Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Jesus. How are you still fucking humans?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Cause my Head is only 5.5! Although the girl I hooked up with last week was seriously shocked. She was like almost worshipping it I think that might be a fetish of mine.

You mean the fat girl?

Maybe the reason why you dont feel much is because your glans girth is “only” 5.5. Most of the feeling is in there not in the shaft.

No the girl before her. Trust me she was just flat out loose, and my shaft can tell when something is tight or not.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Cause my Head is only 5.5!

HA HA hate to break it to you but that is huge. I am thinking maybe you outta take a trip to the valley and audition for a porno company. Not saying you should take the job, but you are definitely qualified.

Thanks stud. After a few hanging sets yesterday I did 1 35 minute pump session starting at 1, (yes 1) HG and even felt a light pull with that. I slowly increased it to 3 HG over the time. I was hanging HUGE. I am going to do that more. I might abandon hanging except the occasional set or two if I do not see at least a 1/16 gain in another week. My program would be jelqing, using my ADS, and pumping at the end of the day. I would only pump every other.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I did 1 35 minute pump session starting at 1, (yes 1) HG and even felt a light pull with that. I slowly increased it to 3 HG over the time. I was hanging HUGE.

I am going to try something like that. How long did you take to increase the pressure to 3HG?

Shit like every 10 minutes I would increase some. Dude you’ll love it. I got hard after within like 10 seconds (through stimulation) and it usually takes me a little longer than most.

I’ve had Monkeybars KR extender with vachead for 2 days now.
I-LOVE-IT. Wow what a painless product! Even his noose attachments he includes if you want to switch it up are “pretty” pain free, when others would kill around an hour.

I am using this thing as much as possible, I got about 6 hours in today. I am going for at least four everyday.

I take it to a comfortable 8.25” BPFSL and my max stretched length (really pulling) is 8.75. I figured this was a good place to start, as it just slightly above erect length (8” usually) I will post up pictures of it in my pictures thread!

Just added in the last rod extensions, and the head cap is 9 BPFSL. Obviously that is a little further than my head, but I am still excited. I am wearing it upwards in my waist and will continue to whenever I am at home. It reduces my penis base pain (would be more comfortable for me with a wider base) and It seems to be working great! Tests show I need to be pulling upwards now anyways. Maybe this is what I need to produce gains again finally.

I have my stretcher on now, I love the thing. It is very tight around my base (I have to literally pull my penis through it) but when it gets uncomfortable I just put it in my waist so it pulls upwards. Even more comfortable this way. My dick is feeling more and more elastic, and I am doing the other stuff less, I will try and hang 5 times a week (but low hours) and possibly pump for 1 low pressure set of ten minutes.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I have my stretcher on now, I love the thing. It is very tight around my base (I have to literally pull my penis through it) but when it gets uncomfortable I just put it in my waist so it pulls upwards. Even more comfortable this way. My dick is feeling more and more elastic, and I am doing the other stuff less, I will try and hang 5 times a week (but low hours) and possibly pump for 1 low pressure set of ten minutes.

There is something about upward stretching, jelqing and now a device that is held upwards that really promotes good growth results.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

How do you find the privacy to hang for that amount of time?

Do you mean stretcher time? I hang only about 30 minutes now…

KP you are right, I truly think it is because lig gains are minimal. I have already gained around 1.5” so I KNOW there is not any more lig potential.

I am hanging as much as possible, talking to bib on his forum multiple times each day. My dick is straight up sore. I am using his hardcore but will probably switch to his original version, as I think it is going to take HEAVY weights for my dick to really get pulled out. I am using an extender multiple hours a day, even at work I apply some weight tension somehow. I might have seen a slight BPFSL gain, it seems like it is .125” I am jelqing a small amount too as I know that is imperative, and I am clamping occasionally just to keep it thick and full of blood, I only do one clamp set, and I do it at the every end of all my hanging probably 3 times a week.


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