The premature ejaculation is happening just because I’m insecure about my penis, I’m always thinking about the fact that I can’t get full-normal erections or able to increase my penis size, no matter what I’ll do. It’s depressing and it takes the fun out of sex (which have a huge impact on life), it can drive you crazy to feel incomplete or to know that you can’t repair it, if I had to choose between PE and a proper erection, I would definitely go with the normal erection, which would give me more size, and more important, it would give me a lot of lost confidence and happiness.
I know my penis would look bigger, healthier (Yes, Healthier) and I will be proud of having it if I will correct my deflated glans, it has a huge impact on my entire erection.
I will get back to PE very soon, mainly in order to improve my EQ.
I’m really afraid to find a therapist, start and end the treatment and fail to correct my issue, it will really be devastating for me.