Yesterday and today I did a little experiment and added a couple different elements to my routine. I was hoping it would be a shock to my cock and keep it guessing as to what I’m gonna do next. Here’s what my routine looked like.
Hot shower warm up with a very low strength bundled stretches.
5min stretching - 30 seconds all directions (under IR)
100 wet jelqs - 3 to 5 second strokes (under IR)
5min air pump - 1 to 3hg
5min warm down under the IR light
3-4hrs Traction Wrap with an Ace Bandage
Warm up with the IR light and then did 100 wet jelqs and then sat under the light for 5min.
Doing this routine has caused my morning wood to be water logged and ruined my streak of 5 days of rock hard MW. I believe that I added to many new elements at once so its hard to judge what caused this drop in EQ but I have a feeling it was pumping 2 days consecutively. Pumping has always been an EQ killer for me and I’m hoping I can figure out the right time/pressure that works as I REALLY enjoy the way it feels and would like to add this to my routine later on.
The light bundled stretches in the shower are something I’m going to permanently add to my routine because it loosens me up before I start stretching and jelqing under the light. I also may throw in a random set of stretching/ jelqing at night just so my unit doesn’t get used to the same routine day after day.
Tomorrows an off day so no PE for me… probably gonna do some edging though.
Progress log - Growing my mast to new heights
Last edited by Captainphil : 07-18-2019 at .