the warm up which consists of a couple of minutes under a water jet, at times I don’t warmp up at all but start right away with jelqs (completely flaccid), dry jelqs as I remember having poor results in the past with oil jelqs although I lacked perseverance I guess, I also feel dry jelq are more effective in the way that I feel more blood flowing.
Honestly I’ve no idea whether my penis is conditioned or not, I’ve started this very basic routine one month ago, I’ve signed in here 10 years ago but each time I tried something I gave up given the lack of results. Of course there have been years where I didn’t even think about it nor did any routine at all. The longest I’ve committed was with the bathmate, about 3 or 4 months daily routine, zero results.

So you do your jelqs with your penis and hands under the water level?
What are TT compressions?

Yes, stretches do help avoid ejaculation after sessions even though I’m still quite high on ejaculations frequency.
I still have to try and apply those tweaks you suggested to my bib but I’ve a feeling it’s gonna be a mess beacuse the standard bib has pad around the teeth and I’m awful at these things, plus I think the hardcore might have a different ‘angle’ and grindind down the teeth won’t necessary give me the chance to use my bib as you do but I’ll give it a try anyway.
I’m still on a budget but I plan to order a VacExtender in order to try and hang or use an extender with that method.

Thanks for the advices!

Good gains.

That is an awesome gain! I have been jelqing since may—this year. I my bpfl and BPEL has increased but my NBPEL hasn’t shown any improvement. I’m about 40 lbs over weight. Have you guys experienced this before?

Originally Posted by xtreme116

That is an awesome gain! I have been jelqing since may—this year. I my bpfl and BPEL has increased but my NBPEL hasn’t shown any improvement. I’m about 40 lbs over weight. Have you guys experienced this before?

4 months and zero NBPEL results? That’s a lot of time.


In BPEL I have grown around .4”. I’m over weight on road to lose it. My fat pad is like 2 inches kid you not at 27% body fat. It’s hard to take NBP measurements. I don’t know exactly how.

Originally Posted by lucarello
So you do your jelqs with your penis and hands under the water level?

Yes, under water in the hot tub.

Originally Posted by lucarello
What are TT compressions?

They’re compressions done with this gizmo:
january 2014 037.JPG
The photo is from post #278 of this thread…there’s a bit of a write-up describing it’s use in that post. If girth gains are what you’re after, I really think this thing…used carefully!…offers the highest effectiveness of any technique that I’m aware of. Based on my experiments with it this year, even my very well conditioned tissues were brought to a longer and girthier configuration. I should think that almost any penile tissues could experience same or better with it’s careful use.

Originally Posted by lucarello
I still have to try and apply those tweaks you suggested to my bib but I’ve a feeling it’s gonna be a mess beacuse the standard bib has pad around the teeth and I’m awful at these things, plus I think the hardcore might have a different ‘angle’ and grindind down the teeth won’t necessary give me the chance to use my bib as you do but I’ll give it a try anyway.

Yes, I agree, the standard BIB does not lend itself well to the kind of modification that allows for dorsal compression only. I’m sure it’s possible, but one would need to cut the BIB standard very significantly in order to generate the kind of geometry that would make dorsal only compression possible.

Originally Posted by lucarello
I’m still on a budget but I plan to order a VacExtender in order to try and hang or use an extender with that method.

Having bought a BIB standard already, I know it’s hard to contemplate buying a different BIB hanger, but if you are interested in pursuing hanging, I really think that either the BIB Starter or the BIB Hardcore is the best product available, particularly when modified for dorsal only compression…just my opinion.

Originally Posted by lucarello
Thanks for the advices!

Happy to help; best wishes for improved results and Good Luck!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
Going on a deconditioning break now; until some time in early 2015.

Will get to that BIB modification post soon Jack; thanks for your patience.


Cool xeno.

I am dying to modify my Hardcore and try this.

It’s like you found the fountain of youth but have only drawn us half the map. Why do you tease us so…


Originally Posted by JackovDiamond
Cool xeno.

I am dying to modify my Hardcore and try this.

It’s like you found the fountain of youth but have only drawn us half the map. Why do you tease us so…


It’s not like that at all Jack; I mean not to tease…I have a Life to Live and a job to do…and this time of year those demands are compounded by the organic vegetable harvest season, the actions associated with have to happen now or soon. Honestly, I thought that providing the photos of my modified BIB Hardcore (copied below) would be sufficient for guys to be able to simulate the same with their own.

bib1 008.JPG

bib1 007.JPG

I will take the time to analyze what I did to mine relative to a stock one and report back, but it will have to take a back burner to some time sensitive responsibilities…sorry about that. But really, basically it’s just trimming the back teeth on both the top and the bottom of the BIB way down to allow the BIB to flare out toward the distal (away from the body) part of the BIB and compress way down toward the proximal (closest to the body) part of the BIB. Then simply using the front lower bolt, not as a means of compression, but as a means of avoiding compression…by placing a nut on the inside of the BIB to hold the front bottom part of the BIB waaaaay open…that’s it. I’m confident that using my photos as a guide one can easily replicate the depicted configuration.

But I’ll try to write this up with play by play pictures when I can.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

You reasoning about applying the BIB so blood flow through the CS is ensured makes much sense.
I try to apply it to extender application. Do you have any ideas or experience in that?

Happily for me, dickerschwanz, I’ve totally failed in that endeavor!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Amazing gains! Congrats!

Photo of my homemade ADS: Cc+htw Ads

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

This post provides a list of reference posts in which details of my homemade ADS are provided:

xenolith - Tiger


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
It’s not like that at all Jack; I mean not to tease…I have a Life to Live and a job to do…and this time of year those demands are compounded by the organic vegetable harvest season, the actions associated with have to happen now or soon. Honestly, I thought that providing the photos of my modified BIB Hardcore (copied below) would be sufficient for guys to be able to simulate the same with their own.

bib1 008.JPG

bib1 007.JPG

I will take the time to analyze what I did to mine relative to a stock one and report back, but it will have to take a back burner to some time sensitive responsibilities…sorry about that. But really, basically it’s just trimming the back teeth on both the top and the bottom of the BIB way down to allow the BIB to flare out toward the distal (away from the body) part of the BIB and compress way down toward the proximal (closest to the body) part of the BIB. Then simply using the front lower bolt, not as a means of compression, but as a means of avoiding compression…by placing a nut on the inside of the BIB to hold the front bottom part of the BIB waaaaay open…that’s it. I’m confident that using my photos as a guide one can easily replicate the depicted configuration.

But I’ll try to write this up with play by play pictures when I can.


Hello xeno,

I half-think the pics are sufficient and half-think I’ll fuck it up. With almost all things unexplored they’re only simple when you’ve done them. As it is I’m quite weary of overfiling.

Would you do me a kindness and please measure how many millimetres the teeth are on your modified Hardcore?
In the attachment is a pic you uploaded but I’ve clearly indicated measurement points and colour coded the four teeth.

In addition, do the bottom teeth actually need to be filed since they flare so wide?

Sorry to have to bother you again. :)


bib1 008 copy.webp
(26.7 KB, 178 views)

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