Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Growing my mast to new heights

Yesterday and today I did a little experiment and added a couple different elements to my routine. I was hoping it would be a shock to my cock and keep it guessing as to what I’m gonna do next. Here’s what my routine looked like.

Hot shower warm up with a very low strength bundled stretches.
5min stretching - 30 seconds all directions (under IR)
100 wet jelqs - 3 to 5 second strokes (under IR)
5min air pump - 1 to 3hg
5min warm down under the IR light
3-4hrs Traction Wrap with an Ace Bandage

Warm up with the IR light and then did 100 wet jelqs and then sat under the light for 5min.

Doing this routine has caused my morning wood to be water logged and ruined my streak of 5 days of rock hard MW. I believe that I added to many new elements at once so its hard to judge what caused this drop in EQ but I have a feeling it was pumping 2 days consecutively. Pumping has always been an EQ killer for me and I’m hoping I can figure out the right time/pressure that works as I REALLY enjoy the way it feels and would like to add this to my routine later on.

The light bundled stretches in the shower are something I’m going to permanently add to my routine because it loosens me up before I start stretching and jelqing under the light. I also may throw in a random set of stretching/ jelqing at night just so my unit doesn’t get used to the same routine day after day.

Tomorrows an off day so no PE for me… probably gonna do some edging though.

Last edited by Captainphil : 07-18-2019 at .

Adding stretch time

Starting tomorrow I will be adding one more set to the stretching portion of my routine, everything else will be the same.

Hot shower warm up with bundled stretches.
7 1/2min stretches in all directions - 30 seconds each direction
100 wet jelqs
10min edging if I have the time
5min warm down

This will be my routine for now, unless adding this time to stretches kills my EQ.

I think the extra set of stretching has made maintaining a consistent erection more difficult when I do my jelqs. My morning and night wood have been great, so my unit probably just needs to get used to a longer stretching time. I will watch for negative PIs and make adjustments if this continues.

Hi Captainphil, this is an amazing post and I’m surprised about your constancy and methodology. Well done!
I’m starting with PE as well, actually my first official measure was today but for my job, partner and style of life I know in advance that I cannot be as constant as you’re. I know this is not good but I will try to do my best.

Best of luck

Starting stats
BPEL: 5.5” (14cm)
MSEG: 5.1” (13cm)

Originally Posted by titomr
Hi Captainphil, this is an amazing post and I’m surprised about your constancy and methodology. Well done!
I’m starting with PE as well, actually my first official measure was today but for my job, partner and style of life I know in advance that I cannot be as constant as you’re. I know this is not good but I will try to do my best.

Best of luck

Starting stats
BPEL: 5.5” (14cm)
MSEG: 5.1” (13cm)

Thanks! I try to be consistent. All you need is 15-20min every other day to start. After a couple weeks you find ways to be efficient with your time. For example, I warm up by taking shower in the morning before my routine instead of sitting with a rice sock or heating pad. You can do it!

My unit has adjusted to the extra set of stretches and I can now jelq at about 50-80% erect without a problem. I will stay the course for a week or two before I make any more changes to the routine. I’m not sure when I should measure but I feel like I’m growing. In fact, I know I am! (positive affirmations are the best!).

Originally Posted by Captainphil
My unit has adjusted to the extra set of stretches and I can now jelq at about 50-80% erect without a problem. I will stay the course for a week or two before I make any more changes to the routine. I’m not sure when I should measure but I feel like I’m growing. In fact, I know I am! (positive affirmations are the best!).

This Is great! You have amazing commitment so keep going and look forward to you reporting gains!

Starting Feb 2019: BPEL: 7.5inch MSEG: 5inch EQ 8/10

Goal: BPEL: 8inch MSEG: 5.5inch EQ: dialed up to 11!

Originally Posted by Hame0812
This Is great! You have amazing commitment so keep going and look forward to you reporting gains!

Thank you! I feel like I’m borderline obsessive with PE lol. I’m going to try and take a measurement on Thursday which is an off day from PE. I’ll report in on my gains!

I get ruler shy every time I try to measure so I’m not getting a very accurate measurement. It fluctuates from an 5.9” to 5.5” depending on how fast I get the ruler in place. I’ll keep on trying to measure while I work this routine! It seems to be paying off though because I’ve never measured almost 6”.

Tomorrows an off day so I’ll do some edging and try to get a decent measurement.

I’m battling the same issues to get to a good point and have the ruler in place! I have it ready on the desk and I think after 10mins edge I’m at peak and can kegal to hold it the 5 seconds to get the ruler there. Forget trying to get a pic too though!

Glad you have seen some increase as you’ve been so consistent! Fingers crossed for you man

Starting Feb 2019: BPEL: 7.5inch MSEG: 5inch EQ 8/10

Goal: BPEL: 8inch MSEG: 5.5inch EQ: dialed up to 11!

Originally Posted by Hame0812
I’m battling the same issues to get to a good point and have the ruler in place! I have it ready on the desk and I think after 10mins edge I’m at peak and can kegal to hold it the 5 seconds to get the ruler there. Forget trying to get a pic too though!
Glad you have seen some increase as you’ve been so consistent! Fingers crossed for you man

Thank you! I’ll report in when I can.

I’m headed out on a business trip until the end of August. I will do my best to stay the course. I might have to do split sessions, jeqling in the shower and stretching at night under the covers as I have to share a hotel. Still can’t get a good measurement… I’ll try again tonight.

No Gains

I was able to get a couple measurements yesterday and I haven’t gained any size. This kinda bums me out. On the flip side, my EQ is better than ever and my unit feels heavier but this hasn’t translated into any size gains yet.

Im looking for some advise as to what I should do next. I’m taking any and all suggestions!
Thanks guys,

Glad that you are having tip-top EQ, that’s still something I’m gunning for.

Are you taking any kind of suplements? I see mixed info on here about what could help complement the exercises

Starting Feb 2019: BPEL: 7.5inch MSEG: 5inch EQ 8/10

Goal: BPEL: 8inch MSEG: 5.5inch EQ: dialed up to 11!


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