Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
But here is another that looks ideal. Anyone know his dimensions? Geez that girls disgusting though.

I think she is kind of cute. But the hairstyle IS AWFUL. Better hair she would look nice.

Note in that picture he is really close to the camera, she is pretty far away from it. Consequently that makes him look bigger. Makes her look smaller. Then when you compare the two, he looks especially huge.

That is not to say he is not big.

A good way to guesstimate is to find a picture where her hand is wrapped around it. Then figure out the average “lady hand-width” and guesstimate from there. I have seen some analyses on Thunder’s based on that. The consensus seemed to be that most pornstars are in the mid 7 to 8 range. But of course there are exceptions to that.

Oh for sure man I’ve seen all the tricks. I’ve seen sets from where the guy looks huge, and then when she’s sucking him you can see his head and it is not nearly as long.aka they photo-shopped it also. He is big for sure though, I wish I could find the name of the guy I wanted to put up, but no luck.

He is one of the: “Pornstars like it big” actors and he is thick as hell. He did the one with Kinzie Kerner out in a pool.

I am thinking about trying only hanging/ads and light jelqing for a few weeks to see if cutting out the girth work would help length. However the TCG theory I think it was called said for me that it would still be good to do about 20% girth work, which makes sense to be good for expansion. Does anyone really think 5 minutes of clamping or pumping could really inhibit length?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

I am thinking about trying only hanging/ads and light jelqing for a few weeks to see if cutting out the girth work would help length. However the TCG theory I think it was called said for me that it would still be good to do about 20% girth work, which makes sense to be good for expansion. Does anyone really think 5 minutes of clamping or pumping could really inhibit length?

No this could be your 20% girth work. Me when I balloon I get in my girth work with either erect kegels or supra Slammers (Uli’s while jerking off)

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Who says pumping is only for girth?

Guys in the pumper’s forum certainly seem to get length from pumping. If I remember right, there is some information in the “Selecting Your Cylinder Size” thread on picking your cylinder size depending on whether your goal is length or girth.

Very good point!

An amazing thing happened tonight.

I was right between 7 and 7.25 NBP, and I was 7.6 BP! FUCK-YES!

Geez I’m pretty happy right now. I am going to continue what I have been doing, a ton of hanging and 1 set of pumping, and 1 set of clamping basically 3 days on 1 day off.

I thought I would post my routine for everyone to see if they think it is over training. However I will state first that I never get any bruising of any sort (besides some discoloration from the vac-hanger, and sometimes my shaft turns slightly grey towards the end of a pump set) and I can always get an erection, and wake up with a hard one about half the time.

Today I:
1.) Hung for 2 1/2 hours.
2.)Pumped for 2-3 sets, none going past 3-4 HG, and only lasting around ten minutes. By the way hot water pumping ROCKS.
3. One clamped set. Used the Blue large clamp at the base, then a red one below the head. I can only fit the red one on if I put it on limp, And I get better engorgement if I put them on fully hard, and fully hard the red one is even a tight squeeze for the mid shaft.
4.) probably 50 jelqs, spread throughout the day. I do them really light now and focus on going deep but gently. Mainly between hanging sets.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
By the way hot water pumping ROCKS.

Told you. Did you take off the pump and suck the tube manually?

Man, if you’re still waking up with erections after all of that, you are really conditioned! Haha, I’d prob be out a whole week after a day of that routine! Lately I have been getting negative results from pumping. After a 5-10 minute 2.5 Hg pumping session it will take a little bit of time before I can get hard again, I don’t understand it. Even when I was starting I could take 7 Hg like a champ! Maybe I’ll just give it some rest, but glad your routine seems to be working for you. I say keep at those long hanging times and if your EQ fades, then drop some of the girth work?

Anyways, good luck.

Tadalafil can mask PE-related EQ issues so that is something to be aware of. I think you mentioned somewhere in your progress report that you take that.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
sometimes my shaft turns slightly grey towards the end of a pump set

Grey? — Dunno, that doesn’t sound good. Maybe you should start a thread in the pumping forum and ask if that is ok.

Thanks random, but I just realised it is a little too much. I will drop it down to One pumping session and the clamps will be put away. I will probably also cap the hanging at 1 1/2 to 2 hours, then focus on using the ADS. I am going on vacation soon with just one of my friends and my ADS will be worn the entire time.

Sta-kool your correct I do take it, and I didn’t mean grey I meant a slight purple.

I don’t think purple is good either. You might ask in the pumping forum. Or hang on let me see what I can dig up.

OK back from a quick search…is your penis warm or cold when you come out of the cylinder? Cold could be an issue of circulation getting cut off.

See this thread:

Coming out cold?

For what it is worth I come out warm and pink. I milk the tube frequently which is supposed to help get fresh blood in, plus do my kegels in the tube.

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-14-2008 at .

That is a very good question, I will check that when I pump today and let you know.

Smaller flaccid today so I’ll take the hint that I need to start doing less.

Pumping I think I might drop almost completely. I do not like what happens with it, and I don’t think I or VERY MANY people gain from it. I will do very low sets at the very end of everything just to keep a healthy, blood engorged penis though.

Today I:
-Hung for 1 1/2 to two hours. Broken up into 30 minute sets.

-I also finally got some more lube so I will probably do some slooooow wet jelqs (8 second strokes-thanks Kingpole)

-Then do some LIGHT HOT water pumping like 5 minutes, 3 HG. I cannot use my 2” pump. I am way too thick for that thing at the base and mid shaft, after I take it off, I see a red indent ring around where it rests against me and it’s about 1 inch above my bottom shaft, what a joke.

*I wrapped when I was out all day, and I definitely will continue to do that! I bought two ace wrist braces, and will put one in front of the other for a slight ads all day when I am healing up in an elongated state, It makes complete sense to me, and flaccid length is another top priority of mine.


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