Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

I’ve been reading over at the HF forum, tid-bit of wisdom for those with the firm flaccid, DO NOT KEGEL AT ANY TIME. Kegels are supposed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, however, if these muscles are already inflamed in some way, exercising them more will exacerbate the problem.

Reverse-kegels are good to do. Reverse-kegels are actually a relaxation of these muscles, which is what we want. Practice reverse kegels whenever, I don’t think they can be overdone.

So basically a reverse kegel is a kegel without contracting the pelvic floor?

I have problems maintain inflated glans during erection, and this is becoming a major psychical problem to me.
I can achieve full erection, both glans and shaft easily, but there is no way I can maintain glans inflated during sexual intercourse.
Recently, I have been with a girl, and got an rock hard erection easily (both glans and shaft), but when I tried to penetrate her, my glans deflated almost completely, so I had to try over and over again, with pauses to restore glans erection with manual masterbation. When I finally penetrated her, I couldn’t get orgasm for almost half an hour, neither come close to it. The sensitivity was zero. I pulled it out, glans was completely deflated. She is somewhat tight. This was very embarrassing, she noticed it and tried to give me comfort, but there was no comfort for me in that moment. I told her what is the problem, then she tried to give me hand job, but I wasn’t in mood for that. I don’t have will for any type of intimacy any more…

I remember I didn’t have any of these problems in my younger age (I’m 30 now), there was no way that glans would deflate, I remember that I squeezed it and could not deflate it even a bit. I could palpate erected end of CC in glans, which is not the case now. Now that portion of CC also deflates with pressing, together with CS.

I can’t tell for sure what caused this, I have always had prominent SDV, but recently I have developed a permanent relatively large bulge on the place of SDV diving into shaft. Pressing that place can stop glans deflation, and I can feel and even hear blood back blow in that place when squeezing glans. First time I saw that bulge was one morning, after I successfully treated an yeast infection which caused an open sore on the portion of shaft near glans and leaved me some minor scaring. Before I got this infection I have masterbate a lot, vigorously. I can’t tell if any of this was a cause. I think that overuse of my unit over a long period of time has contributed a lot. PE maybe did not cause this, I can’t remember for sure, but probably made it worst. I remember that vein bulge become bigger after several months of PE.

I have been reading these topics about soft glans syndrome and I need to clear some things out.

How does the portion of CC in glans become engorged? Is it veno occlusive mechanism solely, or closing bigger veins, by pressure from erected CC in whole? Or both? What is the definitive cause of glans deflation?

Has anyone found any reference with treatment trials different from vein stripping, ligation, tacking, clothing, embedding?

I’ve been thinking about treatment with pig bladder powder. If you heard about that, you know that it has the ability to heal old wounds, even regenerate extremities.

Does anyone know if vein transplantation, vein bypass or artificial vein replacement have been tried? I know that artificial vein is used in condition known as neck vein phlebectasia, where dilated portion of the vein is replaced with artificial.
What about stem cells?

I guess some of this treatments are science fiction for now.

Start 5,9" (15cm) NBPEL 5,1" (13cm) EG

1.11.2010. 6,3" (16cm) NBPEL 5,2" (13,2) EG

Goal: ~7" (18cm) NBPEL ~6" (15cm) EG

Science paper about testosterone treatment of venous leak (not just alleviating symptoms, actually seems that testosterone may have the role in penile tissue regeneration):

(exclude one dot after www)

Mechanism of glans tumescence (from the clinical penile anatomy). Check out the last sentence.

Vascular pulsation of the fully ereцt penis becomes visible when a steady state has been
achieved. The pressure in the lacunar space during an erection is the result of the equilib­rium
between the perfusion pressure in the cavemosal artery and the resistance to blood outflow through
the compressed subtunical venules.Thus, the penis, during erection, acts
as a reservoir, accumulating blood under pressure. During maximal rigidity, both inflow of
blood to and outflow of blood from the corpora caveрнosa are practically at zero.
Although the glans penis does not have the same hemodynamic structure as the cor­ pora cavemosa,
it does experience substantial changes in blood flow during ereцtion and detumescence.The glans
penis does not possess a tunica albuginea, and the veins draining the glans penis (retrocoronal
plexus) prevent a step pressure rise of !he sort occurring in the shaft of the penis during
erection. Blood flow through the glans and corpus spongiosum is increased over that evident in the
nonerect penis. Thus, the glan maintains a steady and high arterial inflow and venous out·flow (act
as a large arterio­ venous fistula), which enables the glans penis to share in erection but not in
rigidity. The deep dorsal vein become partially compressed between three expanded corpora and
Buck ‘s fascia; thus contributes to pressure rise in the deep dorsal vein.

Start 5,9" (15cm) NBPEL 5,1" (13cm) EG

1.11.2010. 6,3" (16cm) NBPEL 5,2" (13,2) EG

Goal: ~7" (18cm) NBPEL ~6" (15cm) EG

Great thread and this is absolutely brilliant find, thanks Nesh.

Testosterone helped me with erections but not enough to inflate glans as an soft tissue injury preventing the pinching of the veins. I injured buck’s fascia, and now I know why my glans is insensitive and deflated while erect(even though glans now are not totally numb, so there is a bit blood flowing). The glans empty with circumflex veins around each lateral side of the shaft directly under the glans joining the superficial vein.

My left buck’s fascia is unharmed hence pinching the outflow of the veins somewhat from glans, my right side is injured and hence the vein/veins are bulging during erection and gushing out blood from the glans and into superficial dorsal vein and also into the circumflex vein further down on the shaft.

So embolizing tie off superficial vein at base or higher up?, there must be more vein outflow than only the superficial vein(spongiosum?, I think the artery from spongiosum also runs into glans?) also the veins that circumflex glans and empties in superficial vein needs ligation directly in the attachment unless you can somehow fix the fascia, so it expands normally.

This is hope.

I forgot to ask. Nesh so what you are saying is that you can get spontaneous, stimulated stable erections (not going down without stimuli) while your glans are deflated?, I thought the corpus spongiosum and the glans veno occlusive mechanism is needed to build up pressure to hold the erection in all the bodies, as corpus spongiosum needs to expand pinching veins. I can’t hold a stable erection and build up pressure with inflated glans unless I manually pinch 2 of the circumflex veins and superficial dorsal vein. However with cialis I can hold stable erection in shaft but not glans.

Originally Posted by r00tman
I forgot to ask. Nesh so what you are saying is that you can get spontaneous, stimulated stable erections (not going down without stimuli) while your glans are deflated?, I thought the corpus spongiosum and the glans veno occlusive mechanism is needed to build up pressure to hold the erection in all the bodies, as corpus spongiosum needs to expand pinching veins. I can’t hold a stable erection and build up pressure with inflated glans unless I manually pinch 2 of the circumflex veins and superficial dorsal vein. However with cialis I can hold stable erection in shaft but not glans.

Yes, I can get spontaneous rock hard erection of whole penis, shaft and glans, but the problem is that my glans deflates relatively easily with any type of pressure on it, e.g. during penetration and during sex wit tight cunt chick.

During erection there is increased blood inflow to the corpus spongiousum through dorsal artery, and also outflow through deep dorsal vein. According to predominant point of scientific view, there is no veno oclusive system in corpus spongiousum , the inflation and pressure build up in glans occurs by pinching deep dorsal vein between corpora cavernosa and buck’s fascia along the shaft, preventing blood from going back to the veins, so the harder erection is, the more rigid glans is. That’s why glans is harder to deflate when erection is better.

Problem might be in buck’s fascia (dilated, injured, torn…), so it can’t pinch DDV enough, or small veins between DDV and SDV become to wide and let the blood flow easily to SDV. I believe that is my case, small vein which connects DDV and SDV become permanently dilated and it can be seen as a knot just beneath the glans. That’s why pressure on SDV makes impossible to deflate glans with pressuring it.

Interesting thing is that pressure on SDV close to the body doesn’t prevent glans deflation, nor the cock rings does. I tried them and they just make glans to deflate a bit slower. My opinion is, when it comes to glans, if it is not problem with fascia and poor shaft erection, the problem actually is in increased blood outflow due to incompetent (dilated) veins, not in any valve in them, but rather in simple physically faster outflow through some of the veins and hence surgery on this veins actually might solve the real cause of the problem, not just be the way around.

Can any of you guys with poor erection quality of shaft easily deflate glans by squeezing it? It would be a confirmation that DDV pinching plays a major role in glans erection.

Start 5,9" (15cm) NBPEL 5,1" (13cm) EG

1.11.2010. 6,3" (16cm) NBPEL 5,2" (13,2) EG

Goal: ~7" (18cm) NBPEL ~6" (15cm) EG

I can deflate glans anytime by pressing on it only exception is when I achieved a hard shaft and pressing the point where DDV meets SDV (area with the small knot under glans) or the weakened side where a vein is bulging out, but it empties in SDV,DDV area so it doesn’t matter where I press as long as DDV and SDV are compressed. A weak fascia with increased venous flow from unpinched veins around glans emptying in DDV would keep DDV open complicating the occlusive mechanism. I agree when it comes to glans it’s just keeping inflow > outflow.

I haven’t seen one bit of improvement of the tissue/fascia area in 2 years, also nocturnal erections would prevent tissue from healing correctly. I think only thing to do is to tie off leaking vein or deep dorsal vein embolization. I’m gonna look into it trying to find a interventional radiologist or some expert surgeon, embolization anywhere else than the actual DDV feels like gambling due to the high pressure area of the veins, to tie the vein surgically close to the origin before it reaches DDV/SDV would probably be a permanent solution for me. Also I have a weakened right dorsal artery(weaker pulse than left) decreasing inflow. Rings doesn’t work because it doesn’t pinch the DDV enough also it alters pressures everywhere unaturally probably preventing a normal occlusive mechanism of the deep veins.

Last edited by r00tman : 10-08-2011 at .

So there is one guy from here that already fixed this Yataghan50: —> Yataghan50 - Before and After *Surgery
Those pictures says it all for me it’s exactly my problem. Sildenafil doesn’t work on this problem because it don’t increase inflow enough through the surface arteries also with a vein gushing blood from glans you would need a serious pump to keep it normal.

Here is a interesting article on vein embolization procedure: http://www.dlib .si/stream/URN: … e43a017f4cf/PDF

Well, venous leakage got popular here.

I have a venous leakage, had a surgery, the coil was misplaced like in Yatanghan50’s first surgery and I need another surgery.

I can get my glans to fill just when I press on my shaft and preventing blood from going away, when I release the pressure I can feel the blood going back through the vein and my head deflates Immediately.

I get the best erections when sitting, my head inflates a bit more then usuall and my shaft is stronger, but my head can inflate much more when I press on the shaft.

Most of my erections are CC erections, the CS almost never inflates (it does when I hold a kegel and then it deflates when I release, if I use a cock ring I get a much better erection, by about 30% better).

Here is my thread from 2009 - I have a venous leak, I’m going to have it fixed by an interventional radiologist. it’s been almost 3 years now and it’s time for another procedure, I must fix it.

I’ve started reading this thread, jumped to the end to see if there are new solutions, have anyone else tried that procedure? - DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid
It sounds like he found a solution, I haven’t read all thread yet (I’m on the second page), can some one summarize? (I will read it all but I must know why no one is trying it, I thought I found a cure :( )


Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Thankyou CG. You’ve been immensely useful.

I just went to the thread you got that steinkill quote from, going to read through it. From what I can tell, it appears that this issue IS IN FACT VENOUS LEAKAGE albeit comparatively minor to some of the horror storys I’ve seen in the past. That’s quite clear to me now, and pressing down on the dorsal vein while erect does seem to prevent the glans from deflating.

So I guess it’s good to have a diagnosis, but it’s a slightly depressing one. I wonder if PE actually has any effect on venous leakage.

QsQ talks about ‘interventionalist urologists’. I’ll have to look into that.

I’m too young for this shit :(

I’ve meant interventional radiologists and not urologist (the urologist told me I had nothing and that it’s all in my head.. He was dam wrong), the radiologist on the other hand saw the problem immediately, he knew what needs to be done in order to fix it, I’ve also contacted the interventional radiologist who treated Yatanghan50 by mail, he explained the procedure, I haven’t had time for a second operation because I joined the army. (Yatanghan50 also had 2 procedures).

But it seems like I can avoid the surgery and that there is a cure (or I’m wrong?) still going deep into this thread.

Conquering my goals.


I tried the DMSO method 2 weeks and it did not work for me, but I have to add that I don’t suffer from a firm flaccid.

Going through some of you older posts I’ve found an interesting link (http://www.vnus .com/company-in … o/newsroom.aspx ) about an expert in venous leakage. This Closure™ Procedure got improved and is now 98% effective with zero recovery time according to a Ocotober/November 2011 news-article on the site. http://www.vnus … cle/chuckdr.pdf

I also suffer from a soft glans. I think it was brought on or made worse to the point of vein very noticeable, by doing erect squeezes.

I also have a bulging superficial vein. This thread has given me lots of hope. I’d love to have this bastard vein tied off..
I’m on another forum (PEGYM) as Dr Pepper, where I made a thread about this issue.

I think that there is a vein leading to my SDV that was enlarged through PE, so an asymptomatic problem became symptomatic. Whatever the issue, my glans loses blood quickly.

I also have a pretty tight circumcision.. Good amount of turkey neck, not much penile skin. Stats are 6.2 BPEL x 4.6 MEG.

I wonder, should I see a urologist, or arm myself with photos such as those of yataghan50 and seek out an interventional radiologist?

Originally Posted by Candy Man
I also suffer from a soft glans. I think it was brought on or made worse to the point of vein very noticeable, by doing erect squeezes.

I also have a bulging superficial vein. This thread has given me lots of hope. I’d love to have this bastard vein tied off..
I’m on another forum (PEGYM) as Dr Pepper, where I made a thread about this issue.

I think that there is a vein leading to my SDV that was enlarged through PE, so an asymptomatic problem became symptomatic. Whatever the issue, my glans loses blood quickly.

I also have a pretty tight circumcision.. Good amount of turkey neck, not much penile skin. Stats are 6.2 BPEL x 4.6 MEG.

I wonder, should I see a urologist, or arm myself with photos such as those of yataghan50 and seek out an interventional radiologist?

Hey man!! Looks like my vein pattern.. Take a look at my pics profile @ pegym.. Mystic wolf there.. Let me know if your vein looks like mine .. I overdid with squeezes too.

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

Originally Posted by burnout

I tried the DMSO method 2 weeks and it did not work for me, but I have to add that I don’t suffer from a firm flaccid.

Going through some of you older posts I’ve found an interesting link (http://www.vnus .com/company-in … o/newsroom.aspx ) about an expert in venous leakage. This Closure™ Procedure got improved and is now 98% effective with zero recovery time according to a Ocotober/November 2011 news-article on the site. http://www.vnus … cle/chuckdr.pdf

How did you get your venous leakage? Have you used Iodine too? Which DMSO where you using and how?


Conquering my goals.


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