Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

One at dinner

Ha HA — how did the subject come up — I am picturing you whipping it out and putting it on a dinner plate.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Ha HA — how did the subject come up — I am picturing you whipping it out and putting it on a dinner plate.

AHAHAH! No they both like me, I shouldn’t have done the other one, my testosterone took over. Maybe 3,000 is too high of a number after all.

I have been ADS’ing for a total of 5 hours so far, only with the static stretcher which I believe to be not very good though.

I am doing fowfers and stretches as often as possible, whenever sitting around the house watching tv with the girl and what not. Even wearing the ads to the jacuzzi.

I am going to start doing cool downs instead of warming after my sets.

Seriously my body is strange. I woke up this morning and had a low flaccid and a long(er) boner after. Then later today it seemed less, and like the tissues are harder.. So strange.

I am ADS’ing as we speak and yesterday I did a little over 6 hours of it, along with 3 hanging sets. I am having trouble getting my hanger to grip correctly lately though it seems to be getting more skin.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
AHAHAH! No they both like me, I shouldn’t have done the other one, my testosterone took over. Maybe 3,000 is too high of a number after all.

Step away from the Test replacement.


06/21/07 NBP = 7.75(tape) FSL = 7.875 EG = 5.00 Volume= 15.42

09/13/07 NBP = 8.375 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.38 Volume = 19.29 (+25%)

12/26/07 NBP = 8.625 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.50 Volume = 20.82 (+35%)

HAHA! OMG I don’t take 3 grams you sillies. I meant my blood reading number is close to 3000. I’m on a “high” HRT dose. I didn’t respond to lower doses though.

Still no growth on the penis end.Maybe slightly in the flaccid.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
HAHA! OMG I don’t take 3 grams you sillies. I meant my blood reading number is close to 3000. I’m on a “high” HRT dose. I didn’t respond to lower doses though.

Still no growth on the penis end.Maybe slightly in the flaccid.

I knew what you meant by the 3000 ng/ml blood reading.

3k is WAY of the chart.

….make sure you have plenty of hcg and an anti-estrogen such as Arimidex when you come off.

LOLOL @ “high HRT”.

Enan or cyp?

What dosing?

800 mg/week?

06/21/07 NBP = 7.75(tape) FSL = 7.875 EG = 5.00 Volume= 15.42

09/13/07 NBP = 8.375 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.38 Volume = 19.29 (+25%)

12/26/07 NBP = 8.625 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.50 Volume = 20.82 (+35%)

Originally Posted by newguy01
I knew what you meant by the 3000 ng/ml blood reading.

3k is WAY of the chart.

.Make sure you have plenty of hcg and an anti-estrogen such as Arimidex when you come off.

LOLOL @ “high HRT”.

Enan or cyp?

What dosing?

800 mg/week?

Oh no I literally am on hrt for life. My body doesn’t make test, been like this since 17. I’m on 200 mg mon. And thurs. I actually don’t tolerate anti-E’s well at all, they make me feel terrible! I’m really happy you know all about this stuff though that’s cool. Ran any cycles before?

Okay so I have been doing fowfers like I said, and now I am wearing my extender literally ALL DAY. I can’t wait to get a more comfy one. I have already clocked 7 hours of it being on today and have done stretches when I have taken it off for about 45 min. Total. I have not been hanging but will continue to do that when I figure out my problem with it, I think I got too thin for my cup because I don’t pump anymore.

Cup problem solved and hanging is going great. I am longer flaccid now.

I was hanging very long for a few days, and now the flaccid has retracted a bit.

I am scared as I might have contracted an STD, I get results tomorrow. Good news is that It’s bacterial so a antibiotic course will kill it. Perhaps that’s why my flaccid isn’t hanging as it was.

I don’t really think any ones following this BUT,

Today was completely off. I also need to slow down on jacking off, I got into a habit of everyday and I need to cap it to twice a week. I feel much livelier and aggressive (in a positive way) when I do that.

Huh? You have over 2500 views! Even though I’m sure the view count goes up when you view the thread, but there are people that read it! :D

Oh shit. I didn’t know where to check that. Hey how do you get the links in your sig click-able? Mine is just text.


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