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Holy Grail of Cum Load Increase

Originally Posted by sippalnomah
Even with 1 capsule of 750mg I felt that weird feeling. Tried 3,4 times with the same result. I can’t use it.

I want to try to use 2 grams of arginine and 2 grams of lysine before bedtime, on an empty stomach.

Originally Posted by Throwitnow
I don’t really have any ropes and my cum is usually more watery/more translucent. Only if I save up a few days it gets a bit more ropey, but far from the cumshots you’re seeing online.

Did anyone have any success in going from watery cum to actual thick ropes?

Despite the fact that I consume 15 grams of sunflower lecithin per day (this is about the same as 10 grams of soya lecithin because sunflower is absorbed worse), my sperm is quite liquid.

This is probably due to the fact that I drink more than a liter of water per day.

Originally Posted by Rumor22
First of all, Congrats for starting a discussion thread that has sustained for 10 years.

I am starting my stack this weekend and I’m looking forward to experimenting for the optimal results my body can achieve.

Congratulations to you too! When I came to this forum, it was on page 160, and I forced myself to read them all!

I hope everyone can find their own way to increase cum count!

I read a lot of your answers, new member here, some of the info here is on a Montreal car forum (off-topic) haha!!

So I was wondering I just received the pygeum 500mg pills yesterday, I took one this Morning and I’m planning to take only one per day since it’s 500mg concentration.
Anybody else takes 500mg or 100mg is the thing to take?
Suppose to receive my Sunflower lecithin soon, I’ll try this cocktail. I just want to try the “more cum” thing, Don’t want to increase my size/girth.

Other question, this shouldn’t be done on a continuous rhythm no? Like I take the cocktail for 4 weeks, I stop one Week at least, or 2?

Originally Posted by Alb Einstein
Congratulations to you too! When I came to this forum, it was on page 160, and I forced myself to read them all!

I hope everyone can find their own way to increase cum count!

It’s been a week since I started my ‘stack’. My cum is clearer and a bit more plentiful.

Originally Posted by Alb Einstein
Despite the fact that I consume 15 grams of sunflower lecithin per day (this is about the same as 10 grams of soy lecithin because sunflower is absorbed worse), my sperm is quite liquid.

This is probably due to the fact that I drink more than a liter of water per day.

Liquid but still white? Mine often is just transluscent unless I really save up a few days. It kind of worries me that I might be infertile.

How are you taking 15g sunflower lecithin/day? Capsules or other way? Because that would be 11 capsules

Originally Posted by Throwitnow
Liquid but still white? Mine often is just transluscent unless I really save up a few days. It kind of worries me that I might be infertile.

How are you taking 15g sunflower lecithin/day? Capsules or other way? Because that would be 11 capsules

Liquid sunflower lecithin, stir a large spoon with porridge. More precisely, I eat from a spoon, scooping up some porridge.

Hi everyone, I read the first few pages but they are really many … in the end there was an evolution of the holy grail or something even better?

I keep seeing mixed research on the interwebz inlcluding on this thread about how pygeum can lower dht and testosterone.

Is this something we should exclude from the holy grail stack?


I never had a problem with it. Now I have been off everything for a while now trying to get back to nothing in my system again. So everything I take hits me within a week. So I started taking damiana again. After 1 week my sack feels huge. My loads are more watery and feels great to cum. So I stopped that for a week. Sack went back to original size. I started soy lecithin again. My sack feels full but it’s not close to being the size as when I’m taking damiana. My cum is thick and white. Ropes are many and it feels like there is volume to my cum when I cum. When I kegel with reverse kegels white thick cum comes out flowing from my cock. Without lecithin it’s clear and thinned ( watery). When I take lecithin and damiana at the same time it’s like they cancel each other out. My sac looks and feels huge but my cum is clear and watery for the most part. On a side note.. when I’m on my regular stack I definitely have a porn and sex addiction.

I’m on day 2 of 1200mg sunflower lecithin. I’m not going to bother with l-arginine, I’ve taken it in the past as a work out supplement (5g per day) and never noticed anything positive outside of the gym. I may dabble in maca, yohimbe, and some other root stuff I’ve read about.

Will check back with results.

I just wanted to come here to say, I tried this just as it was described in the beginning of this thread:

(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg

(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg

(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg

(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg

And I can confirm, it was AMAZING! I didn’t tell my wife I was doing it, but she was blown away. I already had pretty big loads, but when I came on her stomach after 4 or 5 days of this stack, it would have seriously filled a shot glass. My ejaculate is so voluminous now that it borderline grosses her out.

Originally Posted by ApexPython
I just wanted to come here to say, I tried this just as it was described in the beginning of this thread:
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg
And I can confirm, it was AMAZING! I didn’t tell my wife I was doing it, but she was blown away. I already had pretty big loads, but when I came on her stomach after 4 or 5 days of this stack, it would have seriously filled a shot glass. My ejaculate is so voluminous now that it borderline grosses her out.

Haha fun to read!

Do you take that every day non-stop or you to like 5 days /2days off?

I do take :
1) Pygeum 500mg strength- 1 day
2) Zinc : 50mg strength - 1 day
3) Maca : not sure about the strength - 1 day
4) Soy lecithin 1200mg strength - 1 day
5) Young blood Eurycoma 8% - 1 day

Not sure about the quantity (since I Always come Inside her, trying baby #2) but orgasms feel better

Might stop Sunflower lecithin, I read that it awake the herpes virus, I have it but didn’t have any outbreak since 18 months and since I started that mix, 2 outbreaks in 3 weeks so….

I’m almost a week in with the lecithin. It has definitely increased my pre cum, a lot. My orgasms feel better and my EQ is much higher than normal. I was actually able to take an EG measurement without going soft for once.

The volume didn’t seem higher, but the consistency was much thinner which made it shoot out rather than just pour over the sides.

Overall nothing to get too excited about. I started taking a 3rd 1200mg before bed 2 days ago. I hope to achieve the ropes like others have.

but take them all in a row in the morning or at intervals from one another?


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