Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Sounds like more of a treatment than a cure, interesting though, what about your CS?

My CS too, I have never had deflated glans but inflated CS and visa versa.

I wouldn’t say it’s a cure, but more of a treatment, the problem is still there but at bay.

Numbglans — the way to increase your glans sensitivity is to pump, clamp, and to take L-Tyrosine for healthy nerves.

Thanks, I don’t think I need the L-Tyrosine, the Testosterone shots affect dopamine pretty sufficiently.

I will make a thread on it when I can, I was going to yesterday but don’t have permission yet.

I can’t start a new thread so I will ask my question here as it relates, is it normal for just the edge of the glans to be very firm when completely flaccid, like where the top of the shaft meets the glans.

I don’t remember it being like this for me but it has happened over time.

If this isn’t clear I can put up a diagram.

Guys, I am to a point in my life where I have a really hard choice to make. I havent been able to do much reguarding this injury and as a result my sex life really isn’t that great.

I have been with this girl for 7 months now. We are pretty close, we spend damn near every hour together. I feel like the sex I give her is far from what it should be because of this injury we have. I want to try new healing methods, but because of how close we are I haven’t been able to. I want to start doing light pumping, taking 50mg of viagra every night, using heat, trying the Iodine/DSMO treatment and streching of the pelive muscles, but I can’t do that in this relationship. She doesn’t know that I know I have a problem. She doesn’t seem to mind the shitty sex and loves me more than ever.

I am thinking about just telling her and being open with her. So that I can try to help myself overcome this and improve our sex. I don’t know how she would take this though. Anyone have any comments?

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP

Write it down and read it to yourself, then tell her, just be honest that you want to improve your sex life. How can that be a bad thing.

Just my opinion, good luck!


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

You don’t need to tell her about PE in order to tell her about the injury. I sustained this injury before I met my girlfriend, after 4 or 5 months, at which point I had been doing the DMSO/I treatment, I told her about the injury (not how it happened), and that I had been ‘actively seeking’ a solution for some time and may have found one. I even told her I’d been applied ‘ointments’ directly to my penis. The treatment seemed to work and she even asked

‘is your dick getting bigger?’, I replied that it hadn’t gotten bigger, but was simply working more as it should. We haven’t talked about the injury or how it happened since. End of story. :)


I have written a lot about the septum being my limiting factor and being a hard gainer for length. Also, I have experienced this "super boner" as I have called it The Super Boner, with a very hard shaft and not necessarily an inflated head. I also notice when I get morning wood the head is not engorged.

Any possibility of the tight septum being related to the hard shaft and deflated glans you think? I have not been able to defeat my limiting factor of the septum after all of these years.

One foot to go

Originally Posted by rushmore

I have written a lot about the septum being my limiting factor and being a hard gainer for length. Also, I have experienced this "super boner" as I have called it The Super Boner, with a very hard shaft and not necessarily an inflated head. I also notice when I get morning wood the head is not engorged.

Any possibility of the tight septum being related to the hard shaft and deflated glans you think? I have not been able to defeat my limiting factor of the septum after all of these years.

It is possible that they are related but I see no evidence to necessarily prove them to be so. I had the septum way before the deflation injury. Have you seen the DMSO/I treatment thread?

That super-hard erection state, with deflation of glans and CS, as far as I’m concerned, is a pathological state caused by either lack of blood flow to the glans and penis skin or increased outflow by pathological drainage for these areas - on top of that, for some reason, pressure inside the CCs goes way up and gives you a super-hard, but definitely less sensitive erection. I find that super-hard penis state doesn’t come about immediately, in the normal course of an erection my penis would start to expand normally, it was only when physical stimulation was halted, even briefly, that the outerlying tissues drained and the CCs became incredibly tight, a state I’d find difficult to reverse without first allowing the entire erection to at least partially subside.

Since I’ve been doing the DMSO/I treatment for a while, I haven’t experienced this unpleasant ‘super-boner’ for a while. I don’t miss it.

Last edited by Tweaking : 08-13-2011 at .

I think the “super boner” seems so strong in the CCs only because of the contrast with the utterly deflated glans/CS. I see no reason to be otherwise. Unless you guys PRECISELY remember that before this injury you never had such strong boners

Oh and Tweaking… IIRC, you mentioned doing pumping. IMO this improvement you’re experiencing is better ascribed to that, than to this DSMO treatment. By pumping you are improving inflow and expansion of erectile tissues (which in their turn shut the outflow to a degree). IMHO. And yeah, I should get into pumping already.

Originally Posted by Owen33
I think the “super boner” seems so strong in the CCs only because of the contrast with the utterly deflated glans/CS. I see no reason to be otherwise. Unless you guys PRECISELY remember that before this injury you never had such strong boners

Oh and Tweaking… IIRC, you mentioned doing pumping. IMO this improvement you’re experiencing is better ascribed to that, than to this DSMO treatment. By pumping you are improving inflow and expansion of erectile tissues (which in their turn shut the outflow to a degree). IMHO. And yeah, I should get into pumping already.

The pumping, I would say, is definately helping. However, as far as I’m aware, none of the other people who’ve been using the DMSO/I treatment (with success) have been pumping or jelqing, I think. Furthermore, there was a period where I was pumping regularly and not applying the treatment. At that time, though I would say my general EQ increased, the pathological symptoms of which we are concerned, if I recall, did not abate at all.

There is something like 6 progressive states of erection as identified by the medical community. I think the final level is called the ‘rigid-erect’ state or something very similar. Ordinarily, this state is brief and occurs shortly before ejaculation. The super-boner, however, feels like a prolonged version of the rigid-erect state (minus the glans/CS/outer skin expansion). That’s the best way I can describe it.


Your link in signature for “Length gains with dorsal cord/thickening” is not working.

One foot to go

Ok guys, I have something to add, maybe someone can relate. While for the most part I beleive this is venous leakage, I did a kegel routine for about a week. What followed was really bad firm flaccid, terrible erections, and no morning wood. I also have been feeling some wierd pain, burning and sensations from my lower pelvic area. I was also doing stretches at the time.

I do have a plan though, I have 120, 100mg tablets of generic viagra. I will take 50-100mg every night before bed to promote nocturnal and morning erections. I know for a fact that viagra gives me great morning wood, as wells as night wood. The idea to simply to promote healing. Eventually I’d like to get into light pumping as well.

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP

Yeah I’m 95% sure the firm flaccid is caused by pelvic floor tension, though why there’s tension there, exactly, could be from a number of different causes. Clearly, then, since kegels are the voluntary contraction of pelvic floor muscles, it’s not surprising that they would have an impact on the FF.

I still haven’t gotten around to it, but I’m going to try some bikram yoga, to see if I can stretch the area out and maybe do some good. I’ve read others who’ve had success with the FF after doing even just one session of bikram yoga.

People have also had success with trigger point therapy. So far, I’m too embarrassed to have a professional therapist stick their finger(s) in my ass to reach the proper trigger points to relax the inner pelvic floor region.

There was a guy that kept recomminding a book, hyperlite? Anyways he said it cured his firm flaccid, but would never say anything about what he did. I even texted him and got nothing. It was about relaxed the pelive floor muscles.

I have done a fair amount of stretches, especially when this first happened and have never gotten any results. I tryed sitting on a tennis ball, sitting on a vibrating massage chair for hours, and focusing on the pelvic floor and doing reverse kegels. Im very open to any other techniques though. I just dont have the time or money to look at other options. Anyways, thanks for the response!

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP


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