Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Donut Effect

You guys can relax, the donut may be uncomfortable and look odd but it’s not going to hurt you.
I have had many uncomfortable donuts that wouldn’t even allow me to retract my foreskin to take a piss. A few remedies I have come across for this are edging it the donut isn’t too prominent, soaking your member in ice water for a minute at a time cycling warmth and cold, and wrapping your erection starting from behind the head (foreskin over the head) to mid or head down to base. Obviously you do not want to wrap too tightly or with anything sticky that can be painful pulling off, ace bandages or tennis rack tape work well for this and after which you will see some decrease in the donut but nothing significant.

I tend to think of the lymph build up as the inflammatory response in muscles. “Inflammation is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli and to initiate the healing process.”-Wiki. Although, inflammation is part of the body’s healing process this can come with a continuous pain and heat at more blood is rushed in inflating the injury like a balloon both damaging and attempting to heal the area at the same time.
As anyone who with a chronic sports injury can vouch cold therapy helps fight this and once swelling has subsided heat applied to the area helps recirculation and recovery. I have one theory I have been working on that the penis heals faster when the donut shape is gone and healing may be faster. So far I have been experimenting with heat and cold therapy for almost a month with positive results though I doubt many guys would go to those uncomfortable extremes for results. Let me know what you guys think.

is this what it looks like?… or is this worse?

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I’ve got the doughnut effect only once.That was when I was only about 2-3 weeks (I’m only 2 months old now) into jelging. I was happy because I felt what has happened to others has happened to me meaning I am doing the right thing.It disappeared the following day.I’m expecting it again on another day and I’m not scared.

Yesss I’m in the club now… I went all crazy with my bathmate… and when I came out of the tube I was like holy crap my schlong is huge… then it started shrinking…. except for the doughnut… I was like awww look my first doughnut… I’m a ‘PE’er’ now :) I think its a benign symptom.

The Kegel Nazi's Triumphant come back to PE. Re-Starting at BPEL: 7" and MSEG: 6"

Right so like, this is my third time doing PE. I started with this one newbie routine that was ok but then this other one that was: hot wrap 10 minutes,manuel stretch 5 minutes,BTC 2x5 minute sets,5x3 minute sets of v stretches,10 minutes of jelqing,10 minutes of hot wrap,20 minutes of jelqing,50 5 second kegals,5 minutes of horse stretches,5 minutes of jai stretching and 5 minute hot wrap. Pretty well rounded if you ask me. But by the time I got done the 20 minute jelq; my pipe looked like it was about to fall off from snake poisoning. I’ve gotten a donut before.Both times prior actually. But this one was scary looking. Is scary looking even more now that my erection went down and its huge! I’m 7” now and wanna get bigger obviously, but am I like being counter-productive or what? Please let me know.This website is awsome btw :)

Donut is temporary. It will go away. Faster if you massage it between two fingers. I don’t like getting them but it happens sometimes.

Sometimes I’m getting swelling lymph donat effect straight after clamping especially in area where clamp was paced. But it goes away in 5 hours. But I’m still working out the way to exclude reoccurrence of that swell. :-)

Originally Posted by jabajaba5

Sometimes I’m getting swelling lymph donat effect straight after clamping especially in area where clamp was paced. But it goes away in 5 hours. But I’m still working out the way to exclude reoccurrence of that swell. :-)

Shorten your sets.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Doughnut healing time and prevention

Been successfully using a manual air vacuum pump with gauge once in awhile. Just enough to maintain the 1 1/4” length progress for the past 15 years and never experienced a doughnut.

Will a doughnut reoccur often or every time the air vacuum pump cylinder is used? Also what is the suggested recovery time or suggested waiting time before attempting to use a vacuum pump again if ever? The doughnut happened easily after fixing a vacuum hose connector leak. An O ring on the male plastic quick connector previously lost vacuum fast. More pumps were required before the hose connector repair. After the leak was fixed the 2” cylinder filled completely full and faster than expected. Read instruction somewhere not to pump soft. Will the extra space of a 2 1/4” cylinder be a better or safer choice to prevent any future doughnuts? The lesson. Observe and reevaluate any technique after any repairs are made.

Last edited by Exposuremeter : 12-20-2019 at .

Originally Posted by Exposuremeter
Been successfully using a manual air vacuum pump with gauge once in awhile. Just enough to maintain the 1 1/4” length progress for the past 15 years and never experienced a doughnut.
Will a doughnut reoccur often or every time the air vacuum pump cylinder is used? Also what is the suggested recovery time or suggested waiting time before attempting to use a vacuum pump again if ever? The doughnut happened easily after fixing a vacuum hose connector leak. An O ring on the male plastic quick connector previously lost vacuum fast. More pumps were required before the hose connector repair. After the leak was fixed the 2” cylinder filled completely full and faster than expected. Read instruction somewhere not to pump soft. Will the extra space of a 2 1/4” cylinder be a better or safer choice to prevent any future doughnuts? The lesson. Observe and reevaluate any technique after any repairs are made.

I use my air pump twice daily for 30 mins at around 5 inHg vacuum pressure. If I try and go longer time (45min) or try and end my set at a higher pressure, say 10 inHg, I will occasionally get the dread donut. Also occasionally with the donut I’ll also get small fluid blisters on my glans- unsightly but that’s all. As I wear ss cock rings all day as an anti turtle device, the donut makes it more difficult to put them on.

Others can go longer time with no issues, each person is different and one may need to slowly over days add time to their pump routine.

My donut will go away in as little as a couple hours or certainly overnight. I’ve had a donut from the morning set that was gone by the evening set and which did not come back if I stayed in my target range.

I also pump soft as that’s about the only way for me with my ED.

A properly functioning air pump, hose and cylinder should have minimal to no pressure leaks. If you are having leaks you need to troubleshoot all the parts: o rings, tight connections, tight hoses and make sure the bleed valve is not sticking open slightly or being touched by anything. You also need to check the seal at your pelvis: lube up and keep pubes trimmed back and clothes, if any, out of the way. Minimize movement and propping up the cylinder also help maintain a good seal. I usually pump while in bed and prop up the cylinder with an extra pillow.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 12-20-2019 at .


I’ve practiced PE for 3 weeks, with a routine of 300 Jelqs, and 10 or 12 min of stretches, and today I tried to make 400 Jelqs and 15 min of stretches and I got a swelling on foreskin, I guess is in the frenulum.

I’m worried about that, please help me, and thanks for this awesome blog.

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I have not seen the pictures, but if you have fluid buildup during or soon after finishing your routine, you are using too much force. The fluid buildup will go away in as little as a few hours to a day. Stop your PE until it is gone.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.


Just wondering if this donuts effect is the skin right around/ below the head. Puffy, swollen


What donut? That looks pretty normal to me, so you are a tough judge. My donuts were much more pronounced bloating just below the head with puffy skin. But it all disappears in about a day or so.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


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