Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Indyman's Journey

Another session down and finally starting to feel like I’m back into the groove. No change to the previous session:

:: Cycle #01 ::
Total: 80 turns (+2.64cm) / 36mins

I think I’ll increase by 6 turns a week. That’s adds just under 2mm and 3mins a week to a session, sounds like reasonable progression to me.

Final session of week 1 complete. Felt that I applied the heat pad better this time - it felt snugger and warmer. Will have to remember how I applied it going forward, as heat is they key! Definitely ready for week 2, with 6 extra turns added at the least!

:: Cycle #01 ::
Total: 80 turns (+2.64cm) / 36mins

New week and 6 extra turns. Also decided to add in 1 extra minute holding at maximum extension under heat, bringing the total extension session to 40mins. Had a slight discomfort throughout the session, especially right at the tip of the glans (looked a little inflamed post session). Will keep an eye on it.

:: Cycle #01 ::
Total: 86 turns (+2.84cm) / 40mins

Everything turned out okay, so was good for a session tonight.

All went smoothly. No significant discomfort, good fitting heat pad, and generally measured lower loads than yesterday. Likely could have added a few more turns, but I will be patient and only increase next week - nothing good can come from rushing.

:: Cycle #01 ::
Total: 86 turns (+2.84cm) / 40mins

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-15mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-86 turns / 15-28mins: 2 turns p/m
86-86 turns / 28-34mins : Heated hold
86-86 turns / 34-40mins : Cooldown
Total extension: 2.84cm

Now that’s what I call pod racing! While the maximum load of 1.6kg remained the same, the build up was noticeably slower and fell off a little quicker too. This indicates good accommodation and progress, and is a strong indicator to increase next sessions by another 6 turns from next week! It also shows the usefulness of rest days, building my confidence in 2on/1off/2on/2off.

I have decided to include slightly more information in these logs, both for anyone reading and for my future self.

Was unable to extend last Friday. C’est la vie. Decided to take a BPFSL measurement last night. Measured a few times, with results varying between 17.0 to 17.2cm. Once I easily reach 17.3cm I’ll know definitively that this cycle is producing results.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-15mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-92 turns / 15-31mins: 2 turns p/m
92-92 turns / 31-43mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 37min)
Total extension: 3.04cm

It’s a fresh new week and 6 turns have been added, bringing the total session duration to 43mins. Currently feel that this is a sustainable rate of increase, but time will tell. Otherwise the extra length felt comfortable and there was almost no additional increase in load.

Hello Indyman. Is your BPFSL measurement different to your measurement at maximum extension in the extender? Extender stretched length as I call it EXSL.

With great penis comes great responsibility

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-15mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-92 turns / 15-31mins: 2 turns p/m
92-92 turns / 31-43mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 37min)
Total extension: 3.04cm

Another session down. Felt a little tighter than yesterday, but nothing crazy. Looking forward to the next session.

Originally Posted by Jigolo
Hello Indyman. Is your BPFSL measurement different to your measurement at maximum extension in the extender? Extender stretched length as I call it EXSL.

Using a crude method and even cruder tools, I calculate that I currently extend to 18.54cm. However, when using a ruler I very roughly measure 17.6 to 17.8 cm (extender design makes it difficult to get any accuracy). The difference is likely from how the base of the extender sits on the pelvis.

So yes, my EXSL is likely at least 0.6cm greater than my BPFSL.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-15mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-92 turns / 15-31mins: 2 turns p/m
92-92 turns / 31-43mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 37min)
Total extension: 3.04cm

Missed my session yesterday, wasn’t feeling great. So that makes 2 weeks of 3 sessions, wonder what impact that will have (if any)? Otherwise session was fine, with slightly better load profile to the last session - So looking good for another 6 turns next week! Unsure if I’ll measure BPFSL this weekend or not.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-16mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-96 turns / 16-34mins: 2 turns p/m
96-96 turns / 34-46mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 40min)
Total extension: 3.23cm

A tough session. The new extended length felt great at first, but the new length added a fair bit of load. Will stick to it this week, but will keep it the following week too if I don’t see a reduction in load.. we shall see! Also noticed post session either a localised bit of edema on the glans (similar area to previous blisters), or the very beginning of a blister. Will have a look tomorrow and see how it is.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-16mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-96 turns / 16-34mins: 2 turns p/m
96-96 turns / 34-46mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 40min)
Total extension: 3.23cm

First there was no blister, so decided to continue sessions. Load started out much higher than usual, even at low extensions. Was considering cutting the session short, but eventually it all sort of evened out and I managed the full extension. Ended at slightly lower load than last session… go figure. Might switch to weekly reporting after this week as there’s not often much to say.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-16mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-96 turns / 16-34mins: 2 turns p/m
96-96 turns / 34-46mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 40min)
Total extension: 3.23cm

Started out well today. Though toward the end it looked like I wasn’t fully filling the vac cup. Toward the end, as I was un-extending (new word) I audibly heard air escaping from the modified sluice. I will have to try out some things going forward to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Not the end of the world, but a bit of a let down. Unfortunate. Tomorrow’s the last day of this week, so with all this in mind I might do one more week of this cycle. Also curious how BPFSL will measure out on Sunday.

:: Cycle #01 ::
0-60 turns / 0-16mins : 4 turns p/m (heat @ 6min)
60-96 turns / 16-34mins: 2 turns p/m
96-96 turns / 34-46mins: 0 turns p/m (cool @ 40min)
Total extension: 3.23cm

Frustratingly I seem to be too small for the vac cup sleeve… I am losing pressure when reaching maximum extension. I think it’s a combination of me getting “thinner” the further I extend, combined with the sleeve loosening over time. Will have to try something to fix this. Undecided about continuing to next week or decon break.

A bit delayed in reporting but here I am. Measured BPFSL on Saturday and Sunday. Both times I was just capable of reaching 17.3cm, but that was sketchy and felt like it required more force than I usually apply. Otherwise I felt there is no significant change to my earlier measurements of 17.0cm. Compared to the initial cycle measurement of 16.8cm that is not great progress.

From here I now have three routes to choose from:
1. Continue this cycle for a week or two more and hope to see changes in BPFSL.
2. Call the cycle complete and start a decon break. How long TBD.
3. Change tactics and start working on girth via pumping.

I do not find option 1 to be that attractive. It would need to be accompanied by some change, such as extending under increased load. The first hanging sessions where I receieved a blister for my efforts culminted at a little over 2kg. Currently I extend to a little under 2kg, so not much room until I tread trecherous waters. But perhaps that is what is needed.

Option 2 somewhat appeals to me. It’s a giant reset button. I have just received some collagen supplements and I am curious whether it will have an effect of speeding up recovery.

The third point is included as there have been reports of people with stalled length gains, being able to gain length again after focusing on girth. Perhaps some of us have some biological aspect ratio we need to maintain. Either way, I find myself considering this option the most. I am also curious if my IPL has increased from 17.2cm, as that number was fairly constant.


I will decide by tonight. I’ll probably select option 3 for the time being.

I forgot how much I enjoy pumping! To take things easy I started out with 15mins @ -100mmHG, a brief 30s at -175mmHG (all heated), followed by 10mins soft clamping. In what direction this pumping routine will evolve, I am unsure. Don Logan’s “set it and forget it” adage will be the inspiration, as I found the extending routing with adjustments each minute laborious.

The most important decision I need to make, today, is the schedule. Likely Mon/Wed/Fri.


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