Shiver quote;
“If you are training a conventional routine then mm measurements are worse than useless as there are too many factors at play, which will only confuse the observer and not provide a clear path of action (which is what I believe you are mapping out with your PI methods).”
I tend to agree with you on this one.
“Imho PI’s are a great thing to develop for damage training, as it is akin to a body builder learning to know his body and adapt his routine to suit the feedback.”
Yes, exactly! So with your current routine you feel you are causing zero damage?
I have been working along the same lines, but obviously I am using more force and causing some micro trauma. I have also come to the conclusion that trauma should be minimized. I am trying to find that “just right” amount that will allow for stretching of the tissue without causing a tissue contraction reaction.
When I read episodes of some lucky bastards doing 5-10 minutes of some simple jelquing routine and making 2 inch gains in 3-6 months, I really suspect that they stumbled on to that magic amount.
Further, it seems that they run into much less limiting factors caused by fibrotic tissue build up.
I am hoping my studying PI’s that more of us can find that magical place…and develop magical dicks!