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Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Originally Posted by lukatov
This might be of help to a lot of people in this thread:

Http://www.scie … 7/medicalc.aspx

Can I strongly recommend everyone with this problem read this article. I’ve talked about the Pudendal nerve, and tension over and around the perineal area before. This article is well written and may well help point you in the right direction.

Thanks for linking it lukatov.

(If anyone does not understand terminology or methodology from the article, feel free to post here or PM me and I will explain it.)

Originally Posted by firegoat
Can I strongly recommend everyone with this problem read this article. I’ve talked about the Pudendal nerve, and tension over and around the perineal area before. This article is well written and may well help point you in the right direction.

Thanks for linking it lukatov.

(If anyone does not understand terminology or methodology from the article, feel free to post here or PM me and I will explain it.)

Massage/Massage has helped me. After a couple of months of regular massage in the pelvic area I can now use a fleshlight and within 5 minutes have an orgasm. Something I was never able to do originally. I also wake up with morning wood every day and sometimes at night I’m woken by it.

And that’s a great website that was linked in luk’s post.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Last edited by Tossed Salad : 05-08-2011 at .

I am going to start massaging the pelvic floor region :)

Something I noticed in the article was that the pudendal nerve is linked to the hamstring. When standing the hamstrings are activated and I have found this activation usually also results in tension in the pelvic floor region and, yes, a firm flaccid.

I’m glad you started awareness of this “new condition”, but unfortunately you can’t take all the credit. After a two minute search on wiki and a couple of phone calls to family members in the medical community, 9 out of 10 say its just a common symptom of priapism. Although, good news is that in this case it’s manageable if not reversible.

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider

I’m glad you started awareness of this “new condition”, but unfortunately you can’t take all the credit. After a two minute search on wiki and a couple of phone calls to family members in the medical community, 9 out of 10 say its just a common symptom of priapism. Although, good news is that in this case it’s manageable if not reversible.

I’m not sure what you’re refering to. What exactly is ‘manageable if not reversible’? How is it managed and/or reversed?

I have hard flaccid and pain when getting erections now. It’s a sharp pain in the head, but I can still get and maintain erections easily. The sharp pain goes away after 2 or 3 kegels.

I have started massaging the area you guys are talking about, and my hard flaccid has gotten better, but still no change when it comes to pain.

What should I do? This is really bringing me down :(

Originally Posted by reeyo
I have hard flaccid and pain when getting erections now. It’s a sharp pain in the head, but I can still get and maintain erections easily. The sharp pain goes away after 2 or 3 kegels.
I have started massaging the area you guys are talking about, and my hard flaccid has gotten better, but still no change when it comes to pain.
What should I do? This is really bringing me down :(


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Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Sometime last year after a period of “overtraining” I experienced under-inflated glans. Laying off PE for months there was some improvement, but not as good as before. Since then I’ve only pumped, on and off. Seems my night and morning erections totally increase when I do NO PE. I guess if I go by my PI’s I should do no PE at all. Anyway, the other day I woke up with a solid morning erection and the glans were completely full, and stayed that way for quite some time until I finally went to take a piss. I’ve not been able to reproduce this with regular erections (not nocturnal). Anyway, leaving things completely alone for a LONG time seemed to show some improvement in the condition. I think my strategy is go to back to using an extender, with some light pumping and very carefully monitoring PIs.

Did 12ml Ellanse (4 year version) in 2018 for 0.6" girth, have not lost any to date.

Light clamping with edging is helping me. I think this is the only form of PE that has worked for me in a long while. I use Velcro ties (hate cable clamps!), and I use IR heat lamp or Thermotex electric heating wrap for heat. I do 20 min of edging in the morning, 2 days on and 1 day off. Sometimes use tiny doses of Viagra when I am tired or overtrained, and also take 500-1000 mg of L-Tyrosine if I want to temporary increase sensitivity. This has been my workout for the last month.

My whole penis gets bigger and fuller. I didn’t tell my g/f yet, she chalks the tighter feeling to her being tight and keeps commenting about it. I get frequent nighttime and morning erections now, and also some sexy dreams! Loving it.

I’ve done some reading off-site from other people with these problems. What’s become clear is a lot of people seem to be finding their problems are caused by pelvic-floor tension issues, which are treatable. The site has one guy who says after just a few sessions of bikram yoga (yoga in a very hot room) he’s noticed significant improvement with firm flaccid and glans and CS expansion. http://forum.ha … ted-frequently-

The owner of the site has also made several comments about internal and external trigger-point therapy as an effective treatment for this problem. To me, trigger point and bikram yoga and really doing the same thing, that is, causing relaxing of and return to normality for the pelvic floor region, which is intimately linked with how blood flows into the penis.

In the medhelp site, there is an interesting thread which has been going on. Just below this post:

Continuation of ‘Penis hard when flaccid’ thread… - Men’s Health - MedHelp

… is another post, by ‘buddy9’, which talks about the use of a combination of magnesium supplementation with topically applied magnesium oil. Buddy9 says he noticed a significant change within a week and after 4 months says he’s ‘cured’. Basically a Mg deficiency can lead to low-level chronic inflammation of various areas in the body, and Buddy9 is suggesting this is what’s happening here, where the inflammation results in chronic tension…That’s certainly what feels like is happening to me.

Again, ultimately, to me it seems like a trigger-point therapy, bikram yoga (stretching/relaxing), massage, heating, or magnesium supplementation are all achieving a similar goal, and there are reports of all of these methods having success.

I have some Mg-oil but never used it, and it itches like crazy and I’ve found you can really wear clothes until a shower has been had, so its difficult to use, but I’ll try to use it again. Also going to check out a local bikram yoga class I think.

Hi all,
Long time lurker 1st time poster.
Firstly I would like to say I have found this forum very helpful and appreciate the information I have come across.

I have suffered from deflated and numb glans my situation is complicated so I won’t go into it in this post.

But I thought I would mention I have found a cure for my deflated glans, and it correlates to a pub med article I have come across in the past about testosterone replacement treating venous leakage.

Since starting Testosterone injections it has greatly improved my deflated glans although they are still numb somewhat it could just be a matter of time for sensation to return.

My glans would deflate without holding down at the base of my penis, if I did not do this my penis would remain firm yet the glans would be almost completely flaccid.

Now with testosterone 100mg injections each week I get rock hard erections with no glans deflation.

Also I was having trouble finding information on pelvic floor trigger point therapy until I came across this video on youtube explaining it.

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Originally Posted by Tweaking
Sounds like more of a treatment than a cure, interesting though, what about your CS?

Maybe, we can look at it as a cure, as I think the ones who have this problem should check their hormone levels(testosterone,thyroid,etc) and see if there’s anything wrong in this direction.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

On the medpost site I posted above there’s a guy who yells at everyone about how simply this issue can be solved by re-balancing hormones. He goes on to say it’s a delicate procedure that will take many months to figure out and achieve but that he knows 3 friends who’ve succeeded in alleviating their firm flaccid by doing so.


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