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ED and PEing


ED and PEing

I was hoping for some input from some experienced guys here. So I suffer from mild ED. A little levitra and I’m good. My question is, after a PE session, those men that DON’T and DO have issues with ED, can you get it up as if you were ready to go with a woman? I can keep about a 60% erection, but can’t get full wood. I tried working to an erection afterwards watching some porn but still couldn’t get full wood.

I had a viagra 50mg, so I took it, but still can’t get 100%. Maybe I’m working it too much for being new the PEing. I’m basically doing the newbie routine.

I would have started this in the men’s sexual health forum, but I don’t have enough posts to be able to start a thread there. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Can’t answer as to PE specifically since I’m just starting out, and I don’t have ED but I will tell you what works..

Completely stop all porn and masturbation, if anything edge (where you don’t finish)
Get some natural supps of amazon.tribulous, maca, and ZMA pills. These are cheap and very naturally effective.

Drink a lot of water

Kegel all day everyday.this exercises your PC muscle and keeps your member always flowing with blood.

These alone will solve any ED issues you have. Some with more PE experience will also tell you how that can help even more.

I agree with not watching porn, it desensitizes the brain, but no masturbation? A person would go insane if he swore an oath of celibacy.

As for the supplements, I think I’ll pass on them, they all have the potential to alter a man’s hormones, possibly for the worse.

I’ve been trying to kegel throughout the day. This is an easy thing to do when I’m at my desk etc.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Supplements: A safe erection-strength supplement that does not effect the hormones is L-arginine alpha ketoglutarate (AAKG)

This is a naturally occurring amino acid. It works to increase blood flow and is also a precursor to Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is one of the things that is responsible for erections. Both my wife and I take it, and we are super cautious with supps so we checked it out with our doctors before using it.

A nice side effect for me is that it about doubles the volume of my ejaculate. More ejaculate = more orgasmic contractions to get all that out. Which equals better long lasting orgasms.

If you want to know more, I will tell you more.

Kegels - I have a book by an endocrinologist called The Testosterone Syndrome. Among other things it is a book about "male menopause" Author is Dr. Eugene Shippen. He has a specific kegel routine designed for erection support.

His advice is 20 to 30 ten to fifteen second kegels every day. He suggests more is overkill.

This has been working well for me — I seem to be getting more out of the longer contractions. You get pretty strong holding that contraction for 15 seconds! I had to work up to that.

PE - I would recommend that you stay away from aggressive PE. Do your newbie routine, keep your jelq grip about the same as your masturbation grip.

My EQ is much better if I am on a pumping routine, so you may want to consider adding pumping to your PE once you have completed your newbie period. The thunders approach to pumping is gentle and low-pressure. This can lead to both gains and erection health.

My pumping routine looks something like this - 3 sets of 10 minutes, at 2.5 to 3.0 hg of pressure. Every other day, with time off here and there. When I am doing that, my erections are stronger.

Avocet8 has written a great article on pumping and ED here:

Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8

Porn - I’m on a porn-detox now, this is week 4. However I am not as much of a fundamentalist as some people are. I’ve cut back on masturbation because I am only jerking off when I really get antsy. (rather than say bored) Some of the fundamentalists also say no orgasm or no real sex either during the "reboot" period. HA HA, life is too short for that. But to each his own. I am making great progress with the detox, libido up, quicker to get hard etc.

Last edited by sta-kool : 03-06-2012 at .

Thanks for the info sta-kool.

Yes I know of Dr. Shippen. He’s about 45 minutes from where I live. A pioneer in men’s hormones. I’ll take your advice on kegeling.

I’ll give the AAKG a try. I’ve heard of it but never really researched it. Being into weight training, I know a lot of guys use it as a supplement. It increases ejaculate too, cool!

My grip is a little too tight when jelqing. I have to be very conscious of this going on. Perhaps 20 minutes of jelqing is too much as well. I’ll keep it at 20 minutes for a month and re-evaluate.

As for the no porn, it’s tough to quit, but I’ll give it a try.

Again, thanks for your input.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Don’t overlook the link on Vacuum pumping for ED, great article.

Good post Sta!

I’ll absolutely look at this. Thanks!

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

I just did a quick search for pumps. There seems to be a wide price range. Are they all about the same or is it worth it to pay $100+ ?

I’ll start researching now and buy one in 3 months after I get done the newbie routine.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30


Could you elaborate on your AAKG supplementation?

My doctor had me taking 5gm of arginine 2x/day. I didn’t see any benefit in continuing with this. I just read an article stating that for arginine to be effective, it needs to be Alpha-Ketoglutarate. There’s a lot more reading I need to do, but I agree with you that this is unlikely to have any effects on a man’s hormones.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30


From research I have done, I have learned that the body utilizes AAKG more efficiently than L-Arginine.

Like you I was supplementing with L-Arginine. Thunder’s member kingpole recommended that I switch to AAKG. I could tell the difference with in about a week.

I take about 9 or 10g a day. Half in the morning, half in the evening. You would probably want to start with 5g and see how you tolerate it. I don’t think you will have any problem, as those guys who have mild gastric distress with it also have mild gastric distress with L-arginine.

Here are the two vendors I order AAKG powder from, high quality and pretty inexpensive compared to the capsule form:

Vitacost AAKG 3000 L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate Powder 500g $25.99
Herbs & Botanicals - Body Systems, Organs & Glands - Liver Health - Milk Thistle - Vitacost

Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate - AAKG 2:1 Powder (100 Grams) $5.39 per 100g if you order 5-9
http://www.true … -100-grams.aspx

Both come in a plastic canister. Depends on the other stuff I am getting as to which vendor I use.* I mix the powder either with water or sugar-free kool-aid. (Don’t mix with juice or sugared drinks, that kills the effectiveness.

You live near Dr. Shippen’s practice? Excellent! He would be the guy to see if you ever run into problems with your hormone profile. I am a hormone replacement patient, and my urologist and I started an experiment with one of Dr. Shippen’s protocols in late November. I feel the best I have ever felt since my testicles failed, I am back to the old me.

* I too am a weight lifter, and I order my protein supplements from TrueNutrition. I’ve been working online with a body building contest prep type guy, and he told me to get off Whey completely and use this instead.

Lean Beef Aminos – Next Gen LBA’s (32oz)
http://www.true … -lbas-32oz.aspx

It works out to about the same cost I was paying for my whey protein and BCAA supplements. I take 6 tablespoons twice a day. It seems to have made a significant difference in terms of building muscle, and I don’t get any of the bloating I got with whey. However that’s a whole other thread I guess.

Last edited by sta-kool : 03-06-2012 at .

Originally Posted by bowie knife
I just did a quick search for pumps. There seems to be a wide price range. Are they all about the same or is it worth it to pay $100+ ?

No, they aren’t all the same - you will want a pump with a pressure gage and a good quality cylinder.

Here’s the set up I recommend if you don’t mind getting stuff from different vendors:

Excellent high quality brass pump with gauge - can be used for water pumping as well as "air pumping."
Do-it-yourself Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit saves you money $29.99
Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

Boston Pump Standard Design Cylinder $55.00

You will need to get the coupler that you use to connect the hose to the tube running from the pump from McMaster-Carr. gprent posted the part number somewhere, I need to dig that out.

Will come back and edit that in as well as some more info and recs

Thanks sta-kool,

I ordered some of the vitacost through amazon. It will be interesting to see the difference AAKG is over straight arginine.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Originally Posted by sta-kool
No, they aren’t all the same - you will want a pump with a pressure gage and a good quality cylinder.

Here’s the set up I recommend if you don’t mind getting stuff from different vendors:

Excellent high quality brass pump with gauge - can be used for water pumping as well as "air pumping."
Do-it-yourself Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit saves you money $29.99
Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

Boston Pump Standard Design Cylinder $55.00

You will need to get the coupler that you use to connect the hose to the tube running from the pump from McMaster-Carr. Gprent posted the part number somewhere, I need to dig that out.

Will come back and edit that in as well as some more info and recs

LOL! You guys got all the bases covered. I’m starting to love this website. I’ll pick all this stuff up too.

I let my wife in on my secret of jelqing etc. She’s kind of into it, but I think she’ll look at me kind of weird if I show her me pumping my cock.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Here you go:

gprent - Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

Originally Posted by gprent
OK, here is a list of stuff you can get from McMaster-Carr.

Quick disconnect male fitting PN: 5012k251 $1.42
Clear plastic tubing PN: 53955k14 @ $0.55/ft

Now the one thing to check is shipping costs. because those have gone up since I built my system.

Then you might be better off just getting a set-up from one vendor, like bostonpump or | LA Pump

Also best to get the Harbor Brake Bleeder Pump from their brick and mortar store - faster to get, may be on sale down from the web price. They seem to have stores pretty much everywhere in the country.

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