I was not happy with my hanging setup and have come up with a simple upgrade. I have also come up with a new strain measuring system, so I figured I should make a separate post on all this.
First, a better description of my hanging setup:
I stand in front of my desk with the vac cup attached to a long piece of string. I loop the string around a monitor arm (attached to the back of my desk) and back toward the front. There I attach a basket, which hangs off the front edge of the desk. This allows me to drop weights in or remove a weight easily. My simple modification is to put some plastic top sticky tape (any tape with a slippery plastic surface) on the edge of the desk, so friction doesn’t affect the weight as much.
Now an update to my measuring system:
To make reading *hopefully* easier, I am labelling BPFSL measurements without a vac-cup as wo.pre and wo.post, and measurements with a vac-cup as w.pre and w.post.
The wo.pre is by far the most important value since it directly indicates our gains. This is not debateable. However I feel that the edema present in the wo.post measurement throws off the strain (since edema is both a pressure and duration dependent factor). This is where measurements with the cup included come in. While the absolute w.pre length can vary depending on how the vac-cup was put on, I feel the change w.post - w.pre, will be far more accurate since it directly measures shaft elongation (changes to glans will have little effect). Another benefit is that it is possible to measure BPFSL using weights/load rather than by hand, so identical stress can be used for every measurement (not just during one session but for all sessions in all cycles). In my current setup the only drawback is that I cannot stand against a wall to measure - this is something I will mull over.
Going forward I therefore will also include a “final strain” which may be calculated as : (w.post - w.pre) / wo.pre. I am not sure which weight I will do this at yet, but it will be mentioned. For the duration of this cycle I will post both sets of measurements. Note for clarity, wo.pre is measured by hand+weight since I have nothing to attach it to.