Hello Tutt,From rereading this post , one thought boders me - isn’t initially measuring BPFSL just before begining protocol being counterproductive- as you said it triggers the stigfening response to tissues. I haven’t measured the load - but I assume that when each of us is measuring he is using more than 5 kg pull to reach his BPFSL.
Should we then measure BPFSL at the morning - use that as a starting point for the session and have the actual session later on during the day.
Also from your 4 elemnts - 60 mins protocol
For the first part of protocol 30 mins of stress relaxation- we are building slowly our length to near our current day Starting BPFSL -
Then once we move on to US heat (40/42 celsius) we aim for the sweet 3% elongation strain. If we have to measure that - would be difficult to those doing over the leg US heating.
So in the first 30 minutes we shouldn’t exceed that morning BPFSL . We only exceed that lenght in US heat Phase and hold that lenght at cool down phase.
So is this the most efficient way possible to do the US protocol?
I had the impression up to this post of yours,
That we begin the protocol close to our Starting BPFSL for the day and just repeat the stress relaxation up to the cooling Phase. Without tracking the Elongation. Just measure the final BPFSL and calculate strain.
This has brought amazing gains to the others.
This is where I diverge slightly from others, but as you say, they are still getting good gains so I won’t say their method is wrong or bad.
For me, PE is a scientific exploration, already recognizing what is generally possible, it only concerns me what is optimal. Thus, IMO, over the leg is not OPTIMAL. It is an acceptable compromise for those unable to build a more optimal device that anchors off the public bone and includes precise micrometer measurement and adjustment.
Once such a device is employed, the game is changed. It is no longer very helpful to perform a pre-treament BPFSL. The only measurements are BPEL pre-treatment (or really any time) and BPFSL measured within the strain device at peak strain during the treatment. Then you can see if each of those is increasing over time. What else really matters?
While I’ve had people ask if the measurement within the device suffers from variation based on the fat pad and ligament positions, I’ve found that it is still much more consistent than a manual BPFSL which is very dependent on variable load, angle, etc.
By all means keep doing something if you are getting the results you want, but over time I’m finding that it is quite important not to subject the penis to any non-physiological strain at a temp below 39C. And also never at a strain rate greater than 1-2% per minute, which is incredibly slow. Far too slow to accomplish manually. If you feel compelled to measure a cold BPFSL, please do so by performing a single measurement very briefly only once during a 7-14day period and not on a treatment day. IOW, tell the body it was just a random 5-10 second load that isn’t expected to happen again. No need to start strengthening the organ to adapt.