Thunder's Place

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Ironaddict69's Log

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

What do you mean?

I mean, if you let it consume you it will. Keep things in perspective.

We have a long time to work on this so take it easy.

I’m with you and think your progress is awesome, just don’t push it to the point you are resting from injury.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

I agree completely, today was totally an off day!


Hope you had a good day off.

Here is a something really good that androNYC said to me when I was just getting started:

Originally Posted by androNYC
Take your time, use plenty of heat, realize that PE is a practice, not a goal.

Couple of months, a year- what difference does it make? You planning on getting rid of your unit soon?

I didn’t think so. Just keep working your Penile Enhancement practice.

Sta kool thanks again, I will do 2 on 1 off from now on.

Pumped for 3 sets 3-5 HG
Wore ads for about 5 hours today
Hung 13 lbs for 2 hours (split up of course) And it feels to be working again. It’s like due to my thickness I know I’ll be using high weight eventually like bib did.

Did you ever buy that bib hanger?

Lol no, I stopped myself before getting too ahead of myself.Too late. The vac hanger is holding fine even at 13, I will go up 1 lb per week until the thing breaks.

I give it a few weeks then. If it feels like it is working again then why go up in weight every week regardless?

Well there’s still no lig fatigue besides when I am wearing it.

I find it harder to get fatigued with the vac-hanger compared to the bib. This leads me to believe that a lot more fatigue than I thought must have been skin fatigue. Also, I think you’re only supposed to feel fatigue with weight attached.

Oh shit, good because I’m finally starting to get some then.

Well I’ll be DAMNED! I hit fatigue today. I had to take off the hanger at the 30 min. Mark, and now this is my third set at 13 lbs. I’m loving it. Gains have got to be around the corner now that I am reaching fatigue, am I correct?

I also hit right past the 7.5 BPEL mark yesterday or the day before. I was usually actually right before it.

A girl when riding me last night said: “Oh god that’s so much dick!” I was stoked. Can’t wait to hit the end of her with doggy tonight.

Day off. Yesterday I did 1 1/2 hour of hanging, 2 pumping sets (which I hated I had to use lubriderm for lube and it SUCKS) 1 set in the 2.25 then 1 set in the 2” I did some hand clamps (definitely want to pickup a cable clamp) and some stretches and jelqs along with wearing my ADS for about 4 hours.

I should also note my flaccid has decreased in size.

Have been taking the last few days off, and I will take 5 more off making it a week. I am sick of putting so much time into this and getting shit returned, only thing I could think of was a break.


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