Dried out glans? Help!!!
Please feel free to move this thread to the health section.
Short background is that 2/3 weeks ago I had to stop pe altogether due to a sore spot on the underside of my shaft right in the middle. This was proceeded by me having 3 days off work with a stomach bug. Since then my sex drive has gone from very high to almost non existent.
I get indiscriminate hairs on my penis and some have decided to burrow. I absolutely hate having these solid buboe type bumps on my penis. I’m as insecure about them as I am my size. I have a ‘one-touch’ home electrolysis kit but while I’m sore I’m keeping clear. Anyhow, I’ve been avoiding all contact with my cock save the occasional wank or very brief stretch in the shower.
Now here is where it got weird. Last night I decided to crack one out just to keep the fella active. After a couple of minutes I peered down to see my glans reflecting light like some sort of crystal. On closer inspection it had become like a dried up husk. It’s like the skin is all cracked and when I touched my glans it felt like I had a dead layer of skin over it. When I tried kegelling the head filled up like normal and it felt normal. The moment it deflated the glans shrunk (to what appeared to be smaller than usual) and felt like a scab or even sunburnt skin maybe.
Naturally I’m worried enough to consider medical attention but maybe I’m being dramatic. It could be that this is a normal pe process and like a snake I am shedding my old penis to make room for a destructive, angry anaconda cock. Maybe I’ve just been keeping it too clean and washed away all traces of smegma leaving my glans dehydrated? Any advice would be great guys as I’m rather concerned right now. I’m almost tempted to cake it in Vaseline for a few hours but worried this could exacerbate the issue.
Last edited by Lampwick : 11-24-2010 at . Reason: Added paragraph breaks