Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Sounds like maybe you were over-training. That’s a lot of PE you’ve been doing.

So relax and enjoy your unit for a few days rather than beating the hell out of it.

Yeah I agree. I definitely need to tone it down, it will grow more anyway that way and now I understand that. I couldn’t help it but yesterday I pumped before a date with a new girl. I had to be packing a bulge! However my flaccid is much smaller still for some reason.

You still taking a break from the Cialis?

I never break from the cialis, but it seems to not be working anymore.

I agree, however I am not even getting morning erections from the cialis. It was from elitenet and I believe it was UNDER DOSED. It only works when I take a lot. I’ve had the kind from the pharmacy and it KICKS. Anyhow, I had like 3 full days off and Didn’t seem to get much out of it. I will take today and tomorrow off but then I will begin a new routine, Basically Light Jelqing, (I used to do it HARD) 1 set of hanging, and 1-2 sets of 3-4 HG 15 min pump sets, and call it a day.

I am with a new girl who is not entirely a “SIZE QUEEN” but she does prefer bigger dicks, but she was stoked when she found out how “big” (she thinks so.) I was, and this girl is TIGHT too. Yay!

And by the way sta-kool, I more than appreciate you following this and helping me. One little reply lets me know I have support here, so let me personally say, Thank you.

What dosage do you usually take of that elitenet stuff? You seemed to think that it was the shit when you recommended it to me! :p

Guys checkout the products either on, or even MORE AND ALWAYS reliable,

I am debating on whether to take a few more off days or not, But I just picked up my clamps and after reading clamping 101 one more time right before I do it, I just might do a set or two, and then lightly pump.

Just did first set, Will probably do 2 more. I like it! Only 5 minutes each set for safety reasons. I wonder if these could improve EQ due to the blood chamber expansion..

I will do two pumping sets after at low pressure.

Good luck and listen to your dick!

Thanks random, your the man.

Just a little FYI to everyone, My morning erection was back this morning. My dick responds unusually well to light jelqing in hundreds of reps. Spread throughout a few hours of the day.

Yesterday I: Did a warm up, jelqed probably 50 times, then clamped 2 sets. I jelqed again for over 100, then did one pump set at 4 hg, after that I did another clamp set, showered, and jelqed throughout the entire shower.

Today I hung for an hour total and wore my static stretcher for 3 hours afterwards. I always have a LONG flaccid after using that thing, I just wish it was permanent! The new GF is kind of a size queen, she felt my bulge in my pants today ( I was 100% soft and not hanging as thick/long as usual however) but she said it was “kinda big” =( definitely more work to be done here!

So I had a full 7 days off due to a visit to Denver. I only did about 2-3 piss pulls each time I urinated just because I don’t like piss on my pants. It was smaller that week but bet is because in Denver it’s COLD.

Anyway I’m back at it, it will be 2 days on, 1 day off.

I did 3 clamp sets today so far and 1 10 min pump set, no lube which hurts a little but I like it because no skin gets sucked in. I am heating as we speak and will hang for a while.

I recently picked up clamping, and Believe it or not, the red ones are too small, they literally kill my dick just getting to the 2nd click, I had to remove them due to discomfort and was using a THIN sock for a wrap. I now use the same sock, and Use the blue LARGE clamp, which works great, I clamp it all the way except the last click, it won’t happen. I’m looking forward to growing and having that click less and less.


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