Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Johan is a believer now! JAI

Nothing gained

I think my schlong can not grow. Have been doing PE-exercises for almost 3 months now and can’t see any changes down there… I even took a week off to see if that would’ve helped (shocked lil fellow), but nope. My routine is pretty basic including manual stretching and yelquin. Should I increase exercising lenght (20-40 mins / session now) or methods (more harder exercises…) ??? Or should I just stop doing this stuff, plain and simple, because it would give me a gift of time ;) …… :(

Well, I think I still go for a month and if I don’t see any results until August I’m quitting.

BTW, what’s the longest time that it have took to see any results from PE’ing?

A Man behind his mask.

I had no gaines for the first 3 months. Zero, nada, zilch, etc.
I was doing 90mn+ per day. I was,perhaps, a little chubbier, but no change in length. In a lill over 18 months I have gained .75” I credit all of that to hanging.

Take the time and crawl around in Thunders archives. Don’t even do a search, just read EVERYTHING!!! All this stuff has been covered over and over. You never know what thread will have some little tid bit that will jump out and be exactly what you needed to know. Take that 30mn per day you are spending on pulling yer pud & do reasurch and homework, it WILL pay off in the longrun.
Just my 2 pennies worth.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Well... Heureka!

I spend a few moments thinking about my routine and body physiology (actually I study and like medical engineering), so I’m not a complete idiot in those issues - and why not to combine the info I have to PE. I’ve never been a flexible type of guy so I thought to use a different technique from "basic stretching". This is what I came up with: I am going to start stretching twice a day using active isolated stretching technique. First stretching session immediately when I wake up and second set after yelquin session that I usually do in the afternoon.

If you’re not familiar with AI-stretching and want to know about it - maybe you should read as an example this article at Runners World Runner’s World

Basically I figured out to do it like this: I just do a normal stretch, maybe cranking my weenie a little. Then release after holding that position about 2 secs (not longer in order avoiding PC’s inherent stretch reflex - hope that I’m right about that PC is the muscle reflecting). After that kegel hard for 2 secs and do the same again. Thinking maybe 3 * 15 repeats could be a good set. -> Only 3 minutes of active workout, but this could solve my lifetime plateau ;)

Hope this would help me gain some length and that this post made sense :)

iamaru: Congrats, nice gains you’ve got! I am pretty scared to put a hanger on my dick.. I’ve probably red everything that written here already, write more folks, can’t wait for more ;)


A Man behind his mask.

Last edited by Johan : 06-29-2002 at .

Thunder, thanks for those words - you keep me inspired. There’s still hope, just gotta keep the faith.

Added few words to my signature reflecting my current PE routine.

A Man behind his mask.


I am quite interested to see what kind of results you produce. I hope it goes well for you and let us know how it turns out, please.

As far as being afraid to hang - I used to be, but then I realized that the fluctuating pressures exerted by manual stretching were much harder to control. Compared to hanging, that is. With hanging you essentially concentrate on your attachment and then you have a very constant pressure that is known and easily controlled. This is not the case with heavy-duty stretching. And I think that’s why there are so many injuries due to stretching, but if done properly (ie., very consistent, sound application w/ understanding of the physics involved) stretching can be quite productive.

Yep, yep, yep ...

Guys, I will sure keep you informed how I’ll be doing (in order there’s something to inform ;) )

At least I find this AIS much more comfortable to do compared to normal stretching. I never felt anything after my stretching sessions before (no matter how much power I used), now I felt a little soreness (hey, I got ligs!!!) after my 3rd AIS-session. :) I also figured that I won’t be kegelin during AIS…


A Man behind his mask.


I have been trying PE for two years and eight months without any gain at all, so give it a little longer than august man. Dont get excited and look for gains all the time, measuring constantly etc. Just do your routines and think about where you could be in six months from now. If you quit in august then you might be thinking “how big could my dick be now if I had stuck with it?”

Keep the faith, to quote bon jovi.

Good Luck

Hey SS4jelq,

I was intrigued that you have been PEing for almost three years with no gains. I can hardly imagine that. What is your routine? Are you primarily stretching and jelqing? Have you tried hanging? I haven’t heard of too many guys who had zero gains. I would suggest that you look into hanging AND jelqing. This will not only expand the cells in the corpus cavernosa, but also pull the ligaments out. This is the routine that I followed when I started. At this time, I am only hanging. I think that hanging has the best potential for bigger gains. However, I am fairly confident that the combination of routines could work for you. Just my two cents - whatever its worth.

Good luck


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I’ve tried it all, my friend. My routine is around somewhere, on this board or the other. At the moment im doing a hanging + ADS type routine, I think this is the best one I have tried, I have a good feeling about it, but I feel a gain is still a couple of months away yet.

Great link about AI stretching man. I’m gonna use it on my body as well as my dick. Amazing results. I always wondered why I couldn’t gain flexibilty from 20 - 30 second static stretches and now I know why. The stretch reflex kicks in at 3 seconds. Thinking back, it was always people who had extreme flexibilty who seemed good at yoga and static stretching. And whenever I asked them about it they said they were always like that. I’m very tight and never had success for 15 years trying this or that stretch routine. This AI 2 second stretching justs melts my muscles to pieces. It’s unbelieveable. I’m glad I looked at the url. I actually went to their headquarters today and got the book and video and rope.
As far as dick goes, I’m also gonna abandon the jelq for the most part and try one to two sets of 10 reps each of stretching. I also happen to believe less is more and got my almost one inch gain like this. But I am tired of the occassional soreness or “half hardons” I get sometimes with a jelqing routine. I also would like an almost everyday routine that is short and effective instead of my every other day 10 minute jelq routine. I may try also some 2 second squeezes even though there’s probably not much muscle getting affected with that - but what the hell.

Anyway, thanks for putting that url up. It’s just what I needed in many ways.

Thanks!! :)

Newbie, thanks np. AI stretching rules when it comes to non-PE-related flexibility, at least in my case. Even if I always stretched statically after my workouts (running, tennis etc..), ie. never had the ability to touch the floor when standing my feet straight, now I can do that, thanks to AI. Lets see what AI can produce in this industry ;)

Happy stretching!

A Man behind his mask.

My new routine

I also do (from now on) my jelquin with only about 1 to 1½ second strokes. It seems that it has more effect on my dick in comparison with what 3 sec strokes did. 500 to 1000 strokes / session. This and that AI-stretching has actually made my weenie look much “meatier” in flaccid state. I’ll measure my penis 15th of July next time. Hope there’s some measureable gains then!

am. 3 * 10 to 15 AI-stretches
pm. 3 * 10 to 15 AI-stretches and 15 to 30 mins of jelquing.
avg. 5 times a week.

Any comments?

A Man behind his mask.

Something going on...

Just for curiosity measured today:
ELBP 16.6cm = 6.55”
7/1/02 It was:
ELBP 16.2cm = 6.35”

Official measurements I’ll do 8/1/02 - if it is 16.6+cm I will definately continue this routine. It’s somewhat like this but I tend to modify it a bit depending how I feel.

Mo Off
Tu am. AI-stretches // pm. 15min jelquing + Squeezes + AIS’ and a few V-stretches
We am. AIS’ // pm. 25min jelquing + AIS’
Th Off
Fr am. AIS’ // pm. 15min jelquing + Squeezes + AIS’ and a few V-stretches
Sa am. AIS’ // pm. 20min jelquing + AIS’
Su am. AIS’ // pm. 30min jelquing + Squeezes + V-stretches for 10mins

Rest days aren’t completely PE-free. Do some stretching if I have number 1. It doesn’t harm recovery process, thats what I believe.
I’m not quitting yet ;)

A Man behind his mask.

Last edited by Johan : 07-25-2002 at .


Way to go man!!! Keep us posted on your progress! You might have just made a breakthrough, especially for hard gainers. Does your penis (ligs esp.) feel fatigued, sore, etc. at any point during or after these exercises?


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