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My solution for discoloration


My solution for discoloration

OK, I know this topic has been beaten to death, but I think I found a real easy solution to the problem. I have been gradually getting darker on the underside of my penis as many people have on these boards, and here is how I am dealing with it.

I use a hot pack for about 5 min or so on the underside of my dick. The way I do this is to flip my dick onto my belly, thus exposing the underside, then put the heat on it. After the heat I just gently massage the underside towards the pelvis. I could actually see it getting lighter as I did this. I don’t know where the fluid went- hopefully it is re-absorbed in my body.

I repeated this process 3 times and it was all gone. I don’t know if it will work for long-term discoloration, but I think if you catch it right away this may be the answer. I am going to do this in between hanging sets and see if it is kept at bay. Hopefully some others can try it and report back. I would hope both those with long-term and brand new discoloration will try it so we know if it works on both types.

This is just a light massage with 2 finger towards the pelvis, just enough to move the fluid or old blood or whatever it is. Good Luck :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Nice post, works for me.

Doing three sets has almost completely removed recent discolouration underneath. It has also made a noticable difference on a more permenenant large discoloured area I have had for 1.5 months, about as much as ‘wrapping for discoloration’ Bib styley for 2 days.

TroyT8 also posted good info on using this technique to deal with injury:



Hopefully some other guys will try this and report back positive results. If that is the case, you may want to relocate this massage info somewhere so it doesn’t get buried like TroyT8s’ info did. I have read a lot of his stuff, but missed this somehow. He was an asset to the community :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I’ve been doing some searching on the internet and I’ve run across this a couple times and I think someone here also does this……..

Right after injuring an area (finishing a hanging session) apply a bag of frozen peas to the area. If we apply heat to a freshly injured area we are actually making the bruise worse!

So while heat is suggested later we want to start by cooling the area to limit the bruising in the 1st place, then afterwards ( a few hours later?) we can follow up with heat.

Anyone have any experience with this?

And a suggestion i think this thread has a better chance of not getting “lost” if it was in the hanging forum.


Yes, ice should be applied withing the first 24 hours of bruising. Heat should never be applied until 24- 48 hours later! Basic first-aid.



Prolly the best routine would be. (for hangers)
Use a rice sock to warm up for hanging
Finish with a bag of frozen peas.

If using the 5 day on / 2 days off use our “off days” to use 2in2002’s method.

I do all my hanging sessions together instead of splitting between day/night , a side benefit of which, I am also not applying heat too soon after a hang and aggravating the bruising.


This topic may have been beaten to death but a definitive solution still eludes us.

I should point out that I am a former jelqer and I have long term discolouration.

I notice that masturbation seems to aggravate my discolouration but soaking the unit in a cup of hot water afterwards seems to help keep the discolouration from worsening.

In my case, a lot of the discolouration in my affected area results from the accumulation of varicose veins. Many veins are still accumulating across previously unaffected areas even though I have not jelqed for nine and a half weeks!

I will see a dermatologist about this problem in a few days but your opinion with respect to this symptom would be appreciated. Are these veins now essentially “dead” and blocked?

Ice cannot be good for this vein problem…

If I ever start up again I must confess that, with respect to gains, MagnumXL has made me wonder about icing the unit after a session.

Anyway, I am eager to try your massage technique. I will respond with my findings.

Thanks for your contributions to this subject. You are a valuable addition to the forum,


The only time ice/frozen peas are used is right after the trauma occurs to minimize the bruising so you don’t have to deal with it later. After the recommended 24-48 then we start using heat.

I guess the conflict happens when we have an existing bruise/discoloration and then we proced to create more damage. We want to cool it to prevent further damage but we don’t want to aggravate an existing problem.

Arnica is supposed to help but I haven’t yet tried it yet.

let's clear up some misconceptions

OK. In regards to heat vs ice. You want to use heat as is recommended immediately following your session. Remember, we are not talking about a bruise but rather extra fluid that for some reason ‘leaks’ out of the CC and/or CS. This fluid can be cleared more easily in a more liquid state- which heat will provide. I do the massage while I am applying my last heat of the day. Usually I will put on heat for 5 minutes, massage a while, then reapply heat and massage again. Sometimes once or twice- but I have done as many as 4 times. After this, I will apply ice. I do not do this for discoloration, so I apply it on the top of my base and also cover the area of the ligaments. This helps to ‘solidify’ the connective tissue in an extended state. Hope this clears some of your questions/concerns :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

ok now I’m confused,

If after a hanging session where we have damaged skin, the bruises are coming from broken capillaries that are leaking blood between layers of skin that don’t have a return path. So by applying heat we are making sure the blood vessls stay open to leak more blood? I’m guessing the ice is to constrict the blood vessels to stop the leakage.

I don’t see how applying heat to leaking capillaries is helping. What is the return path of the blood so it doesn’t “pool” and cause a bruise?

Now if no new damage has been done then heat makes sence.


I can understand the confusion, and it is in the belief that you have broken capillaries. That is not the case- if it were you would need a lot more than an overnight of rest and a bit of ice to fix the problem. I am looking for the ‘leakage’ link now but have yet to find it- it explains the phenomenon in greater detail. Give me a few minutes to catch up on my posting and I will get it for you to read :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

OK guys here is the discussion

Great post- took forever to find it. Read the whole thing to get an appreciation for the mechanisms involved.

Wrapping to remove discoloration

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I don’t want to add to the confusion but I found this to add even more confusion. hehe

http://www.nort … 0and%20Heat.htm

For the best results, combine ice with heat to create a pumping action. This is known as contrast therapy. Ice sends extra fluid away and heat brings fluids to the injury picking up debris. Finish the treatment with ice to flush the debris away. The cycle should be 5-20 minutes ice, 5-20 minutes heat, 5-20 minutes ice.

contrast bath

I just posted this info yesterday on this thread


"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

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