Successful week completed. Managed 3 nights and 1 morning session (more on that shortly). Possibly one more tomorrow night!
Trying out the 2 minutes break between pressure stages has completely reduced any brusing and decreased overall discoloration. There is also slightly less edema. So an overall win for that technique! I will keep it in the routine going forward.
Last session I tried my total man heat pad, rather than my usual heat pad. I’ve yet to draw a conclusion but I think that the FIR is being absorbed by the acrylic (so heating that up rather than tissue). I’ll give it a few more tries and try compare.
Last, as hinted at the start, I’ve decided to incorporate morning sessions. These will be different than the night sessions. 5 mins at -8”Hg, 2 mins break, 5 mins at -8”Hg and finished (12 mins total). Basically following the protocol in the papers I linked earlier in this journal. These sessions will be on the morning after each night session.
And that about wraps things up.