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Ironaddict69's Log

Too tight cylinder — that might explain the purple color at the end of your sets.

Did you ever try this? I have been doing this, maybe not every set, but almost. That might help to, maybe hard to do with water pumping though:

gprent - When do I jelq

Originally Posted by gprent
While pumping, alternate doing kegels and milking the tube. I do 50 kegels, then milk the tube 50 times using 1 to 2 second milk strokes. Keep doing kegels and milking until your set is over, then jelq for your 50 reps, then get an erection and enter the tube for your second set. Repeat doing kegels and milking. If this is your last pump set, finish by jelqing and then maintain an erection by masturbation for 5 to 15 minutes while you enjoy your porn.

After a week or so of this, I would almost guarantee your erections will improve and you will notice a big difference in the hang and thickness of your cock.

I may have suggested it earlier, but I don’t think I included the specifics that I got from that gprent post.

Wow thank you again for such a solid post (and the PM, check yours by the way) But yeah I use a 2.25 and I pack that as well after a few minutes once I lose my erection in there. I can’t maintain one in the pump it’s literally impossible for me.

I don’t stay completely hard either. I come out of the cylinder at maybe 30%? Maybe less.

From what I read that is pretty common and does not affect gains. Note that gprent says he spends a few minutes between sets working up a new erection.

Lampwick pointed out to me that some of the heavy hitters speculate that it actually helps tunica gains if you are not totally hard. The theory being that if you are completely hard in the ccyli there would not be much room for tunica expansion. I am oversimplifying, because I have a pretty simple mind.

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-16-2008 at .

Okay I gotcha. I come out about the same, I’m hanging thick and long but it doesn’t ever last. I thought it would last for days like all the pumping 101 threads say, but I don’t think it ever did with me. I agree with being limp in the tube, I actually like it more.

Same here — thick and long, doesn’t last. I think the idea is eventually it lasts longer after maybe months and months. It seems to last a little longer for me now than when I started though — I still seem fuller the day after now.

Huh.I’ll have to monitor that.

Been focusing on:
Light pumping, basically at 5 HG never more, but going below that seems pointless being as I cannot even feel a pull.

O bends which I recently read a thread about a guy who gained like 1/2 of length using them!? Then he disappeared.

Using my ADS. I’ve had the static on for about 5 hours.

2 hanging sets of 30 minutes-I hate my vacu-hanger, it only pulls on the head it feels like, and it doesn’t grab my internals at all. What a waste of money. I keep it on and hang 2 lbs from it between sets till I warm up for a minute or two before repeating the next heavy set.

I already did 2 pumping sets but I might do one more later before a clamp set. I wonder if this is all too much? It doesn’t feel like it.

Last edited by ironaddict69 : 05-18-2008 at .

Been on vacation, wearing ADS for about 5-6 hours each day. It’s SO pliable after wearing the thing! I have got to start wearing this before I Hang and do everything else.

I picked up a pair of golf weights today and will be doing that routine in the shower now, which is hardcore tunica work from what I’ve read. And that is what I need being as my lot is now about 5 o clock. I am going to have to find a way to use those weights as an ADS around the house as well because they are far more comfortable.

Hopefully I will have a bib hanger showing up soon, I HATE using my vac.

Recently as of getting back home, I found it very effective to wear my ADS for a few hours, then hang, or do the wantsmore stretches (which I have to use a cable clamp for, those damn golf weights wouldn’t even allow my head to penetrate at a full soft state.

They work very well it seems like especially when your unit is warm, actually only when.

I am debating whether to leave my pump alone completely or continue to finish with it for about 10 minutes low pressure. I don’t know if this could be harming length gains or not? I basically am close to packing my 2.25”.

What do you guys think?

I think you do a hell of a lotof PE.

From another thread — I get a lot out of gprent’s posts :

gprent - Timing of pumping.

Originally Posted by gprent
As a <SNIP> pumper, there is no way I could get involved in ADS. That is just way too much stress to put on your cock. It’s hard enough just to recover between pumping sessions, but if you add in ADS, there is no recovery time and your results will suffer greatly.

For me, I do some manual stretching before I pump, but after my pumping session, it’s rest and recover. I am currently on a 2 on, 1 off cycle.

In another thread, this time addressed to me:

gprent - Ways to streamline my routine???? Less Jelqs?

Originally Posted by sta-kool
But today’s flaccid makes me think maybe I just plain respond better to pumping w/o jelqing. Can’t wait to try it again - should be able to on Friday.

Originally Posted by gprent
It might not be that jelqing is the culprit. I think the problem is your routine was just to much overall. A little over kill. The secret is not to do too much or too little. The challenge is to finally come up with what is just right.

Dunno, something to think about. I promise, I will shut up from now on.

I don’t want you to shutup! That just answered my question! I will alternate as I don’t think I could drop either completely. But I also am doing a 2 on 1 off routine now.

Well I think I had a revelation last night. I realized my body grows in the gym from less work. My dick has got to be the same. I can;t beat it to shit and expect it to grow.

HOWEVER, I pulled it past 8” with the BPFSL last night. It was about 2 lines past. So what a .2 Gain I suppose. It used to be the only way I could get it to 8” was from the fluid at my head from the vac hanger, but I didn’t hang, so this is probably a gain I think.

What I will be doing until my bib shows up, is stretching pretty hard under my IR lamp (gotta buy one today)for as long as I see fit. Then I will do 2 pumping sets. Thats it, maybe an ads after, or Attach my vac as long as I’m in the house with about 1.5 lbs hanging from it to keep it elongated. Don’t worry thats nothing for mine, I can walk around with 8 lbs hanging and it feels weightless.

I will also add that I am now about 1 cm past the line I etched in my pump to mark growth. And thats the first set.

Just been pumping lately and not much hanging. I basically am packing half of the 2.25 right when my erection goes away and expansion occurs. My bib should arrive today I look forward to using it. I will be mostly hanging in upper angles.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Well I think I had a revelation last night. I realized my body grows in the gym from less work. My dick has got to be the same. I can;t beat it to shit and expect it to grow.

HOWEVER, I pulled it past 8” with the BPFSL last night. It was about 2 lines past. So what a .2 Gain I suppose. It used to be the only way I could get it to 8” was from the fluid at my head from the vac hanger, but I didn’t hang, so this is probably a gain I think.

What I will be doing until my bib shows up, is stretching pretty hard under my IR lamp (gotta buy one today)for as long as I see fit. Then I will do 2 pumping sets. Thats it, maybe an ads after, or Attach my vac as long as I’m in the house with about 1.5 lbs hanging from it to keep it elongated. Don’t worry thats nothing for mine, I can walk around with 8 lbs hanging and it feels weightless.

I will also add that I am now about 1 cm past the line I etched in my pump to mark growth. And thats the first set.

And how did this revelation occur? Where you sitting on the toilet at the time? Hehehe!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
And how did this revelation occur? Where you sitting on the toilet at the time? Hehehe!

ROFL I cannot remember.


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