
BPEL: 19.4cm
BPFSL: 19.4cm
Avg EG: 13.1cm

Well that was a bust. Had good momentum the first few weeks, plenty of good strain days. Kept getting clogged lymph vessels early and took a bunch of extra days off and used the time to do some reading on vac hanger tricks. Will be using a bit of sponge/fabric/etc in the tip and water from now on. Also forgot conditioning stretch at the beginning of this cycle, will be included in the next most likely. Perfect jelqs work great, kept doing them during and after 45 days of US vac hanging and have gained about 0.2cm BGEG!

Ultimately I think I was 1) not rested enough, did a ‘few’ 5 minute sessions during decon and maybe it wasn’t long enough 2) taking too many rest days during the actual workout cycle and 3) not pulling hard enough, was shy to feel that slight discomfort due to lymph clogs until the end of cycle and spent most of the time ~0.25kg under from my previous workout cycle.

This here is the actual success:
Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn was a really good read. Finally finished it after hearing it’s praises from several sources, including xenolith’s writing and can’t believe I waited this long. The book sung lots of what I had already discovered in the last year and a half practicing more complicated kegel techniques, and offered clarification and expanding to more powerful techniques of dick control. I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you are spiritual in any way. Should be available online for free somewhere.

New Energy Ways V2 by Robert Bruce is a more approachable introduction to the energy manipulation described in Chia’s book, at least to start and in my opinion. A very ‘western’ description, relying on feelings and tactile sensations more than the concepts described by a poem about the moon or something like some of the eastern counterparts. Additionally, some thunder’s threads on ‘advanced kegels’: Kegel - the secret revealed, Dick Control: A Primer, Sweet rewards - ballooning works. Towel raises are pure gold.

After following the simplest energy gathering exercise in Chia’s book for only a few reps a day my libido must have doubled. Control over my dick also went up quite a bit. As a matter of fact I was able to make myself orgasm only with kegels. Completely wild. Pelvic floor fitness + energy/body awareness is a powerful combo that is for sure. Should also be noted, that would have been impossible if I had been consuming porn on any kind of regular basis. I was at least two weeks no porn leading up to that.

As a side note, I’ve figured out how to ‘ejaculate’ only precum and a large volume of it. Wonderful way to relieve some pressure while ballooning or edging and honestly just really hot. Happened on accident the first (and second) time, but it is essentially a reverse kegel directly onto the center of the perineum - works best after a very strong kegel and after a fair amount of warming. Do not accidentally stimulate the prostate if you can help it, easiest way to lose control.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm