Ok, another observation:
On the lower dosage (glutamine acid, 1g distributed over the day) I’m finally getting the thing I wanted to get originally.. The promotion of good sleep..
Just slept 12 hours in a row and I’m not even feeling groggy (I usually do that when I’m sleeping more than 9-10 hours in a row).
about the fat burning effect:
I found out that wanking without ejaculating ;) really increases the general testosterone level (nothing new here). The funny thing is last time I didn’t ejaculate for 3 days in a row I was getting the feeling that “I _NEED_ TO DO SOMETHING PHYSICALLY.. BADLY!!”.. I didn’t rationally give in to it, but I still did things in a way that stresses muscles, etc. more.. I lost about one pound over the course of allinall 4 days where I didn’t change my eating habits (well I usually drink lots of pure water.. So the lost weight is not the dehydration part).
I felt this was caused by the changed hormone level in my body.
Doesn’t have to be the cause of course.. I didn’t really check this scientifically (but I will as soon as I feel I’m not having this cold anymore ;) ).
Well IMO glutamine acid (and the resulting hormones) did make me a bit calmer.. But it’s fucking up the stuff I do not concentrate fully on (eg. doing arithmetics while writing a post, “losing” a word in mid-speech, etc.).
Maybe this is just the effect of normalizing the hormone and neurotransmitter levels in my brain.. I always figured I have a quite feminine brain so this could be part of my personal equation. ;)
Go ahead and start off slowly (more glutamine acid in the morning, none in the evening) and you won’t experience the grogginess that is caused by it, but only the good effects. :)
edit: BTW glutamine acid is one of the prerequisites for GABA, as it is for HGH in general (and lots of more stuff that I won’t bother going into here now). Increases HGH production can trigger using up the fat pads anywhere in your body when you do physical exercises and not enough nutrition is there for building up / strengthening the affected muscles.
Doing cardio exercises would be the best way to go for losing weight though :)