Goals - Year Review
I feel like I’ve learned a lot in my first year here. Rereading my progress log has me shaking my head too often!
Went to update my signature and noticed that I failed my initial PE goal, figured it would be a good thing to reflect on. The goal was to, in 1 year, gain approximately ~3cm/1.2in BPEL and ~1.5cm/0.6in MSEG. A bit ambitious for both considering I’ve tended to separate girth and length work. According to this thread I’m a slightly below average gainer for length, but I have a feeling I can point at more than just genetics at play this last year. Fell short by about 0.8cm and 1.3cm respectively (as of 8/5), so about a C- on the length goal, which is still passing! :D
The goal was mostly hopeful, so not reaching it isn’t a huge blow to me. My dick looks bigger, feels bigger, is bigger. This alone makes this all a huge success. I absolutely enjoy things that involve ‘making the numbers bigger’ (weight training, games, finance, PE) so having not only gains, but also a new base of knowledge and experience going into this next year is exciting.
But really though, ~2cm length gain! Mostly came from the newbie routine, kegels, hot hot showers, for a moment Xeno’s IPR protocol, and finally a Kyrpa styled creep based protocol (with no US or hanger until recently). Low intensity to start with a short med-high intensity ‘top set’, <60min workouts with a BIG focus on heat seem to have been the best method for me for length. Done with manuals mostly, and vac hanger for light hanging/conditioning stretches/ADS.
Looking back, a pattern may be forming. From Feb-May, 3 mo (the first Kyrpa cycle and the beginning of my workout journal) I gained 0.6cm. From May-August, 3 mo again, gained 0.1cm BPEL. Between those two phases I dropped the light girth work for edging/kegeling, used less shower heat and just relied on an electric pad, during both tried cyclic stretching and creep stretching - about half each, and workouts got longer. I’d bet the heat was probably a big factor, but maybe this is just my natural gains cycle? I recall from one of the US related threads 3 months was about the time period that is used.
Looking further back, I notice that my newbie gains period seems to end right around December of last year (4 months into PE), then had a 2 month slowdown. Then, once I discovered Kyrpa’s threads began gaining for approximately another 3 months. I notice now that I stopped my last length campaign right around the same timeframe… I had been continuing to PE after a month rest, and was coming up on 2 months since the last time I gained. Just as I was seeing tentative gains… maybe I stopped just before some extra length gains? Regardless, it has been 3 months since length gains now and girth gains are just beginning to show, so I think this is enough to establish a rough pattern. Having all of this written down is extremely useful.
To that end, a functional cycle seems to be: 3 months gains campaign, followed by 3 months rest. For the moment, that is. After I complete this girth phase I’ll attempt a brief run for length to see how I react to girth work straight into length work, then into a 3+ mo decon if no signs of gains.
Girth went nowhere really in that year because I never focused on it until this last month or so. About +0.2cm, but this mostly came with the EQ improvements early on.
Reading again from this thread, it seems to me that girth gains take a fair bit longer so I’ll be giving myself plenty of time to reach the end of easy girth gains moving forward.
Kegeling, and just general pelvic floor control/exercises have become a great asset very quickly. I only really began focusing on this in the last handful of months and discovered reverse kegeling, ballooning, tantric breath practices, swirling, anything more interesting than just “squeeze the taint” type of things have catapulted my penis and body awareness. This deserves a post of its own, so I will expand later.
The Future
Going forward, I still want to achieve the 8” length but in the shorter term I want to hit a bigger girth. Goals/plan will be: 5.3”/13.5cm EG by Feb ‘22, test for response to length work and if nothing 3+ month decon. Ideally also, 8”/20.32cm BPEL by Oct ‘22.
Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?
As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.
Goal: 21x15cm